Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 511: Excavator 1


When Zhang Chengchuan and Chen Xiayue were talking, Nuan Nuan, who went out to play with his grandma, finally came back, and he was immediately excited when he saw his father who had not seen him for a long time.

"Dad—" Nuan Nuan ran towards Zhang Chengchuan excitedly. He was also very happy when he saw his daughter. He squatted down and opened his hands to embrace the precious daughter who was running towards him. The faces of the father and daughter were exactly the same. smile.

"Dad -" Nuan Nuan was so happy after hugging Zhang Chengchuan, she couldn't help kissing him on the face, smiling brightly and sweetly.

"Hey, Dad's baby Nuan Nuan, Dad misses you so much." Zhang Chengchuan hugged Nuan Nuan and kissed her on the face.

"I miss you." Nuan Nuan also followed, and then the father and daughter rubbed their faces in a particularly happy way, which made Chen Xiayue helpless.

This time Zhang Chengchuan has been away for more than half a month, and Nuan Nuan has not seen her father for so long, and still sticks to him very much. Are children so clinging to their fathers?

In a previous life of Chen Xiayue, a childhood friend complained to her that after she got married, she lived in her hometown. Her husband went out to work and only had two or three days of vacation each month.

Later, after she gave birth, it was the same. The other party only had two or three days a month to go home, and sometimes he would not go home. However, even so, her son was very happy every time her husband came home, and was very attached to his father.

Chen Xiayue is also helpless when she thinks of it, why are children so clinging to their father? My family is Nuan Nuan because Zhang Chengchuan, the father, is often taken with him. The father and daughter have a good relationship, so even if they haven't seen each other for half a month, they still have a good relationship.

But why was her childhood friend in her previous life like that? She takes the child and feeds the child. When the child is sick, she also takes her to the doctor. Why is the child so close to the father who sees him once a month? Father-son nature?

Chen Xiayue didn't care so much after watching Zhang Chengchuan go out with Nuan Nuan in his arms. As for the construction of the research base, Zhang Chengchuan should deal with it himself.

It is Zhang Chengchuan's business to find someone to help build that. Chen Xiayue doesn't know much about these things. It can be said that she has done a good job in some aspects, but she is more difficult in terms of human relationships. It is absolutely a mess for her to do these things.

Zhang Chengchuan didn't expect his daughter-in-law to take care of those things, how to build it in Pingli Valley, how to build it, and who to ask to build these things. Zhang Chengchuan didn't bother Chen Xiayue, but found his cousins.

Several cousins ​​of Zhang Chengchuan's family have gone to work in the machinery factory in the county, but the ones left behind should be very good in terms of construction, so the construction of the research base this time intends to find them to practice their skills.

If his research base is built, then it should be good for his cousins ​​to build a construction team in the future.

Of course, Zhang Chengchuan called his relatives. Of course, the more construction workers, the better, so that the construction speed will be faster.

After playing with Nuan Nuan for a few days, Zhang Chengchuan started looking for someone to help him and began to transform the research base, and the Pingli Valley was also well organized.

Zhang Chengchuan took people to the Pingli Valley, and his cousins ​​and people from relatives all came. Fortunately, it is not yet the season of rice maturity, and everyone has not yet reached the busy farming season, so Zhang Chengchuan was able to find a lot of people.

This time, Zhang Chengchuan asked someone to help build the research base. He was paid 70 cents a day, 20 yuan a month.

If you eat, there are only two meals a day, which is already a very good treatment. You must know that the meal at noon is meat. Even if everyone is doing pretty well this year, it's not like there is always meat to eat.

Now the people who come to work are paid 70 cents a day, and there is meat to eat for a meal at noon, which makes countless people want to come here.

Originally, Zhang Chengchuan planned to pay one yuan a day and not include meals, but Chen Xiayue looked at the grains, vegetables, meat and eggs on the farm and felt that it was not bad to have two meals, and the salary was only 70 cents per day.

Of course, Chen Xiayue did not make the food for these workers. She gave it to Hu Xiaofang and Zhao Qiuju, and they also had wages, about 11 or 2 yuan a month. After all, they just cook and don't need to do the hard work like the others.

The educated youths who were still studying when they were busy working in Pingli Valley were very curious about what they were doing, but Pingli Valley was not too close to the Yunhe Brigade, and Zhang Chengchuan never thought of letting the educated youth go to work. Therefore, although the educated youth are very curious, they have little chance to understand what they are doing.

"We need a road to Pingli Valley from our brigade. I plan to get an excavator to open the road." Zhang Chengchuan thought for a while and said.

There are actually no steep cliffs on the road to Pingli Valley, so it should be easy for the excavator to open the road.

"After the road is opened, those building materials can be transported in better." Zhang Chengchuan said to Chen Xiayue.

"How to explain the existence of the excavator? You made it?" Chen Xiayue asked.

"Whatever, anyway, the things that appear on our side in the future will definitely attract more and more attention. Now is not the most serious time, and there is not much need to cover up." Zhang Chengchuan said with a heart.

Chen Xiayue narrowed her eyes and said, "If you want to take it out, take it. It's just an excavator. I'll buy one from the 21st century. It's just that who can drive the excavator? Will you?"

Don't think that Zhang Chengchuan will definitely know how to drive after seeing the world. He is already very good at driving a car. He has never practiced excavators at all.

Zhang Chengchuan smiled and said, "I knew a brother who drove a car from the army before, and I plan to find him to drive an excavator. Just practice, we are not afraid that he will damage the excavator, and we are not afraid of consumption. Oil."

Chen Xiayue shrugged, "If that's the case, just do as you say. I'll place an order for an excavator. What do you want?"

"Don't be too big." Zhang Chengchuan said, "Just buy a medium-sized excavator."

"Okay." Chen Xiayue nodded, and then opened the store page connected to the 21st Century Online Mall to place an order. She bought an excavator that cost about half a million.

After Chen Xiayue sold out, she looked at Zhang Chengchuan and said, "What are you going to do with the building materials? Do you buy them directly from Ans? We won't place an order here to cover up?"

"Of course you have to buy it from Ans, but you also need to use it here. The outer wall must use the building materials of the interstellar plane, but some houses inside can also use bricks and tiles from our side. ." Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile, "I will place an order for the brick kiln factory of our brigade, and I will talk about it later."

"Yeah." Chen Xiayue has no opinion, what about Zhang Chengchuan.

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