Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 606: Parallel Space-Time: Motion

In the 1960s, great changes also took place here. The things Zhang Chengchuan took back from Chen Xiayue also changed Huaguo a lot. Although the rice fruit tree, bread fruit tree and steamed bun fruit tree have only been planted for two months, It will take a few more years to bear fruit, but the high-yielding sweet potato potato corn has already been planted.

Ten thousand catties of sweet potatoes and potatoes per mu, and several thousand catties of corn per mu were indeed very good things for the 1960s.

Of course, Chen Xiayue also gave Zhang Chengchuan a lot of hybrid rice seeds. Even though people are seldom planting hybrid rice in the 21st century, it was different in the 1960s. After all, food in the 21st century is still quite abundant, but in the 1960s, there was really very little food that produced thousands of kilograms per mu.

Chen Xiayue handed over the hybrid rice to Zhang Chengchuan. After giving him the latest hybrid rice variety with a yield of more than 2,000 catties per mu, Zhang Chengchuan handed it over to him.

It was already August when the seeds were given to Zhang Chengchuan. In mid-August, rice was basically not grown in the north at this time, so it could only be planted in the south. But in fact, in the south in August, it is almost time to plant rice, and it is too late to raise seedlings.

However, there are still planting bases in the south, so this batch of hybrid rice is handed over to the southern base for planting to see if its output can really yield more than 2,000 catties per mu.

The seeds of this batch of hybrid rice given by Chen Xiayue are quite large, and they can be planted with hundreds of acres of land.

Hybrid rice can't be kept, and Chen Xiayue doesn't care so much. Let the experts over there do research on her own. She can't help much.

Gui Province, Yunhe Brigade.

"Cheng Yueniang, your family's Achuan has brought things back to you again?" Many people in the team are very envious of Zhang Deping and his wife. After all, both sons have great prospects. They send them money and things from time to time, and let the old couple stay at home. can all have a good time.

Although the son is not around, the daughter can come back from time to time to see, and the sons are filial and often send things, which makes many people whose family conditions are not as good as theirs look particularly envious.

Of course, some people think that Zhang Deping and the others are doing well, so what? What if the son is promising? The two sons are not around, and the daughters are married, so what is there to envy when they come to stay at home alone?

But these are just sour words, how could they not be envious? If you are not envious, you will not say such words.

Liu Guiying looked at the dry rice noodles, instant noodles, and jars of canned fish and hot sauce sent by her son, and felt special comfort in her heart.

"I don't know if Achuan is doing well in the capital. These are all good things. He sent them to us. He doesn't know if he has anything to eat." Liu Guiying said to Zhang Deping who was beside him while packing up. .

"Achuan is not a person without measure. Since he sent us these, he will keep a little for himself." Zhang Deping said with a smile.

"I'm just worried that there aren't many things. This kid sent back all his share to honor us, but he didn't have anything to eat." Liu Guiying said.

Her family's children are all good children. Zhang Chengyue, who is a soldier, will usually send things back to her family. After she gets married, she will share a little money and send it back to her parents every month. Although Zhang Chengchuan went to school, he worked hard and tried to make money, and from time to time he bought things or sent money back to his parents at home.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying are very distressed about their children, they both let them keep the money to eat and drink well, and they can take care of themselves. Their old couple is still young enough to support themselves.

But the sons didn't listen. Although they were still worried about their sons, they were also very pleased that the sons were always thinking of them as parents.

"Achuan is always sending money and things back, but he doesn't know how to keep some for himself. He's already 21 and 22, and he hasn't married yet." Liu Guiying nagged.

"Okay, okay, our family Achuan is in the capital now, and I will definitely be able to find a good daughter-in-law for you." Zhang Deping has a big heart, his son is so capable, is it difficult to find a mother-in-law?

Like their eldest son, didn't he find a wife in the army? Although they couldn't perform filial piety in front of their husband and wife due to work reasons, they were not too old to move, and they didn't need to be served by their sons and daughters-in-law.

Liu Guiying was still very worried about her son, but she sorted out the things and sent some to her in-laws. Of course, they also sent some to the other rooms. After all, they are all a family. Her sons are not at home, and her daughter is married. In the future, she will have to rely on relatives in these rooms to help her. She still knows very well that she cannot be stingy.

The things that Zhang Chengchuan sent back to his hometown have arrived, and the changes in the capital are also quite big.

Zhang Chengchuan and the others got the data on the car engine from Chen Xiayue, some from the 21st century, and some from the 23rd century in the end of the world. They have enough manpower now, so they have developed a very good car. .

