Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 556: Parallel Space-Time: Instant Noodles

"Seventeen first-level crystal nuclei can be exchanged for so many things?" The team members were stunned. After two years of crawling and rolling in the apocalypse, they all forgot the prices of these things before the apocalypse, and only knew that in the apocalypse These things are very expensive.

That is to say, Zhou Zhange and his team all have strong abilities, and before the end of the world, they were in the special forces, and their skills were particularly good, so when they killed zombies and collected materials, the harvest was not bad, but it was only a drop in the bucket.

So many things only need seventeen first-level crystal nuclei, have they met a fairy?

"What store?" Although Xu Mingxiu was also excited because of so much rice and water, he still wanted to ask about the store's situation.

"It's that door. When I opened it, I went in and found that store." Zhou Zhange pointed to a door beside him and said.

Xu Mingxiu heard the words and walked over, twisted the door and opened the door, only to find that there was nothing in the room, just a very ordinary room that had been abandoned for a long time.

Xu Mingxiu looked back at Zhou Zhange and said, "There is nothing, this is an abandoned grocery room."

"Abandoned grocery room?" Zhou Zhange stood up in surprise and walked over, looking in through the door opened by Xu Mingxiu, it was really an abandoned grocery room rather than a brightly lit grocery store.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Zhange frowned. He was very sure that he had indeed entered the store to buy something, and the pile of food and water in front of him was the proof.

The youngest member, Zhao Shuang, touched his chin and said, "Did you meet a fairy? Otherwise, why did the captain meet, and we didn't meet?"

"The captain shouldn't lie, after all, these are all true." Another team member He Jing also said.

Xu Mingxiu nodded to show that he agreed with them, but why did Zhou Zhange meet him? Could it be that this "immortal" only likes Zhou Zhange and discriminates against these players?

"I'm so hungry, Captain, can we eat instant noodles?" Zhao Shuang looked at the food in front of him and said, "There's ham and this salt-baked chicken, let's cook a pot of noodles and eat it?"

Zhou Zhange looked at these things and said embarrassedly, "I forgot to buy eggs, otherwise, you can cook the eggs together with the instant noodles or noodles."

"It's okay to put ham sausage." Xu Mingxiu said, "Captain, I'll trouble you to cook it. I'll repair the pot in the kitchen."

Xu Mingxiu is a gold-type ability user, and the pot is metal. He can use his own ability to repair it or use it.

And Zhou Zhange is a fire-type ability user. In two years, he can use his ability very skillfully, just cook noodles, and the heat can be controlled very well.


The soup in the pot was bubbling, and the taste of instant noodles and ham sausage became more fragrant after cooking. Especially, Zhao Shuang also opened a packet of salt-baked chicken drumsticks, tore them off, and threw the chicken in to cook together, the taste was even better. the fragrance.

"It's so fragrant, I really want to eat it." Zhao Shuang stared at the instant noodles in the pot and swallowed.

The instant noodles Zhou Zhange bought were in bags, not barrels. There were 24 packs of instant noodles in a box. This time, they directly cooked ten packs of instant noodles.

The four big men have big appetites, and they haven't eaten instant noodles for a long time, so they cooked so much in one go.

"He Jing, put away all the rest." Xu Mingxiu said to He Jing while stirring the instant noodles in the pot.

"Yes." He Jing put away the remaining rice, water and other things, and then took out four sets of bowls and chopsticks.

They always bring bowls and chopsticks when they go out. Whether they can cook when they go out is another matter. If they really cook without bowls and chopsticks, it will be really uncomfortable, so they will take them with them when they go out. 10,000 yuan, and of course everyone's bowls and chopsticks are placed here by He Jing.

"Boss, when will this store open? Will it be possible during the day tomorrow? Boss, you should change more things, such as meat, vegetables, etc..." Zhao Shuang said while gulping.

Although the instant noodles are very fragrant and fragrant, he felt that it would be even more delicious if they were cooked with meat and vegetables.

"Forget it." Zhou Zhange said, he had forgotten that he had a teammate in the space department, and he only bought so much after being persuaded by the shop owner.

"But I looked at that store, and it didn't seem to sell any meat, either fresh meat or frozen meat. Neither did green vegetables. After all, it's a grocery store and not a vegetable market."

Zhao Shuang lowered his head and said, "I'll ask the boss tomorrow, she can help us sell meat."

Zhou Zhange thought for a while and said, "The boss said that she will only open the store at night, so she can find that store tomorrow night. And the boss told me that the next time I go, I hope to trade in gold and jewelry."

"Of course, antique calligraphy and painting are better." Zhou Zhange said with a blank face, "The owner of that shop seems to prefer antique calligraphy and painting and gold jewelry."

"Then we will look for gold jewelry in the daytime tomorrow. If we can find antique calligraphy and paintings, it would be good." Xu Mingxiu said.

"That's right, tomorrow we'll look for gold jewelry, such as diamonds, gold necklaces, gems, and so on. It should be okay, right?" Zhao Shuang thought for a while and said.

"Probably." He Jing said, "But we'll go to the bank tomorrow to see. The bank should have gold, right?"

"I don't know if the banks in this city have gold. Gold should only be found in big banks." Xu Mingxiu said.

"Then let's go to the largest bank in the city tomorrow, and then go to other banks." Zhou Zhange said.

"Okay." Everyone else agreed.

"Okay, alright, deputy team, the instant noodles are ready." Zhao Shuang said, he was very hungry, this instant noodles is really gluttonous.

Zhou Zhange put away the fire power, Xu Mingxiu served everyone a bowl of instant noodles one by one, and then took a bowl and ate it himself.

"Suck, suck, suck..."

Zhao Shuang didn't care that the instant noodles that had just come out of the pot were still hot, he ate it very refreshingly, and finally let him eat instant noodles because he was greedy and hungry.

A pot of instant noodles was quickly eaten by everyone, and everyone hadn't eaten such a delicious thing for so long.

It has been two years since the end of the world, and most of the things produced before the end of the world have either been eaten up and used up, or expired and rotted, so it is still very difficult for everyone to survive.

There is meat outside, and ordinary animals and mutant animals in the wild can also be eaten, but the fighting power is too strong. In addition to mutant animals, there are also zombie animals, those are not edible, they are just as terrifying as human zombies.

The food and land were also polluted by zombie viruses. Few of the things that were planted did not contain viruses, and the harvest was not good. It was necessary to guard against the harm of zombie animals and mutant animals, and even fewer were planted.

The apocalypse is very difficult. Even the soldiers like Zhou Zhange and the others are not able to eat every meal. It is common to eat one or two meals a day. Who makes food in short supply?

Those in power at other private bases eat and drink spicy food one by one, but most of the grain and other food at the southeast base are distributed to ordinary people. Ordinary people earn points according to their labor, and then exchange them for food.

Soldiers will also eat a little better, but not too well. Soldiers won't be hungry for too long, so they won't have the strength to fight and defend against zombies, but it's impossible to eat too much. They think more about the ordinary people in the base and their relatives.

Zhou Zhange and the others, this is a fairly full meal for more than a year, and it still tastes like a long time ago. After so long in the last days, I almost forgot the taste of cooking instant noodles.

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