Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 605: Parallel Space-Time: Electric Vehicles

Chen Xiayue likes flowers and plants very much, just because the flowers and plants she planted in the past were not very viable, and there was no place to grow them, so she rarely planted flowers.

It's different now. The Qingling flowers, hydrangeas, bougainvilleas and vine roses that Chen Xiayue planted in front of her shop are also growing very well.

Even though Chen Xiayue planted it in August, these plants grew very well under her careful care.

What's more, there is still ice crystal grass, a plant that can cool down. The flowers and plants she planted did not feel the temperature of more than 30 degrees and almost 40 degrees outside, saying that they were growing very well.

Even Chen Xiayue planted some succulent plants on her cash register, such as peach eggs, peach eggs, peach beauty, Sanriyue beauty, bear boy and other succulents. Among the succulents at the cash register, there is also a dwarf bamboo.

Chen Xiayue thinks this kind of decoration is very good. Of course, there is a Qingling flower that can help her purify the air. She doesn't have to worry about smelling bad air when she stays at the cashier. Anyway, her cashier and the cabinet behind her The guarded succulents and other plants grow well and are beautiful.

In two months, the fragrant fruits, vines bougainvillea and roses that Chen Xiayue planted have grown well, but it will take a long time for the vine roses and bougainvilleas to climb to the second floor. Chen Xiayue can afford to wait, she Will wait until the plants grow to her satisfaction.

"I have good news for you today." Tu Yingzi came in with a smile, and said to Chen Xiayue in a good mood.

"What good news?" Chen Xiayue asked curiously.

"The solar battery-powered electric vehicle that was replaced from the end of the world has been researched, and now a large number of them have been produced. According to the above meaning, one may be sent." Tu Yingzi said with a smile.

There are also electric vehicles on the market now, but the capacity of the battery is really not too large, and the battery will be exhausted after running for more than ten miles. The battery of the electric vehicle developed this time can support an electric vehicle to run for more than 100 kilometers. When you want to charge on the road, you can also take out the solar charging panel to charge it directly.

Moreover, the performance of this newly developed electric vehicle is very safe, and the matching helmet can completely protect the head of the person. Of course, the helmet can only protect the head. It is impossible to protect the whole body in the event of a car accident. According to the current technology, there is no way to get such a helmet that defies the sky.

"Really? Do you want to give me an electric car?" Chen Xiayue said in surprise. She didn't think about buying a car because she couldn't ride a bicycle before. Even if she wanted to go back to the village to see her grandparents, it would be a motorcycle. It can be done or rubbed against her cousin's car, and she doesn't need to buy her own car.

But now the company has developed a new electric car and wants to give her one. She has no intention of rejecting it.

"Of course it's true. If it weren't for your electric car, I wouldn't know when it would be researched." Tu Yingzi said with a smile.

In fact, this electric vehicle is not the main purpose of researching solar cells. The main research of this project is the capacity of the solar sky pool, where the solar cells can be used, how large its capacity can be expanded, and so on.

The solar electric vehicle is only an additional research result, but since it has been researched, it must be put into the market to see if it can make money, and the money earned will continue to allow researchers to study other solar energy projects.

Natural energy such as solar energy and wind energy is not as non-renewable as oil and coal mines, so everyone's research direction has been how to use them more widely and how to make more full use of solar energy and wind energy.

Chen Xiayue was very happy. After the solar electric car was delivered, she began to practice driving. She had never ridden a car before and now she has finally started to learn how to drive seriously.

In addition to solar electric vehicles, I heard that the research progress of smart bracelets is also quite big, and maybe smart bracelets will be available in a while. As for the suspension car, this project still needs to be studied carefully. Chen Xiayue doesn't need to care so much. She only needs to go and buy and buy when these things come out.

The appearance of the solar electric vehicle is actually not much different from the appearance of other electric vehicles. There is only one person that can be taken with it. Chen Xiayue still likes the electric vehicle that is intended for two people. It is small and exquisite and can drive a long distance. In the future, if she wants to go to Tongshi City to go to this county, she can also ride an electric bike by herself.