Zhang Chengchuan and the others didn't care so much after they researched it. The production and future sales of automobile engines and automobiles are not the business of their researchers. They only need to do research.

And the first self-researched car was of course for the leaders, and the car named Huaxia was given to the leaders to drive out.

In the past two months, the development of the capital has been really fast. The food factory has been gradually expanded, and then more and more exports have been exported.

Also because the food factory needs a lot of ingredients, the farming industries such as chickens, ducks and pigs in the villages near the capital are also slowly developing, and the planting industry is of course indispensable. After all, in addition to meat, many of the ingredients are plant-based, and they all need to be planted.

For two months, the capital and the nearby villages were thriving, and a possible movement was eliminated in the busyness. Everyone worked together to develop and did not have the mood to do anything.

The big leaders are also busy studying how to make money and how to build infrastructure, and they are not in the mood to do anything messy.

When Zhang Chengchuan went to Chen Xiayue's shop to buy things, she would not take antiques. Chen Xiayue did not intend to collect antiques from the 1960s. After all, she would be able to build a museum for future generations to visit. She sold them. What can be done? She is not short of money.

She also collects antiques in the apocalypse, but she has no plans to sell them. She will save them and return them later when the apocalypse stabilizes. How can there be no history? How can antiques be ruined?

The history of a civilization is the most important thing. She doesn't want to be like many novels. After experiencing the catastrophe, the history of China will disappear in the catastrophe, and then some novels will be looked down upon everywhere. China without history will let others. countries or other interstellar civilizations look down on them.

Chen Xiayue practiced cooking seriously, and now she has almost mastered the knife skills, but she has to practice the heat and seasoning seriously.

Of course, Chen Xiayue still learns to make soup. She still likes making soup and porridge. She likes this kind of labor-saving work. It takes more than an hour to cook soup and porridge. It's good that she doesn't need to be by the side all the time.

"I think you're lazy, right?" Tu Yingzi looked at Chen Xiayue with a funny look as she was seriously learning how to cook porridge and soup. Chen Xiayue just hoped that she could spare time to do other things while she was doing something.

For example, when she is cooking porridge and soup, she still has a lot of time for her to play with her mobile phone and read novels. Although this girl is very serious when she is studying, she is really serious when she is lazy.

"No way, it doesn't seem like it's a big deal for me to eat and wait like this now." Chen Xiayue joked.

"That's right." Tu Yingzi also said.

"But you have to learn other things." Tu Yingzi's expression became serious, and then pressed Chen Xiayue to exercise and stretch.

"Ow, ow, woah--pain-pain-pain-pain-"

Chen Xiayue was pressed on the yoga mat, her upper body and face were tightly pressed against the yoga mat, while her waist was bent, and her legs were bent over and pressed on her body.

Chen Xiayue is a lazy person, but she still hopes that her body can be healthy, and she hopes that she must at least have some self-protection ability.

When she stays in the store, there is indeed a systematic protection mechanism to protect her from harm, but what about when she leaves the store? She must at least have some ability to protect herself, right? Even if she can't beat others, she must have the ability to run.

So after her cooking practice reached a certain level, she asked Tu Yingzi to help her train and train. Even if her force value didn't improve, at least her body was better, and exercise made her healthy.

To be honest, she still likes people who are very good at dancing and practicing martial arts, so she also has to develop a good foundation.

Of course, the most important thing is to exercise to improve her energy. People who like to exercise and exercise often are quite different from those who don't usually exercise. She wants to make herself look better.

Although she can maintain a good figure without exercising so hard after having weight loss pills, she hopes that she will be healthier.

"How long have you been exercising?" Tu Yingzi asked while pressing her legs.

"Probably... after going to... university..." Chen Xiayue said sadly.

Wasn't she still allowed to have morning exercises and gym classes before high school? After college, she seldom did morning exercises and physical education classes. During sports meetings, she usually watched other people's games below, which she never participated in.

Even though she was busy studying and doing part-time jobs during college without exercising, and she had been slack and decadent for a few years, her bones must not be stiff?

"You have to practice well, but you have to do it step by step. It's not good for you to feel uncomfortable if you exercise too violently, and it's not good for you to be injured." Tu Yingzi said.

"I know, I know." Chen Xiayue said pitifully.

"You." Tu Yingzi was amused when she looked at her pitiful appearance, but after getting along for more than two months, she still liked this little sister quite a bit.

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