Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 539: Extra: Nuan Nuan 6

Zhang Nuan and Zhang Anning studied together in elementary school. After six years in junior high school and high school, they finally went to Capital University together. The two sisters also chose the Department of Medicine, but their majors are different.

Although Zhang Anding chose to study surgery, although it was also clinical medicine, Zhang Anning liked her parents very much. She couldn't be a soldier like her father, but she hoped that she could become an excellent military doctor like her mother.

Although Zhang Nuan didn't think about becoming a military doctor, but being a good doctor was also her goal. Coupled with the various medical books and materials that her mother had read, Zhang Nuan made rapid progress.

She did not mean to share with her sister. The relationship between Zhang Nuan and Zhang Anning is very good. , eat, study, sleep, and repeat the steps.

The sisters Zhang Nuan and Zhang Anning, who have just entered their freshman year, have attracted a lot of attention. Who makes the sisters look particularly good-looking? Zhang Nuan has inherited a little bit from his parents, and his 18-year-old appearance is very radiant.

And Zhang Anning is Zhang Nuan's cousin, and the two sisters are actually somewhat similar. Although Zhang Anning is not as good as Zhang Nuan, she is also a beautiful woman.

The Zhang sisters spent their time in the medical department, or in the entire Capital University, and slowly spread their reputation - they were too good-looking, and they studied too hard.

It has been more than ten years since the resumption of the college entrance examination. Now some college students are not as desperate as they were ten years ago, but they relax a little after going to college.

However, the students of the medical department are very hardworking. Since they have chosen the profession of medicine for so long, they must be rigorous and hardworking, otherwise, they will harm patients if they are careless in the future. Therefore, only a few people in the medical department are relatively lax, while the Zhang Nuan sisters and other students are very hardworking.

In particular, the degree of hard work of the Zhang sisters is really admirable. After getting up at 6:30 in the morning, they started reading after washing up. When the class time came, they went to class. After class, they didn't run around and continued to read. Time rooted in the library.

Later, when the two sisters had the opportunity to do experiments, they worked even harder. They really put all their time on learning. Even if they can find time to exercise, they will not let themselves stay home for too long. They won't have extra entertainment opportunities either.

The sisters Zhang Nuan and Zhang Anning will be compared by those who do good things. Unfortunately, Zhang Anning did not break with Zhang Nuan like those people thought. The sisters went to school together, did experiments together, and exercised together, and they were inseparable. , how to dismantle will not work.

In fact, Zhang Nuan and Zhang Anning are not really so good that they can't be separated for a moment, but they have the same attitude towards learning, and they can study better when they are together. If so, why separate?

Zhang Nuan and Zhang Anning have been figures of the medical department since their freshman year, and even the entire Capital University is famous, but not all the students of Capital University have seen them both—they are too busy, the time for the university to commemorate They really raced against time to study, and later published a lot of articles. After graduating at a young age, they took the postgraduate entrance examination. It took seven years for the sisters to graduate completely and then enter the Capital Hospital to work.

In fact, only Zhang Nuan stayed at the Capital Hospital to work. Zhang Anning graduated successfully after her internship. After obtaining her master's certificate, she chose to go to the Army Military Hospital. Her dream has always been to become an excellent military doctor. So after graduation, of course, I have to go to the military hospital to shine.

And Zhang Anning didn't stay in the military hospital in the capital. She had already practiced in the military hospital in the capital. Now she is going to the frontier to use what she has learned over the years.

Zhang Nuan is a doctor in the Capital Hospital. At 25 years old, she is still very young but her medical skills are very good. Her theoretical knowledge is very rich, but her hands-on experience is also very rich, all because she has a pair of strong parents to support her.

Zhang Nuan is currently working in the emergency department of the Capital Hospital. She is neither in a relationship nor married, so no matter how busy she is, it will not have much impact on the family, nor will she ignore the family, so she chooses to work in the emergency department.

Nuan Nuan just got off work that day, and she received a call before she took off her white coat. It was her second uncle, Chen Xiabai, who asked her to go to dinner.

"Second uncle, it's so late that you haven't eaten yet?" Zhang Nuan asked suspiciously as she took off her white coat. It was already past eight o'clock in the evening when she got off work, and today it was because of overtime work. It's more than ten o'clock, so late that my second uncle hasn't eaten yet?

Although his second uncle looks only in his early forties, he is almost sixty years old according to his real age. How can he be so late without dinner?

"Of course I eat your second uncle, where will I be waiting for you? I'm not worried that you won't have a place to eat after you get off work late? What should you do if you're so hungry? As a doctor, you should pay more attention to your own health, so that your health can cope with the situation. Isn't it an operation for several hours?" Chen Xiabai urged.

"Second uncle, you look so handsome and handsome, can you stop being so wordy?" Zhang Nuan said helplessly.

When she complained about her second uncle, Zhang Nuan also packed her things and was about to leave the hospital. She had already handed over her get off work to the doctor on duty before she got off work, but now her second uncle said she was a little hungry.

Although she is only a young doctor who has just graduated, she is very familiar with the doctors and nurses here because she has practiced at the Capital Hospital for several years. And the hospital also trusts her medical skills, and will let her take the lead when the emergency department is too busy.

Because she is too busy with work, she often misses the time to eat, and her diet is somewhat irregular.

If it weren't for the mother of a medical boss, Zhang Wennuan might have been uncomfortable because of his irregular diet and irregular work and rest after becoming a doctor, leaving some problems.

And Zhang Nuan also likes to eat. Although they have been studying very hard in recent years, they have been studying intensively with their sister Zhang Anning, but they will often go out to find all kinds of food.

Unlike her younger sister's appetite, Zhang Nuan's appetite is only about the same as that of an ordinary adult man, and she just likes to eat delicious food very much.

Now that she is so busy after work, she has not gone out to find food for a long time.

"I've left a meal for you here. Come and eat it." Chen Xiabai ignored his niece's accusation and told her to come over to eat quickly, so as not to damage her body.

Chen Xiabai had no children or daughters in his life. He liked the eldest brother, the third brother and the younger sister's children. Of course, the niece Zhang Wennuan was his favorite. Even Chen Wenyang, who was also the daughter of Chen Xiayue, did not have Zhang Wennuan in Chen Xiabai. The heart is important.

Perhaps it is also because Zhang Nuan has a high affinity since he was a child, so both adults and children like her. Her second uncle likes her because she has a high affinity and has a good relationship with her second uncle.

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