Of course, an ordinary electric car can travel more than ten kilometers and twenty kilometers, but Chen Xiayue, a solar electric car, feels that even if he rides it to Sanya, he goes around Sanya, and then rides back.

"This electric car is really great. It can run for a long time and it looks good. Thank you, Sister Tu, and thank the motherland for taking care of me." Chen Xiayue said with a smile, she really liked this electric car. .

Although she can also buy a car or something, but she can't drive it, and this electric car is easier to learn even though she can't know it before.

Chen Xiayue never learned to drive when she was in school, so she didn't have a driver's license, but this time she was asked to apply for a driver's license when she was given an electric car. Of course, it's a driver's license for electric cars and motorcycles. She can't just give her a car driver's license. She has never learned to drive a car.

Chen Xiayue practiced the car happily, and after the practice session, she went back to the village to show off her car, but the grandfather and grandmother were only happy that their granddaughter came back to see them, but did not notice that Chen Xiayue came back riding a beautiful electric car.

"Xia Yue, have you bought a car?" Others didn't notice it, but Deng Caixia noticed that the gray-blue electric car is still pretty, the two mirrors still look like cat ears with a bit of curvature, and the front lights are still round. Yoyo looks like a cat's eyes, and the entire front of the car looks like a cat's head.

Chen Xiayue has no preference for cats or dogs. She has always liked cute little animals, but she is neither a cat party nor a dog party. She likes the cute appearance of other small animals and pets, but she does not have much preference. .

So the front of the electric car that was given to her was like a cat, and she just thought it was cute, but she didn't think so. The cat is cute, but she is not a cat lover.

"Yes, the electric car I just bought." Chen Xiayue said with a smile, she couldn't tell anyone that the car was given to her, of course she bought it.

The price of this kind of electric car is not expensive, but it is not cheap. One needs 20,000 yuan. For ordinary people, 20,000 yuan is indeed very expensive. After all, it is an electric car. You can buy one for a few thousand yuan. Why spend 20,000 yuan on it?

But the price is also very fair. The price of an electric car that can run hundreds of kilometers and use solar energy to charge on the road with high safety performance is only 20,000 yuan, which is really a fair and low price.

"Where did you buy the car? How much?" Deng Caixia asked.

"I bought it from Sanya, 20,000 yuan." Chen Xiayue said.

This electric car is indeed sold in Sanya, but now there are only 300 in Sanya, and there are no more.

"Twenty thousand yuan? So expensive?" Deng Caixia was very surprised when she heard this. She knew that some cars were quite expensive, just like a young girl in their village bought an electric car that cost tens of thousands of yuan, but she didn't know that. Thinking that the car Chen Xiayue bought was doubled?

"What kind of electric car is this? It costs 20,000 yuan? Is it too expensive?" Deng Caixia complained.

"The 20,000 yuan for this car is already very good. It can run for hundreds of kilometers. I can ride it to Yecheng when it is fully charged." Chen Xiayue shrugged.

Although it is 300 kilometers from Sanya to Yecheng, can she still pull out the solar charging panel to charge her electric car while driving? Take your time and you can get to Coconut City.

However, if you want to go to Yecheng, you have to take the expressway. Electric cars can't get on the expressway, so Chen Xiayue is just talking about it.

Deng Caixia, she doesn't believe that this electric car can drive to Yecheng, but——

"This electric car can drive for so long, so can I go to Sanya?" Deng Caixia asked.

"Okay." Chen Xiayu shrugged and said that it takes about 50 to 60 kilometers from the village to Sanya, so as she said before, it is more than enough for her to ride around Sanya and then ride back.

"This car can go so far, and it's worth 20,000 yuan." Deng Caixia agrees that the price is fair, but she is reluctant to let her buy it.

There are already three motorcycles at home, and she is too lazy to buy any more electric cars. There are three motorcycles. Her husband Chen Xinghua rides one when he goes up the mountain, one when he goes shopping in the city, and one when she wants to pick up her daughter and go out.

