Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 510: buy a house 3

In fact, what Chen Xiasong said is also very reasonable. Chen Mingying is from other counties and is not a native of this county, so this house is a family building allocated by the factory, not a house bought by his old Chen family.

As for the houses that everyone in the Chen family lives in now, except for Wei Chenxi's house, which was bought by her parents before she got married, the rest are all allocated by the unit.

So Chen Xiasong said that he wanted to buy a house of his own, but Chen Mingying thought it was pretty good. If nothing else, the income of the family has been good in the past few years. The money saved can't be bought, but the smaller one can still be bought.

Chen Mingying didn't plan to buy a big house and continue to live together with his family. He knew very well that there were more people living together and there were many conflicts.

It doesn't matter how good the relationship is when we get along with each other. If we live under the same roof for a short period of time, it's fine. Over time, various conflicts will emerge.

Everyone's living habits are different, and there will definitely be conflicts between people living together. Chen Mingying is very clear. For example, in the food factory alone, there are many people who live together and have various conflicts. Chen Mingying has seen a lot of them.

If you buy a house, you can buy it individually. If the three sons want to buy a house, they can buy it. Only those who have a house and property can feel at ease.

"My family doesn't need to buy it anymore. Chenxi's house is quite big." Chen Xiahua said with a smile, "Now Chenxi and I have no needs. The house is enough. If you want to buy a house, you can buy it for the eldest brother and the second brother."

Chen Xiahua really thought that the two brothers could buy a house first. The house his father-in-law and mother-in-law bought for his lover was a one-yard house, just like a farmhouse courtyard with three or four rooms.

Their husband and wife have no children now, and even if they have children in the future, they will be able to live there. They don't need to buy a house so early.

Chen Xiahua doesn't think it's shameful to live in a house under his lover's name now, so he naturally thinks that if the eldest brother and the second brother want to buy a house, he should buy it first, he doesn't need it.

"Buying a house is also very good. Our county is really developing better and better. When our county develops better in the future, the house price will be more expensive. Buying a house now can be regarded as an investment when the price of the house rises in the future. That's it." Wei Chenxi said.

She and Chen Xiahua have the same opinion. If Chen Xiasong and Chen Xiabai buy a house, they have no problem. If the money is not enough, the husband and wife can borrow a little bit. They don't mind at all that the brothers buy the house before the younger brother Chen Xiabai.

"If that's the case, why not buy a large piece of land on the outskirts of the county, and then we find someone to build a house ourselves?" Chen Xiayue suggested.

"When the time comes, I will build the house of the eldest brother and the second brother's house first. After building these two houses, if there is still money, I will build my parents' house. If the money is spent, it will be separated. After I earn enough money, I will build the third brother's house. also."

"Anyway, I bought the land. I can plant something or do something when it is empty. It belongs to our family anyway. If you want to build a house in the future, you can build it. If the price of the homestead also rises in the future, you can buy it again. It's a loss." Chen Xiayue said seriously.

"And I also want to buy a piece of land and build a house. If I can open up the market for business in the future, I plan to open a small shop or something, which is very convenient. If I don't buy my own house, I want to When you open a store, the facade will be more difficult to find." Chen Xiayue said.

"Open a shop? What kind of shop?" Li Guifen looked at her daughter suspiciously, and then her face changed greatly, "What nonsense are you talking about? What kind of speculative things are you doing when you have a good life?"

"What's the point of opening a shop? Do you know that you are going to go to jail for speculation?" Li Guifen was nervous and sternly reprimanded her daughter.

"Okay, okay, I'm just talking about it. If the above policy doesn't mention it, of course I won't let a good life go and do this kind of thing." Chen Xiayue comforted her mother.

She is not stupid to challenge the impossible. Even if she opens a store, she will definitely have to wait for the opening policy above before opening a store, but not now.

"Let's take a look at the house first. If there is no suitable house, tell the boss to buy a piece of land on the outskirts of the county, and we will find someone to build the house ourselves." Chen Mingying said.

Of course, it is impossible for Chen Xiayue to come forward to look for a house or buy land. She just asked her eldest brother and second buddies to help her take a look. When they buy a house or land, they will buy it for her by the way.

Chen Xiayue left 500 yuan to her parents and went home with Nuan Nuan after staying at her parents' house for three days. At this moment, Zhang Chengchuan almost returned from the army.

Chen Xiayue wanted to buy a house here, and Zhang Chengchuan over there also applied for a place to build his research base after the helicopter was released this time.

Zhang Chengchuan likes research very much, but he doesn't like the life of those research institutes that keep their whereabouts very strictly secret, so he plans to build a research base by himself.

At that time, he surrounded the entire research base with thorn trees, and protected the entire research base with an energy shield. He didn't believe that there was any danger in his own research base.

"You actually applied for it? So where is the research base you applied for?" Chen Xiayue was very curious. After all, although there is not a lot of land here, it is not a sparsely populated area, so Where is my husband going to build a research base?

The research base must need a lot of land, right? From the Yunhe Brigade to the town and to the county seat, there are villages in the better places, and there are villages and farmlands, so where does Zhang Chengchuan plan to build a research base?

"Of course I have observed the terrain. I have lived here for more than 20 years and almost 30 years, and I am very familiar with such a place." Zhang Chengchuan rubbed his daughter-in-law's hair and said, "I plan to study The base was built near Pingli Valley."

Pingli Valley is in the middle of the road from Yunhe Brigade to Yunhe Seventh Team, but it is actually not very close to the road. Pingli Valley is also a place full of trees and the terrain is not good enough to grow food. There are no people living here and no cultivated fields. It is considered a wilderness.

Chen Xiayue didn't know, she had never been to Yunhe Seventh Team or Pingli Valley. After being married for so many years, she would occasionally go to the mountains near the Yunhe Brigade, but she would never go very far.

Chen Xiayue really didn't know what kind of place Pingli Valley was.

Zhang Chengchuan also knew that his daughter-in-law didn't know what kind of place Pingli Valley was, so he called up the map from the farm system, and then gave Chen Xiayue a closer look at what kind of place Pingli Valley was.

Pingli Valley is probably similar to a big valley, but it is very different from the mountains and mountains, and the surrounding areas of the valley are not very steep.

If Zhang Chengchuan chooses to build a research base here, he will indeed not occupy arable land or occupy the place where others live, but there are other problems.

"If you want to build a research base here, how should these building materials such as bricks, tiles, steel bars be transported in?" Chen Xiayue was really curious.

After all, the road from Yunhe Brigade to Pingli Valley is really small, the kind that can't be ridden by bicycles.

"This, I'll talk about it later." Zhang Chengchuan didn't care, anyway, now that he has finally applied for the construction of the research base, other difficulties are not difficult in his opinion.

Chen Xiayue didn't care after thinking about it. Zhang Chengchuan was also the deputy farmer of the farm system and her husband. He would never be troubled by such difficulties. After all, the farm is connected to several planes. It is easy to get building materials, and it is also easy to transport them in.

As for the rest, Chen Xiayue is too lazy to care, just wait for Zhang Chengchuan to build the research base.

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