Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2353: Killing chickens to warn monkeys 2 surnames caught

The latest website: "Yo! You're cheap, right? Okay, I'll tell you to scold you well, stand still."

The people over there walked this way, a large group of men and women with smiles on their faces, seemed to have found something interesting.

"Li Lang, here we come." Princess Yongmu is also happy, come out to play, and have fun!

The little girl who flew the kite was frightened, and tears rolled in her eyes: "It's my fault, I didn't hold the kite."

"Go back and give you something delicious, we made money." Li Yi comforted her.

"Ah? Make money? How to make money?" The little girl didn't understand.

"You can tell by looking at it, don't worry, there are many of us, and they can't beat us. They dare to do it and earn more."

Li Yi is in a good mood, come on, I didn't like you just now, the place belongs to everyone, why do you circle it?

"Boy, do you think you have the ability to find a few girls? If you don't call me mother today, I'll take your surname."

The person rushing in front of him and talking just now should be a steward, and he began to roll up his arms and sleeves.

"No, don't give me my surname, I don't want it." Li Yi replied loudly.

He turned his head and commanded: "Wait for the other party to make a move first, then... kill!"

"Yes!" The women's guards were eager to try, and opened the multi-functional tactical saber.

The two teams were approaching, and Yulin Feiqi, who was flying in the sky, suddenly adjusted its direction and floated towards this side.

On the ground, Li Longji's cavalry was dispatched and the speed was directly increased.

When the teams on both sides reached a dozen paces, the other side rushed to the person in front: "It's you little bunny... eh? I, how do I look at you... Mian Shan?"

"Not good, if you have the ability to do it, don't be shy." Li Yi provoked.

"No, it seems..." The man began to swallow, his legs were trembling, and he saw that the crotch of his trousers was wet.

A man jumped up behind him and slapped him on the head: "Who told you to talk to Li Dongzhu like this? I'll kill you, I'll kill you."

If you beat hard, the beaten will cry, and the beater will cry too.

The others stood pale, breathing hard.

"Let's go, go back." Li Yi turned around, no matter what, he was too tired to say more.

"Master Li, Master Li, spare your life! It's my fault that I didn't discipline me strictly, spare my life!"

The beater knelt down and cried, and the others knelt down and kowtowed.

"Look, what I said is all right?" Li Yi said while holding the little girl.

"I see. You are the proprietor's elder brother. Let's make a fortune, right? They plundered their homes, and the things copied will belong to the proprietor's elder brother."

The little girl was excited and jumped in Li Yi's arms.

The cavalry over there came first and surrounded the people directly.

"Proprietor, what's the situation?" Guo Ziyi rolled over and dismounted, wondering.

"I was just flying a kite and they tried to cut the string of my kite, but my kite string was strong and theirs broke.

They first insulted me and Princess Yongmu, and then led someone to assassinate them. They found that the situation was not good, and we were fully prepared to perform such a play. "

Li Yi introduced that it was as simple as that, they wanted to assassinate.

"No, it wasn't an assassination, I didn't, I came here to make amends. It's all the people he scolded. I'm not good at discipline."

The man shouted, how could it be an assassination? Ordinary people will be frightened and beaten a few times.

"Your Majesty, please decide!" Li Yi dropped the sentence, quickened his pace, and went back to watch kites, chat, and play with the children.

"No, Rao... um! Cough, cough..."

The man shouted again, and was kicked by Yu Lin Feiqi with a heartfelt kick.

"Arrest them all." Guo Ziyi naturally understood that Li Yi did not like the other party's eyes.

The cries gradually disappeared, and the arrested man gagged.

"How much money can I get this time?" Princess Yongmu was excited.

"Look at how much money the other party's family has. How can you get the money back from this kite flying? A lot of people eat and drink."

Li Yi put down the little girl and took out a handful of pine nuts.

"Thank you, brother proprietor, brother proprietor, we will have dinner with you at noon, and you can find me a small kite to fly."

The little girl picked up the pine nuts with her hands in her pockets and made a request.

"Okay, let's eat together." Li Yi looked at the other children, and the seven children had bright smiles on their faces.

A few minutes later, Guo Ziyi came over: "Master Li, there are members of the Zheng family in Xingyang, and there are members of the Lu family in Fanyang, and the people from the Great House of Northern Ancestors. It is his family who scolds people."

"Oh! It's not from the old Lu family? Okay, Lu Chengqing, the great housekeeper of the Northern Ancestor, who is this? Lu Zangyong has no children, and is the child of his younger brother Lu Ruoxu's family? Let's see what his family does for a living, does it make money?"

According to Li Yi's analysis, who's family member, Lu Huaishen is the third house of the Northern Ancestor, not the big house.

Lu Zangyong of the big house died before Li Yi arrived, and he was not good enough to be an official.

"Xingyang Zheng, something always happens. His family has business in Haizhou Wharf, and there are many fields in Xingyang. It doesn't matter which one he is, as long as he has money."

Li Yi talked about the Zheng family of Xingyang again, and just took this opportunity to publicize it, so that others could understand the rules, at least fly kites outside and avoid enclosures.

A group of people over there were escorted away, and they didn't want kites or anything.

Li Yi thought for a while: "Go and bring the things they grilled over, and I will grill the children."

When the children ate the fragrant meat skewers, Princess Yongmu led someone to move the other party's kite over, and put everything that was not set into the sky.

"Sure enough, I brought so much pepper, used for marinating the meat, and sprinkled it on top when roasting. It's extravagant, I can't bear it, I just put it on a plate for dipping."

Li Yi judges other people's living conditions through the other party's things. It's good to have money!

"Rich! Fragrant!" The little girl rubbed oil on her face and continued.

"No matter how rich you are, you can't be domineering. People, you must know how to cherish your wings. Eat slowly, chew it before swallowing."

Li Yi handed a bunch to Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan each, and the other bunches were distributed to the female guards.

Princess Yongmu held the meat: "You can imagine what they looked like locally."

"There are more fields, more people, more cattle, more books at home, more grain in the warehouse, and more money. UU reading seems to be able to take advantage of this."

Li Yi felt that only earning part of the money was meaningless, and even that money was not good.

Xiaolan said from the side: "The temple is not bad. They donated a part and bought a lot of kerosene lamps, leaving only a quarter of the whole property."

"Yes, then let the two of them pay, and then in the name of Princess Yongmu and me, the money will be used to repair the canals and roads where they are.

No, go a little further, and in their own home, the roads and water conservancy are guaranteed to be well repaired, and they even make porridge for the people. "

Li Yi thought of a situation, other people's big families could not wantonly oppress the local people.

They also counted on the people to support them, and if they said that they would not let the people pass by, this may be the case.

But the local people didn't feel that something was wrong. It was like encircling a piece of land by themselves. When the people heard that it was Li Dongzhu, there was nothing wrong with him.

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