Of course, the car that his parents-in-law wanted to drive was also one of the three motorcycles. Anyway, the three motorcycles at home were driven casually. There is even a three-wheeled motorcycle at home that pulls things, and it is four vehicles in total.

Chen Xinghua's family only owns motorcycles. Although he also passed the driving license test, he did not buy a car. After all, his family's savings were not enough for him to buy a car.

"Xiayue, give me a try on this car." Chen Xinghua also saw Chen Xiayue's electric car, and hurried over to say.

There is no man who does not like cars. Whether it is cars, trucks, motorcycles, or electric vehicles, they are very interested. Just like Chen Xinghua is very interested in Chen Xiayue's electric vehicles now, what does it feel like to start riding.

Chen Xiayue gave the car keys to her cousin, and then chatted with her grandparents. Of course, the most important thing was to care about her own grandparents' health.

"Okay, the medicated meal you stewed is really good. I felt comfortable after eating it for so long and I planned to sleep. Now there is nothing uncomfortable." Grandma said with a smile.

Chen Xiayue's grandmother also lost some flesh, and her chubby belly is now much smaller. However, recently, the old man has eaten well and slept well, so he is not very thin, and his face is rosy and looks very good.

"Have you had back pain recently? Don't go out to work when the sun is too big. When will the grass in the field be pulled? After pulling it, it continues to grow, and it can't be pulled cleanly." Chen Xiayue said.

Her grandmother likes to grow sweet potatoes and corn, or melons and beans. After planting, we have to pull weeds or something. Now the old man is going out every day to pull weeds, and he doesn't know how to go home early at noon in the face of the sun.

Chen Xiayue said that her cousin-in-law said that when the temperature was 35°C, her grandfather and grandmother would not go home for dinner until 12:00 noon, and at 2:00 in the afternoon, she would put on a straw hat and go to work, and she didn't know how to hide. big sun.

"You and my grandfather are getting older, so you should pay attention to rest when you work. Don't work for so long when the sun is too big." Chen Xiayue advised.

She doesn't persuade her grandparents to let them not work in the fields. It doesn't matter if they are old, they can't rest. Chen Xiayue has heard her grandparents complain more than once that they feel uncomfortable when they are idle at home, so she will not persuade them to do nothing.

But even if they want to work, they can't ignore their bodies. They are already old people. They have to pay attention to their bodies and not be too tired.

"Okay, we will pay attention." Grandma said with a smile, her filial piety to her granddaughter was very useful.

"I brought back some meat today, and I also bought two pig's trotters for my aunt to stew dal for you." Chen Xiayue said.

"Why do I buy so many things every time? I can buy pig's trotters myself." Grandma said.

"Didn't I honor you?" Chen Xiayue said with a smile.

"Hehe, you are all good children." Grandma said with a smile.

Chen Xiayue is also in a good mood. She often sees her grandmother because she lives close, but her cousins ​​and cousins ​​did not ignore the elderly at home because they lived far away.

Her cousin would come back from time to time, or if she couldn't come back, she would send something back to the old people through the truck. And her cousin, she should give her cousin red envelopes from time to time, so that they can buy something delicious and easy to use for the elderly at home.

Of course, her cousin will also buy things online and write the address of the village in the address. When the time comes, the courier will send it directly and let people take it back to the elderly at home.

Chen Xiayue looked at her grandparents and thought of her grandparents again.

Her grandmother didn't like Chen Xiayue very much. After all, she was a girl, but the old man didn't treat her very harshly. It was just that no other grandson liked her as much.

And her grandfather is not so patriarchal, but what he likes more is his grandson. Chen Xiayue's feelings for his grandparents are not too deep. Later, when her grandmother died, she followed her mother, and her feelings faded.

Now that she can often send some things to her grandfather, it used to be very good. Her feelings for her grandparents are impossible to be as deep as those of her grandparents.

Chen Xiayue took a lot of good things to her grandparents, hoping that they could recuperate their bodies and live a long life.

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