Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 667: Parallel Time and Space: Excited

In the end times, everyone's life has almost entered the end times from a high-tech civilized society, and now from the end times to a society that combines technology, wildness and modern civilization.

After all, the reproduction rate of some animals now is relatively high, and those animals that were once almost extinct now have a very high reproduction rate, so there is no need to worry that humans will eat them to extinction.

Although there are still zombies now, the threat of zombies is not that serious. The mutant animals and plants are the biggest threat to human beings, but as long as human beings can unite, they will not be destroyed by those mutant animals and plants.

In the end of the world, because the major official bases have purchased a lot of Yunling wood and Yunling trees before, plus purifying plants such as Tianjing grass, Chlorella, and Qingling flowers, the environment here in China is now the best.

After the social order has stabilized, of course communication has been restored. Coupled with the efforts of the scientists who have been protected over the past few years, the current level of technology has almost returned to what it was before the apocalypse.

However, according to the understanding of scientists, they are working hard to survive on earth now, but they will continue to explore alien planets in the future. To be honest, they want to explore other planets in the solar system, and the idea of ​​exploring the Milky Way has existed for a long time.

Even though several planets in the solar system have been visited by people on earth, their goal has always been to find other planets that are suitable for survival. This time, they thought that they might be able to transform other planets. Inhabited planet.

Of course, the earth is impossible to give up, only humans still prefer larger places, or they prefer adventure and exploration.

Scientists in China are working on ways to grow crops on other planets. As long as they can grow crops, they can turn other planets into habitable planets, a planet similar to Earth.

No matter what the scientists think on the apocalypse side, people on the interstellar plane are also very fanatical about plants at the moment, and they are also very fanatical about farming.

In addition to creating the game "Earth Farm" and planting an agricultural planet like the Wild Star, He Xingcheng also created other things.

The game "Earth Farm" is really almost a national game. Many interstellar people download this game and play it, but once they enter, they can't get out.

And He Xingcheng's agricultural planet is now about three-fifths full. He Xingcheng plans to use half of the remaining land to grow food and vegetables, and half of it to open into forests, planting all kinds of flowers and trees to make them grow naturally.

A planet, even if it is an agricultural planet, can't all be used to grow food and vegetables, right? There must be some relatively primitive and inaccessible green forests, and He Xingcheng intends to make Yuan Yexing infinitely close to the earth.

"Earth Farm" became popular, and He Xingcheng's agricultural stars are now producing well, so he came up with another game called "Earth Food Adventure".

This is a food game, but He Xingcheng got countless Chinese recipes from Chen Xiayue, plus recipes from other countries on the earth, and then made such a game.

The game "Earth Food" is an adventure game, but the way to pass the level is to learn a dish. As long as you learn this dish in the game and get a good score, you can pass the level and go to the next level.

And "Earth Food" is a holographic game, you can smell the taste, eat the taste of food, etc. The five senses are absolutely clear.

Therefore, if you play the game "Earth Food", players can eat the taste of the food they made.

And after learning how to cook in the game, after the food and vegetables grown by the agricultural star of He Xingcheng, the raised meat, fish, shrimp, crabs and other ingredients are listed, the interstellar people can also make delicious food in reality. .

"He Xingcheng, where did you get these things? Did you hide a genius cultivator?" Naberhant looked at the green eyes on the field star, and was so excited that he opened the video communication and asked He Xingcheng. Did he really hide a genius trainer?

"He Xingcheng, you introduced me to my cultivator! My God, there are so many plants, the whole planet is full of plants, such a scene is really exciting! He Xingcheng! Say, where are you going? Did you get it?" Naberhant said excitedly.

He Xingcheng, who was grabbed by Naberhant's avatar and swayed by his shoulders, was extremely helpless. Although he and Naberhant were mortal enemies, in fact they didn't have any deep hatred, they just didn't like each other. The kind of mortal enemy who doesn't stab each other with a few uncomfortable words when they meet.

And now, Nabohant, the mortal enemy, went to the agricultural star in He Xingcheng. After seeing the plants all over the planet, he was very excited. He held He Xingcheng and kept asking questions, trying to find out who could grow so many plants. reason.

"Which genius grower cultivated this plant? My God, I saw a pine tree. Is this a spruce? My God, there are roses!"

"How beautiful are the flowers? There are roses and roses, is this a peony?" Naberhant walked to a plant full of red flowers and looked at the layers of flowers, Naberhant felt like he was about to forget to breathe.

"My God, isn't this flower too beautiful? It is indeed a flower that occupies a lot of space in Chinese history in historical documents, isn't it too beautiful?" Naberhant was really excited.

As a cultivator who loves plants, Naberhant's greatest wish is to cultivate those plants that have been annihilated in the long river of history, and his favorite is these plants that are full of vitality.

Seeing so many plants and such beautiful flowers now, Naberhant was so excited that he couldn't maintain his demeanor.

"He Xingcheng, where did you hide that genius cultivator? Quickly introduce me to know you, my God, someone can grow so many plants and cultivate so many plants, such a genius is really rare. It's gone." Naberhant was still excited.

He Xingcheng looked at this mortal enemy who could not maintain his former gentleman's demeanor in front of him, and still maintained his image even with his vicious tongue, and said helplessly, "There is no trainer."

Naberhant frowned and said, "How could there not be a grower? With so many plants, if there is no grower, could it be you who planted it?"

Nabohant knew very well that although He Xingcheng also liked plants, he had no talent as a planter at all. How could it be possible to grow plants?

With so many plants on this planet now, could He Xingcheng, a guy who only knows how to fight and kill, can grow them?

"You're right. I found the seeds and seedlings of these plants, but the plants were planted by my people with robots." He Xingcheng said calmly, but the calm was only superficial. In fact, his heart was very arrogant.

How could he not be arrogant and proud of being able to grow a planet's plants? Even though he was a marshal, he had won many battles, and even killed the Zerg Queen, but he had never been so proud of planting a planet's plants as he is now.

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