Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2233: Data modeling helpless sigh

"It's all fate! She has been in such a home since she was a child, and she is easy to learn. Girl...Oh! My fate is so awkward, I will meet a nobleman, but it is a pity that the person who wrote these four characters is just like these four characters."

Old man Feng didn't know the situation, so he still sighed.

Li Yi nodded as he heard, knowing.

Written by Wang Bo, the fortune is uneven and the fate is ill-fated.

It's just that in Li Yi's time, some people would write that the fortune was bad and the destiny was ill-fated.

It has almost the same meaning as Zhang Jiuling's later writing of "Fate is only met, and the cycle cannot be found".

Zhang Jiuling is the prime minister! Later, because of the political struggle, I was degraded and felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry, so I started to write poetry.

When he was the prime minister, he was unwilling to write poems to waste time, the sea rose and the moon rose, and Tian Ya Gong wrote it at this time.

In fact, all the prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty had the ability to write poems by Li Bai and Du Fu, as did Li Longji.

So Li Bai, Du Fu, Meng Haoran, etc. were like that in the Tang Dynasty. What about Bai Juyi?

"Oh!" Li Yi sighed as he thought about it, whether he wanted to be a good parent official for the people, or to spend his energy on writing poetry?

"In fact, there is no contradiction, just eat more braised pork. The wind and rain send the spring back, and the flying snow welcomes the spring. Isn't that good!

There is also heavy rain falling on Youyan, white waves surging to the sky, fishing boats outside Qinhuangdao...

Independent cold autumn, go north of Xiangjiang River, Juzizhoutou...

More invigorating brains will give you the energy to manage the country and write poetry together, and it will be more harmonious. "

Li Yi mumbled, he doesn't like to write anyway, unless he has to write, when he needs to pretend to be compared.

For example, Princess Yongmu was bullied, and which lady's man pretended to be coerced.

Come on yourself, Tang poems, Song poetry, Yuan tunes, Han fu, modern poems, prose, come on! I promise to crush you to death.

"Proprietor, Datang." The little robot reminded, don't be distracted, in case someone else hears it.

"Oh, eat skewers, why don't you get bored with barbecue?"

Li Yi decided not to lose his mind, and suddenly found a problem. It seemed that everyone likes barbecue.

"Isn't barbecue just a way to eat! Can you still be bored with eating? You will starve to death.

The proprietor, you put out the barbecue alone, and feel that barbecue is not a regular meal, but the ancient barbecue is a normal way of eating.

Can dumplings go alone? Can cooking alone be proposed? "

The little robot whispered to Li Yi that you look at the problem from a different angle and position. That’s why you feel that hot pot and barbecue are separate from the dinner.

"It makes sense, so bulk trade is economic, and small-scale farming is also economic.

Vigorously develop the number of cash crops in the planting industry and the number of livestock in the breeding industry.

This is the theme and central idea of ​​Datang's economic development this year and cannot be shaken. "

"Proprietor, road construction is the most important thing. Without a road, what are you going to do? Worry."

"I find you are getting smarter."

"Are you trying to make me dumb?"

"Do you dare to talk back?"

"You hit me and I promise not to fight back."

"Good job, hit you? I hit you with my hand and my hands hurt. If I hit you with a stick, I have to redeem the body of a new little robot. You are a cloud system."

Li Yi touched the head of the little robot with his hand, and said helplessly.

A group of children were running around over there, and Kao'er joined in.

He took his sister Dudu, ran for a while, Dudu called his brother to eat.

Huan'er stopped and found a place to hold her sister up and sit down, looking for beef tendon, which was hot and soft.

He chewed it in his mouth, then spit it out and squeezed it into his sister's mouth.

Either roasted eggplant, the eggplant is tender.

He has chopsticks in one hand and a spoon in his hand. He puts the crumb in the spoon and blows it. Then he uses his tongue to test the temperature and feeds it to his sister.

Including his younger brother, the child of Wu Jieyu who became a concubine, he can take care of it all.

In the whole scene, no children, no matter how big or small, were crying.

When everyone was having fun, Song De hurried over again.

He glanced at the ancient head and said to Li Yi: "A man named Wancheng came outside, and we are inviting him here."

"It's him!" That's great, he works as a volunteer in Beitianfang, Gongxian County, really benefiting the country and the people.

Li Yi remembered, yes, there is such a thing.

"Make arrangements and ask him if he wants to take a shower first, which will delay more than ten minutes." Li Yi added.

Hearing this, the old head stood up and said, "Go and meet the old man, I've taught him how to say it."

"I'll accompany you." Li Yi couldn't say that everyone would accompany him. Gu Yue had no such face.

"I'll take a look, too." Old man Feng also knew that Zaifu, the prince, the emperor, your majesty, the emperor, etc. could not pick up a person who hadn't been naturalized, so Li Yi gave enough face.

Some people continued to eat and drink, but were absent-minded.

Li Yi walked outside of Zhuangzi, and someone over there led Wan Cheng into Zhuangzi.

When Li Yi walked, there was a sound suddenly, not earplugs, stereos, or someone else talking to him.

The sound seemed to be resounding in his own mind. It could also be said that it was not a sound or a change in electricity.

"In the verification of the verbal form of the Manichae leaders, they were in line with 36.77%.

Looking for the footprint ratio of the Manichae leader’s mission site, 69.12%.

Inspection images, body posture comparison, two captures, rapport is 76.11%.

The oral portraits of others see through the beard and the contrast is 52.25%.

Comparing to the initial modeling, the function is revised, and the discontinuous data is collected and summarized.

Comprehensive analysis of other characters' trajectories, model compensation, and data adjustment.

The similarity is 89.116%, the lock is successful, the follow-up model is established, and the data collection and analysis are continued. "

A series of data analysis came out in Li Yi's ears, or in his mind.

That is, after Wancheng was individually locked, the data was being aggregated.

Eighty nineteen sixteen, it is you. Without your specific image, only the footprints of your existence and the descriptions of other people can be supplemented and reorganized. Where are you going?

Li Yi listened, but couldn't be happy.

I caught someone, and I know who it is.

Wan Cheng was forced to live in a shack in the winter when he was forced to live in a shack in the winter by a relative of the Zheng family in Xingyang. The family of seven froze to death and six people were killed. Then the relative was burnt to death by the host's family inexplicably.

The people are not afraid of death, but how can they be afraid of death!

Li Yi understood in an instant that Wan Cheng had never left. He was responsible for the death of Zheng's relatives in Xingyang.

Then he met the Manichaeans, killed others step by step, and became the leader himself.

But his hidden identity is a person without hometown, and he is kind to Bei Tian Fang.

All the puzzles are very simple after perspective, but the hatred and arrangement in this process are definitely not simple.

Li Yi was unhappy, and the problem lay in front of him.

Zheng's relatives in Xingyang bullied people and forced 6 out of a family of seven to death.

The local government was biased because of the Zheng family in Xingyang. Old man Gu Yue saved people but couldn't save his heart.

The other party felt that there was no country in his heart, and he also learned the teachings of Manichaeism. It happened to be secretly preaching while healed others.

Li Yi was entangled, how should I say, that the other party should abide by the law.

Then there is a question, how did the Tang Dynasty come from? Abiding by the law?

In his time, how did his country's power come from?

Wasn't it the Kuomintang at first? Why changed? Because someone doesn't abide by the law!

So the Fa is directly related to force.

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