Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2232: Learn endlessly, see the arc

This time Li Longji and the officials came over to see the children, and then chat with the family of Qingdai Little Girl.

They are familiar with each other and spent some time together in Lijiazhuangzi.

More than one hundred children are the future of Datang Medicine.

The children are not all locals there, they are sent far away from Taiyuan.

Adults need to take a bath, change clothes, handle their luggage, eat a bun to cushion their stomachs, and eat a big meal at noon.

The children ate hard and fell asleep after eating. They didn't sleep last night and looked outside excitedly. It was dark outside, and they ran around in the carriage.

Finally I couldn't stand it any longer, and I insisted on returning to my bed after eating. It was a victory. Some people were even carried to the bed and fell asleep halfway through the meal.

The adults have almost arranged to go to the library.

There are five buildings in the library, one in the middle and four on the sides.

Hanging corridors are divided between the four buildings, leading to the other two sides and the middle.

There are four oblique corridors in the middle, and three others.

It is built entirely of reinforced concrete, with classics, history books, large dictionaries, geography, astronomy, physics, chemistry, arithmetic...

Of course, medical books are indispensable. Medical books occupies a building alone, but they are not full. Li Yide prints them as everyone learns.

There are a large group of administrators in the library, who usually read books.

When others borrow books, they don't have to look through the large catalog, just ask them, and they tell them where they are.

Simply turn around, it's noon, and I can only go to the pharmacy very late in the afternoon. Drinking today is a long time.

"I didn't dream of such a situation before I came here." Gu Yue and Qingdai's grandfather said.

"It's good to be used to it." Qing Dai's grandfather was very knowledgeable and saw him in Lijiazhuang, Bashui.

"Uncle okay?" Gu Yue asked Qing Dai's great-grandfather again, that is, Grandpa Cong.

"The road is too tiring, I will persuade him to live in Bashuizhuang for two days first, and then come over, Jiaxian is also there."

Qing Dai's grandfather said that his father stayed with his wife.

The four generations of his father are in the same house, and others say that he is practicing medicine and accumulating virtue.

Otherwise, how could Qingdai be envied by the sky and meet the person against the sky? It was the people they saved to protect his home.

"There are many books in the library, so I'm afraid of running water." The old man worried.

Old man Feng smiled: "Books are printed casually. There are no libraries in other places, but there are libraries.

It is estimated that some books will be distributed to local areas this year. Medical books are the most important thing, followed by math.

The simple little dictionary is being printed and bound in large quantities by Lijiazhuangzi. "

He had nothing to hide from his old friend, and he told his old friend what he knew.

When the two met, Qing Dai's father was still a child.

In fact, the medical skills of the two people were not as good as they are now, and they met one family to give birth.

There is not enough medicine in the medicine box and medicine gourd, so let people look for weeds nearby, don't care what it is, pick it and see.

People from the whole village went up to the mountain to find medicine, and the stones were also brought back in baskets.

There are always several pots of boiling water burning, and some people start to prepare funerals and make temporary clothes, mother and child's.

For two days and two nights, the two only drank water, and the mother kept drinking medicine.

Some grass is not medicine at all. Two people taste it, judge the properties of the medicine, and how much it can replace a certain medicine.

It lights up again that day, and his two lives were snatched back by them.

The whole village was cheering, and many innocent chickens were killed and made into stews.

"At that time, it would be easier to judge if there were these medical books and cursives.

The situation that I encountered was nothing at all in the Zhuangzi Hospital.

In Bashui Zhuangzi, I have seen the most dangerous one, Yulin Feiqi donating blood because they have checked their bodies.

The parturient woman exchanged blood for her life. At that time, Dongzhu Li personally came on the court and cursed others. "

Old man Feng thought about the past and said now.

The old head thought for a while, and asked: "How to change the blood? What's the disease?"

"Amniotic fluid embolism, only Lijiazhuangzi can save it. From now on, don't walk around, follow your studies, and publish other medical books, which is better than you alone.

You and I can help more people if you practice your hands. This year’s imperial examinations contain a lot of content in medical books.

According to the girl, the content of medical books in the coming year will increase, forcing students to study medicine, even if they fail to pass the exam, they can still practice medicine. "

Old man Feng persuaded his old friends to stay, learn by himself, and teach his apprentices by the way.

The old head pursed his mouth: "I plan to stay for the elderly in Lijiazhuang, study and work again, so I can't live for nothing."

"You don't work for Lijiazhuangzi. Let's sit outside the Zhuangzi for a doctor. We don't take any money."

"I saw someone in Luoyang Palace asked for a consultation fee."

"Of course it is necessary to go to other people's homes, not outside free clinics. The free clinics only consult patients and prescribe prescriptions, as well as acupuncture, massage, and spells."

"It's true, everyone wants to eat."

"It's time for us to eat too, let's go, today we have barbecue and hot pot, there are also small fried skewers, drink beer, and give you a cup of white wine, sixty degrees."

"Qingdai said, I will put new wine in my gourd from now on."

"Bring a glass bottle containing 75% pure medical alcohol to treat trauma."

"Easy to use?"

"It broke when I was working, and Zhuangzi never died in Lijiazhuang."

"Doctor! When is the end?"

The two went to the banquet hall as they chatted, and the old head finally sighed, feeling that he could not finish studying medicine.

After passing the imperial examination, it is easy to become an official.

I finally passed the Imperial Medical Examination, so start over and learn!

The two arrived at the place, and the things were arranged.

There are small pots for boiling vegetables and meat, so you can cook it yourself, the base of chicken and pig bone soup.

It is definitely not called hog bone soup. If you play with words like this, why not call it hog bone soup? Why don't you call it bone soup?

On the large platform in front, there are people roasting lamb, roasting chicken, and roasting ducks, but they do not roast big geese. The big geese can be eaten in another way, unless there is no chicken or duck.

Suckling pigs are not roasted. Wouldn't it be better to kill them after they were raised? There are not so many Piggy.

"Proprietor, I brought a cow. It slipped. The cow fell off and vomited blood. The thigh bones of the left front and rear legs came out? Can I save it? I'll buy it."

Song De drove people over, and an injured cow was fixed on the flatbed truck with blood on his mouth and blood foams coming out from time to time.

Gutou stood up and shook his head.

"It's people who can save it, Niu...Have fun, right? Zero three three, you go." Li Yi said.

"I can't do one, I'll find two, I don't want to explode."

The little robot Li Yi found the robots of Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan, and the three ‘people’ came to the cow’s side together.

Three electric lights flashed ‘chill’, and UU reading didn’t make any more movements.

"Charge, charge, dry 30% of my electricity, my own instant current and voltage guarantee can't support it, unless I don't need this body, but the electrician is no problem."

The little robot called Zero Three Three, and brought the other two little robots to find the charging port.

Someone came over and brushed two knives. The neck of the cow was connected to a little bone at the back, and a lot of water was rinsed. This does not collect blood tofu.

Gutou looked at it, and suddenly remembered that the little robot that was behind him yesterday was just a step away, about the same distance as the three little robots dealing with cows.

"Old Feng, how did your Qingdai teach?"

The ancient head had an epiphany, that's how it was.

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