Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 555: Parallel Spacetime: Crystal Nucleus

[System system, can zombie crystal cores be collected? 】Chen Xiayue poked the system in her heart, she really didn't know if the zombie crystal core could be exchanged.

Gold, silver, jewelry, jade, antique calligraphy and paintings are all that she can take out to exchange for money. How can zombie crystal cores be exchanged for money? She doesn't know.

[Yes, zombie crystal cores can be sold to the system, and they can be put on the shelves in the system mall. ] The system replied.

Chen Xiayue, who got the answer, nodded to the man opposite and said, "The crystal core can be exchanged."

[Di Di Di - scan the crystal nucleus, the scan ends. The secondary water crystal nucleus can be exchanged for 200 RMB. 】

Chen Xiayue heard what the system said, and she said to the guest, "This secondary crystal nucleus can be exchanged for 200 yuan. The secondary crystal nucleus should be 200 for each, right, and the first one is 100?"

After the man heard this, he took out more than a dozen first-level crystal nuclei and several second-level crystal nuclei to Chen Xiayue and said, "All exchanged."

Chen Xiayue nodded and said, "I'll collect the crystal nucleus this time, but I hope you can bring some gold jewelry or something when you come over next time? Antique calligraphy and painting are also fine, I don't really need to get the crystal nucleus."

She really can't use the crystal core, and she is not a power user, what do you use the crystal core for? Formation? Absorb the energy of the crystal nucleus? She is not an ordinary person.

Hearing the words, the man nodded to show that he knew. If he would come again next time, he would prepare gold and silver jewelry. He could see that the boss really liked gold and silver jewelry and antique calligraphy and painting, but he didn't have much interest in the crystal nucleus. of.

Chen Xiayue put away the seventeen first-level crystal nuclei and five second-level crystal nuclei that the man took out, for 2,700 yuan, Chen Xiayue asked the guest what they wanted to buy.

"These 22 crystal nuclei can be exchanged for 2,700 yuan, what do customers need to buy?" Chen Xiayue introduced to him, "This 50-jin pack of rice is 95 yuan a bag, and this 5L edible oil is 75 yuan. A bucket of money."

"This instant noodle is 60 yuan a box, and this kind of thing is 65 yuan a box. Here is bottled pure water, and a barrel is about 15 yuan. How about it? What do you want to buy?" Chen Xiayue asked with a smile.

The man looked around the store, and then bought a lot of supplies, including rice, flour, instant noodles, canned food, ham, mustard, vacuum-packed cooked food, bottled purified water, and of course toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. He also bought several.

The other party bought something for about a thousand dollars at once, and Chen Xiayue returned the remaining crystal core to the man after deducting the cost.

"Welcome to come again next time." Chen Xiayue smiled as she watched the man leave her store, and the pile of things had already been moved out by the man.

[System, are there any guests coming? 】 Chen Xiayue asked.

[No, today is the first day of opening, and there is only one customer. 】The system said.

[In this case, let’s close the door for a long time, I’m going to post all the wallpapers, and I’ll wash and sleep after a while. 】Chen Xiayue said happily.

It's not even eleven o'clock at night, so she can finish posting the mute wallpaper earlier and then take a shower and go to bed. It's great to not have to stay up all night.

The system has no objection. Since the guests have been entertained, there is no need to close the door until 23:30. It doesn't matter if it is closed now. Anyway, no other guests will come over today.

Chen Xiayue handed over the seventeen first-level crystal cores left by the man to the system. Sure enough, they were able to scan them and put them on the system mall, and then Chen Xiayue sold them directly to the system.

Seventeen first-level crystal cores were exchanged for 170 gold coins, but even so, Chen Xiayue was able to sell most of the items in the system mall.

Chen Xiayue doesn't care so much now. After selling the crystal core, she closed the downstairs and waited upstairs to paste the silent wallpaper.

On the other hand, the end times.

Zhou Zhange felt a little dreamy looking at a lot of things in the room. When he went out to look for supplies, he couldn't continue to wander outside because it was dark for fear of being discovered by zombies. In a hurry, he entered a house that looked relatively safe. But found a shop?

That store is really good. In a place like the end of the world, it can be clean and the shelves are full of things. And the shop owner is even more strange, a young girl who doesn't seem to have any force or attack power, and is a little fat.

It has been two years since the end of the world, and most people have lost a lot of weight because they are not eating well. Very few girls can awaken their powers, and it is impossible for them to raise themselves a little fat because of their low strength.

Zhou Zhange has been in the last days for two years, and he has only seen a girl who is a little fat. She is also the daughter of a base ruler. Because she is very favored, she eats well. As for the other girls, they were either trying to stay in shape or were thin because they couldn't find enough food.

Just like Zhou Zhange's younger sister, she was clearly 1.7 meters tall, but she only weighed more than 70 kilograms, which was too thin.

Zhou Zhange spent 1,700 to buy 10 bags of 50-jin rice and 10 buckets of pure water, which crossed out 1,110. The remaining 600 yuan is to buy canned food, instant noodles and ham sausages, and it is not a lot.

Zhou Zhange doesn't have any other abilities except fire-type abilities, but his comrades-in-arms have them. One of his comrades-in-arms has space-type abilities.

So Zhou Zhange looked at the room full of things and asked his comrades to come and help him put away the things.

It has been two years since the end of the world, and Zhou Zhange is still serving in the army. Their military headquarters will still exist in the end of the world, but now they are the armed forces of the Southeast Base.

The leader of the southeast base is the original leader of the southeast army. Everyone is trying to save more people and let more people live. It is not the same as some private bases to dominate.

Zhou Zhange's comrades were in the same army as him before the apocalypse. They were also members of the special team, and everyone was already familiar with them.

"team leader?"

All four of Zhou Zhange's comrades came over. When they entered this place, they dispersed to check whether there was any danger. Unexpectedly, when they returned to the living room after the inspection, they saw so many things in front of their captain.

"What is this?" Deputy Team Xu Mingxiu asked Zhou Zhange in surprise.

"I don't know what's going on. I just entered the door that opened the room and entered a shop, an ordinary street shop before the end of the world." Zhou Zhange told everyone his previous experience in simple language.

"These are all I exchanged with crystal cores. Seventeen first-level crystal cores have replaced so many things." Zhou Zhange felt that it was very worthwhile. You must know that in the end of the world, a first-level crystal core can't be exchanged for anything good. A kilogram of rice needs more than a dozen first-level nuclei to replace, and the quality of the rice is not very good.

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