Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 668: Parallel Space-Time: Inhabiting the Wild Stars

The place where Naberhant is standing now is a flower field near the spaceship port of Yuan Yexing. The flower field is full of various flowers, and the purple and red are particularly beautiful.

There are also rows of trees planted around the flower fields. Naberhant can see that they are rows of aspen and cypress trees. Although they are only less than two meters high, he can still see what species those trees are. of.

As an excellent cultivator, Naberhant has only cultivated some grasses and other plants before, but that is also cultivated. You must know that many cultivators can only cultivate one or two plants in a lifetime. , or even a single strain could not be cultivated.

Naberhant knows plants very well. Although he is not a descendant of the earth, there are plants in the interstellar space. He, a pure alien, also knows plants very well.

These plants have existed both on Earth and in the interstellar space, but they have been eaten by the Zerg for a long time and nothing is left.

Now that he finally saw these plants again, Naberhant was so excited that he almost fainted, but he didn't faint because of his very good physical condition.

"I'm going to live here." Naberhant said to He Xingcheng.

"I heard that you built a manor here for your uncle and aunt to live in, so I'll go and accompany them." Naberhant said rudely.

"I advise you not to. My parents and the others lived together sweetly, but what if you suddenly appeared to affect their mood?" He Xingcheng said.

When Naberhant heard the words, he also felt that what he said was very reasonable. He also knew that the old marshal and his wife had a good relationship. When the old marshal retired back then, his wife also resigned from her job to accompany her. Although the husband and wife do not have a job now, they have done a lot of meaningful things together.

The couple's relationship is very good, so as a son, He Xingcheng has a good relationship with his parents, but he rarely disturbs his parents' world of two blindly.

As He Xingcheng's nemesis, Nabohant, of course, also knows the affairs of the He family very well. In other words, everyone in the entire interstellar knows that the old Marshal of the Star Alliance and the old marshal's wife have a very good relationship, and it is difficult for others to intervene.

"Since that's the case, I'll live next door. Presumably your planet has more than just one manor to live in, right?" Naberhant said.

Although he couldn't go to live in that manor, he still wanted to stay. After all, there were too many plants on this planet. As an interstellar person who loved plants, it was absolutely impossible for him to leave.

"There is also a manor over there in the second district. You can go there and live there." He Xingcheng didn't have to drive Naberhant away, and it would be beneficial for Naberhant to live in the Wild Star, at least for the entire planet. Plants have the most professional people to help take care of them.

Nabohant didn't notice He Xingcheng's "sinister intentions" at all, but was happy that he could live in Wild Star.

Of course, there is more than one manor in Yuan Ye Xing. The area of ​​a planet is so large, how big is a manor? Districts 1 and 2 alone occupy a corner of a planet like Huaxia and the United States on Earth, so He Xingcheng was worried that Nabohant would disturb his parents.

Of course, the most important thing was that the old marshal's wife liked Naber Hunt very much. He Xingcheng was a little worried that if this guy appeared in front of his parents, he would make his father jealous.

For the sake of the old couple's feelings, let's leave the scourge of Naberhant to another area.

Naberhant didn't stay out on the Wild Star all day to observe those plants, and occasionally he would go there to play games.

Because there is a wild star that can be used for him, the game "Earth Farm", Naberhant, only goes to see when he is growing and collecting vegetables. The game he usually plays is "Earth Food".

Players who have already tasted the taste of food in the game "Earth Farm" have also inspired the pursuit of food, and they have become more enthusiastic after "Earth Food" came out.

Especially those subordinates who were rewarded by He Xingcheng with the ingredients on the wilderness star. They studied seriously on "Earth Food". Only by practicing good cooking skills can they eat delicious food in reality.

Although you can taste the food in the holographic game and know how delicious the food is, it is not as happy as eating it. The kind of satisfaction and happiness of eating food into the stomach cannot be given in holographic games.

While other players are still cheering how delicious the food in the game "Earth Food" is, a small number of players are exercising their cooking skills. Only by performing well can you get the ingredients from the marshal.

He Xingcheng also bought a lot of poultry and livestock from Chen Xiayue, such as chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep, rabbits, fish, shrimps, crabs and other animals, and they were all raised on Yuanye Xing.

How can food go without meat? There is only vegetable food, although it is enough to satisfy them, but eating meat is still very happy.

Recently, a batch of soybeans was harvested on Yuanye Xing. He Xingcheng took the booklet of 100 ways to make soybeans given by Chen Xiayue to the subordinates in charge of Yuanye Xing, and asked them to put soy sauce, tofu, bean sprouts, bean skin, dried tofu and tofu. Soy products such as milk, yuba, etc. will be taken out.

Nabohant also knew that Yeonye Star had harvested soybeans recently, and he knew even more about what He Xingcheng asked people on Yeonye Star to do with tofu and bean sprouts, so he volunteered to say that he was responsible for the bean sprouts.

"Mr. Hunter, you live well on our Wildstar, why do you need to do such a hard thing?" The person in charge of Wildstar looked at Naber Hunt, who had volunteered to sprout bean sprouts, and was very helpless.

When this gentleman was in Yonye Star, the activity room was very free. Yonye Xing is now vigorously planting and breeding the entire planet. The planet is full of animals and plants. Everyone is very busy and has no time to pay attention to Naberhant.

After all, they all know that although he doesn't deal with their marshals, he is not a bad person. He has no restrictions on his free movement on the Wilderness Star.

But that doesn't mean they have to hand over some processing to this gentleman.

This is an honored guest, how can you work like the peasants like them?

"I'm very interested in things like bean sprouts. Why do you think I'm a dignified breeder who can't even grow bean sprouts?" Naberhant said with a serious expression.

The person in charge said with a bitter face, "Mr. Hunter, you are a distinguished guest of our Wild Star. We will do the bean sprouts by ourselves at the processing plant."

Naberhant frowned slightly, and didn't mess around, but asked, "Okay, I won't interfere with your work, I just want to ask if you can tell me the method of sprouts?"

The person in charge nodded and said, "Of course, we didn't think about the method of sprouting bean sprouts. The marshal also expects that the whole planet can be filled with plants."

Naberhant's expression softened a lot when he heard the words, but when he thought of that guy from He Xingcheng, his expression became serious again, and he didn't really want to give that guy a good face.

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