Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 541: Extra: Nuan Nuan 8

Zhang Wennuan went home after eating teriyaki chicken leg rice at his second uncle's house. After a comfortable sleep, he got up and went to work.

Although as a doctor, especially a doctor in the emergency department, Zhang Nuan was very busy. But she was still able to squeeze out her time, occasionally going to find delicious restaurants in the capital, and often continuing to study medicine to prepare for the exam.

Although he has already obtained a master's degree, Zhang Nuan still wants to continue his exam. But she hopes that she can work and study at the same time. It doesn't matter if she can get her doctorate after she is 30 years old. She still hopes that she can work and treat patients as early as possible.

But you can't stop studying just because you are at work. Zhang Nuan has never forgotten to study or recharge himself because he is busy with work.

Especially the couple Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan often come up with very good medical materials for their daughter to study, and it is even more impossible for Zhang Nuan not to study.

On this day, the emergency department welcomed a patient who had a car accident. The other party's injury was not that serious. It was just a broken leg and a slight concussion. Compared with other patients in car accidents, it was really much lighter.

And Zhang Nuan happened to be the patient's attending doctor. After nearly a year, she was more trusted by the director of the emergency department, so this time the patient was Zhang Nuan independently responsible.

"The patient in bed 6032 is so good-looking." A nurse sighed.

"Is the patient in bed 6032 awake?"

"Not yet, and I don't know what's going on. This patient just had a broken bone and a slight concussion. It's been two days and he hasn't woken up yet." Nurse A, who sighed at the patient's good-looking appearance, puzzled.

"Dr. Zhang has also checked many times. The patient really has no other problems, but he has not woken up yet." Nurse C said.

"To be honest, the patient in bed 6032 is really good-looking, and he is so tall, more than 1.9 meters tall."

"Yes, such good-looking men are really rare."

"Doctor Zhang from our hospital is also very good-looking. Oh my god, he is over 1.7 meters tall and has an enviable figure. It's really a pity that Dr. Zhang doesn't join the entertainment industry." Nurse A said.

"What a pity? What a pity? It's a pity that a highly skilled doctor like Dr. Zhang should not be a doctor and join the entertainment industry." Nurse B patted Nurse A on the shoulder and said.

"That's true, but Dr. Zhang is really good-looking. I like every woman. To be honest, Dr. Zhang is beautiful and A. If she likes me, I don't think I can't..." Nurse A said shyly.

"Huh..." A group of people looked at Nurse A with disgust, but they had to admit that what she said was quite reasonable. Dr. Zhang Wennuan is really beautiful and A, even if he is less than 26 years old, he is admirable. .

"Sister A—Sister A—the patient in bed 6032 woke up, where is Dr. Zhang?" Just as a group of people were chatting at the nurse station, the little nurse who went to the ward ran back and shouted.

"Doctor Zhang? Dr. Zhang seems to be performing an operation right now." Nurse A said in surprise.

The doctors in the emergency department are very busy. The patient in bed 6032 was originally in charge of Dr. Zhang, but when the patient is not seriously injured, he is usually referred to the doctor in the inpatient department. Dr. Zhang is now continuing. Surgery in the emergency room.

"Go and inform Dr. Liang." Nurse B said calmly.

Dr. Zhang has no time for the operation now, so the patient will call another doctor to see it. There is no need to wait for Dr. Zhang to finish the operation.

The little nurse nodded hurriedly and turned to look for Dr. Liang. The other nurses also checked the time and resumed their work.

The few of them were chatting at the nurse's station because they had just finished their work and needed to rest for a while, so let's continue to work now, and I'm not in the mood to continue gossip.

The patient in bed 6032 finally woke up after being in a coma for two days, but after waking up, the patient seemed to have amnesia, which surprised the hospital's doctors and nurses.

Just a slight concussion, amnesia? Is it too exaggerated?

However, Dr. Liang did not find any problems. He could only say that the brain is the most complex part of the human body. Any kind of situation can happen. It's just memory loss, and it's not a big deal.

Although this patient only lost his memory, he did not become stupid. He also remembered some common-sense questions, so it was not a big problem.

After the operation, Zhang Nuan heard the news that the patient woke up, but the patient was transferred to Dr. Liang, and she didn't need to go to see it, she was busy.

Later, the patient was discharged from the hospital, and Zhang Nuan's life was not much different from before. Going to work, foraging, and studying were all similar.

As a result, Zhang Nuan met the patient on his way home from get off work one day. It was because he was so tall and very good-looking.

Even though all the relatives around her are very good-looking, she herself is also very good-looking, but Zhang Nuan, who is still handsome, can't help but look at the patient who has been discharged from the hospital for a long time. Zhang Nuan couldn't help but his heartbeat quickened for a while, as if he was strolling in the courtyard.

what happened? This sudden heartbeat is really unpredictable. I never felt this way when I was in the hospital before. Why did I feel moved when I saw this guy carrying all kinds of things bought from the supermarket?

Zhang Nuan parked the car not far from the gentleman, lowered the window and called to him, "Mr. Yuan, why did you just come back from shopping at night?"

Zhang Nuan raised his eyebrows at the vegetables and cold meat in the other's bag. It's almost ten o'clock now, isn't it? Did the other party just buy groceries?

Mr. Yuan, the patient over 1.9 meters tall who suffered a broken leg in a car accident and a slight concussion, has been out of the hospital for more than two months now, and the other's leg has recovered.

The reason why I walk a little slow now is because my legs have just healed, and I don't want to increase the burden and hurt my legs again.

Mr. Yuan, Yuan Bai turned to look at her after hearing Zhang Nuan's words, and there was a fleeting surprise on his face when he saw her.

"Doctor Zhang, did you get off work so late?" Yuan Bai was still very impressed with Zhang Wennuan. Who made this girl look beautiful and capable. When she went to work, she always looked resolute and dazzling. pay attention to.

Of course, Yuan Bai didn't have never seen a good-looking woman. Although Zhang Nuan was also very good-looking, he didn't pay attention to her just because she was good-looking.

"Yeah, I just got off work. The doctors in the emergency department are already off work at this time." Zhang Wennuan said with a smile, "Where is Mr. Yuan? It's so late to buy food, has Mr. Yuan not eaten yet?"

Yuanbai shook his head and said, "It's just a bit boring to stay at home, so I went out for a walk, just bought some food and went back to make it tomorrow."

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