Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 540: Extra: Nuan Nuan 7

Zhang Nuan has been studying in the capital for seven years, and has been in the capital hospital for nearly a year, which is almost eight years. The one who gets along the most is Chen Xiabai, who moved to the capital earlier. Uncle Chen Xiabai is gone.

Chen Xiabai was promoted and transferred to their provincial capital. Later, when Zhang Nuan was a junior, he voluntarily resigned and retired, and then moved to the capital.

Because Mu Chengting's hometown is on the capital side, he stayed in Chen Xiabai and his provincial capital to work at that time. Later, when Chen Xiabai retired, he also retired, and later moved back to the capital side.

Chen Xiabai and Mu Chengting lived not far from Zhang Nuan, in the same community. Moreover, considering that Zhang Nuan was studying medicine, he would most likely work in the Capital Hospital after graduation, so when he bought a house, he chose a community very close to the Capital Hospital.

Zhang Nuan's house is only a 20-minute drive from the Capital Hospital, and this is only 20 minutes when there are a lot of cars, and she can get home in about 10 minutes when she gets off work.

Zhang Nuan drove home, parked the car in the parking lot, and went directly to his second uncle's house without returning home.

Although her house is in the same community as her second uncle's house, it is not the same unit, so she had no choice but to turn around to find her second uncle instead of going upstairs.

"You're back?" Mu Chengting's expression didn't change much when he saw Zhang Nuan, but Zhang Nuan could feel that his tone was a little softer when facing him.

"Uncle Mu, you haven't slept yet?" Zhang Nuan greeted with a smile.

"Your second uncle is waiting for you. Today, I went to the market to buy you a chicken. It's almost cooked now." Mu Chengting said while welcoming Zhang Nuan in.

In the past few years, because of living in the same community, when Zhang Nuan was on vacation, he often practiced with Mu Chengting, who was a soldier and was very powerful back then. To be honest, Mu Chengting also liked Zhang Nuan very much.

"Ah, stewed chicken soup?" Zhang Nuan's face suddenly collapsed when he heard this, and helplessly said to his second uncle who was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV, "Second uncle, you also know that I am so tired after get off work, and I am the same now. It's too late, you still cook chicken soup for me? Do you think I can drink it?"

Because her parents stayed at her hometown, although they would often come to the capital to see her, they often visited her while traveling; so after the second uncle moved in, she was equivalent to the second uncle's daughter. My uncle simply spoiled her too much, and worried that she would not be able to eat or sleep well, so she often made soup for her.

Her second uncle, a person who has been dealing with machinery all the year round, was born and raised in the Yunnan and Guangxi region, but as a result, she learned the skill of making Cantonese soup first-hand. She was really moved, but it was really not that much. She didn't need so many times. Drink soup.

"It's beautiful." Chen Xiabai rolled his niece and said, "I bought a chicken, but I only left one leg for you. Uncle Mu and I have already eaten the rest, so I will cook chicken soup for you? Why? possible?"

Zhang Nuan shrugged and said, "What kind of delicious food did you make, Second Uncle?"

Although Chen Xiabai has dealt with machinery for half his life, he has a chef father, chef brother and chef sister, and his culinary talent is still good. Although it is not as good as those three, it is much better than the others.

I started making finer dishes after I retired, but I was able to make good results and the taste was very good.

Zhang Nuan also likes her second uncle's craftsmanship very much, but she doesn't want to drink chicken soup when she is too tired to eat more than two chickens in the evening. She wants to eat and eat delicious meat and vegetables.

"I made teriyaki chicken legs for you, and I'll eat it later." Chen Xiabai raised his chin and said to his niece.

"Second uncle, you are really my second uncle, it's great." Hearing that it was teriyaki chicken drumsticks, Zhang Wennuan was immediately happy, and ran to the kitchen to eat.

"Is this girl already twenty-five years old? Now that she is so busy with work, when will she fall in love?" Mu Chengting asked Chen Xiabai sitting on the single sofa beside him.

"Anyway, Xia Yue and his wife are not rushing. They are only twenty-five years old, so they are not in a hurry." Chen Xiabai said lightly, but even though he was calm on the surface, he was still thinking about who could take their old Chen family and Zhang family baby. The Nuan Nuan was married and brought home, and when he thought about it, he became a little irritable.

She has loved Nuan Nuan since she was a child. Because she is not married and has no children, Chen Xiabai, who treats Nuan Nuan's Ang's daughter like her daughter, is really reluctant to let her get married early.

Although Mu Chengting does not raise Zhang Nuan as a daughter like Chen Xiabai, he also thinks that Zhang Nuan, who has just graduated less than a year and is only 25 years old this year, is not yet old enough to get married, but it makes Chen Xiabai amused. Not bad.

"Twenty-five years old is not too young. Her mother was only eighteen when she got married. Twenty-five years old is really not too young." Mu Chengting said with a smile.

"Can it be the same? Xia Yue got married in the 1960s, what about now? It's already the mid-1990s, can it be the same?" Chen Xiabai glared at him and said.

"Hahaha..." Mu Chengting couldn't help laughing when he saw Chen Xiabai's appearance of protecting the calf, "Your appearance of protecting the calf is too funny."

When Chen Xiabai heard what he said, he couldn't help but glared at him again. If he hadn't beaten him, he would have beaten Mu Chengting. Thirty years later, this guy is still so vile, bullying people just because he can't beat him.

"Second uncle, have my parents contacted you recently?" Zhang Wennuan took a bowl full of rice and put some teriyaki chicken legs on top to cover the rice, and came to the restaurant opposite Mu Chengting. He asked after sitting down on the sofa.

So it appeared that Chen Xiabai was sitting on the couch, and Mu Chengting and Zhang Nuan were sitting on the single sofa on both sides, and the three were quite far apart.

"Your parents? No, didn't the two of them say where to travel?" Chen Xiabai really admired his sister and brother-in-law, and they were running around the world for a lot of age.

Of course, they are only running in the country now, and it is still a bit difficult to go abroad, but it is enough for them to visit various places in China for a long time.

Since Zhang Nuan went to college and the college life was on the right track, the couple had been doing nothing from time to time. Later, after the second daughter, Chen Wenyang, went to high school, she went out to travel for a few days while her daughter was in school. She would go home to accompany her daughter when she was on vacation.

Then after Chen Wenyang was admitted to the university, the two of them traveled frequently for several months.

Zhang Chengchuan, who originally said that he was going to accompany his parents at home, sent his parents to his eldest brother after his eldest brother retired, and then he took Chen Xiayue to travel across China by himself.

Now the couple doesn't know where to travel, and he really hasn't contacted his sister and brother-in-law.

"Did the two of them go to the old forest in the deep mountains again?" Zhang Nuan asked suspiciously. When her parents traveled, they didn't go to developed scenic spots, and often went to some inaccessible places.

I didn't get in touch this time, so it's probably inconvenient to get in touch with something deep in the old forest, right?

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