Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2354: Ride the wind and waves to go home

The latest website: A pleasant thing is put aside for a while, and then we will talk about it later.

The joy of the festival continued. At noon, Li Longji invited the people to dinner and spent the money of the Li family Zhuangzi.

Li Longji's money is also kept in Lijiazhuangzi, and only the money that Queen Wang participates in dividends will be handed over to Queen Wang every month.

Empress Wang used it to issue monthly records to the people in the palace, and the maids and eunuchs would find someone to send them home.

Those who do not have a home temporarily save it, do not need to buy anything, and eat it all in the village.

The palace maids are getting older, and when they go out, they can marry people with money.

Eunuchs basically do not go out, unless they want to marry a daughter-in-law outside.

At present, Datang is no longer looking for eunuchs who appear artificially, but the heavenly **** can.

In the past, eunuchs belonged to the family and could not support them, so they were cut off and sent to the palace, at least they could live.

In addition, for those who need to raid their homes, adults must die, the little girl is sent to Ye Ting Palace, and the little boy becomes an eunuch.

The age is too old, because the injury becomes a eunuch, the palace does not want it.

Now there is no such thing as being unable to feed. There are children at home, and the Tang Dynasty Fund will give money to the world.

If the child dies, the money will be cut off, and the local government will give it once a month, only when the child is seen.

If the officials of the government make up the number of children, or deduct the number of children, and conceal the death of the child, it belongs to another aspect of the problem.

You can't be afraid that someone will take advantage of it, so you don't care about the child.

The kids are cute, at least when they're not naughty.

Li Yi watched the children run out to play after eating a few bites, and then came back to eat a few bites after playing, and did not stop him.

Exercise well, eat more.

"The handsome and omnipotent proprietor, your third brother asked you to come over for dinner." The little robot zero three three received the message.

"Go, call the child."

Li Yi didn't move anything, and took Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan's hands left and right to walk over there, Erli.

"Brother Yi, is the seaside warm now?"

When Li Yi went to the place, Li Longji didn't mention the previous thing at all.

The other party belongs to the kicking iron board, and if it is replaced by ordinary people, it is guaranteed to suffer.

Since one party is bound to suffer, it is not wrong for the other party to suffer.

But it is really common people who are bullied, and the people of the two big families are not good either.

I'm right next to me, I'm not dead yet!

Yes, they dared to go over and make trouble when I was beside me, but they clearly didn't take me seriously.

"The temperature at the bottom of the mountain in the Taishan area is okay, but it is cold on the mountain. I'm afraid of rainy weather, the road will be muddy, the temperature will drop, and the soldiers will feel unwell."

Li Yi knew that Li Longji wanted to go to Mount Tai to Fengchan, and by the way play by the sea.

"Wait for a while." Li Longji thought it made sense, and the weather was completely warm before going, just to handle the affairs here.

"Xiaoyi, is the wind at the seaside strong?" asked Li Dan, who had also never seen the real sea.

"It's big, there's no shelter at sea, it's more windy than the plains, and there are many hurricanes.

It is better to fly kites now where Haizhou is located. Uh... Qingzhou and Laizhou in Henan Province are the most suitable for kite flying.

But now the local population is small, and more time is spent on life, and there is no time for festivals. "

Li Yi remembered Weifang, where a kite festival is held every year, and all kinds of kites fly in the sky.

Some kites can't be pulled by manpower at all, and they use mechanical equipment to release and rewind the line.

The Haizhou people mentioned by Li Yi are indeed flying kites. Their living standards have improved significantly and their income has doubled several times.

Taking advantage of today's Shangsi Festival, the children find craftsmen to make kites, and team up to fly them by the sea. It doesn't matter which way the wind blows, it's just the opposite.

Flying the kite, the sharp-eyed child noticed a few small black spots on the sea level and looked up at the kite.

After waiting for a while, more small black dots appeared, and the small black dots in front became larger.

"Boat, there is a fleet. Which fleet is this? It shouldn't be fishing. The fishing boat went in another direction."

The sharp-eyed child pointed there and shouted, a little nervous, a ship from another country? so many?

"Go tell others and prepare to fight." The older boy also thought that the enemy was coming.

They had nothing to do all day, thinking about the Tang Dynasty's navy fighting with others, and beating the enemy to pieces.

Substitute in now, let's go to war!

Before the children reported the news, someone had already seen the lighthouse erected on the seaside heights with binoculars.

Now wait a little closer to determine the identity, mainly to see the sails and flags.

Not long after, the flag was vaguely seen, blown by the wind, the angle was not very good, the sail of the ship was adjusted, and the flag floated to the side.

See clearly, Longqi, Datang's own ship.

Others don't need to be looked at. According to the size and number of ships, they can only belong to one team, the Datang Overseas Grace Group.

The team led by Lan Bao, who went to Japan for more than a year, came back today.

"Quick, send a report to His Majesty, Blue Treasure's fleet is back, there are thirty ships in total, and the draft is very deep, I don't know how many things are loaded."

The observer told the companion next to him that he was very happy and the water was deep, which meant he had a lot of stuff.

The telegram was ticking, and someone else began to shake the phone, double insurance.

"The telegram came, and so did the telephone. The telegram said Lamborghini had returned, the ship was thirty, and the draft was deep.

On the phone, it was said that the Datang Overseas Enze Group led by Lan Bao had returned, and they were about to dock in Haizhou, with all 30 ships.

Just looking at the danger, afraid of sinking, I don't know how many things are loaded, and the waterline is high. "

When the little robot reports, let’s talk about the telegram first. The telegram has less content, and someone else has to answer the phone.

"Okay, just come back, wait a minute, and the ship will know if there is any shortage of manpower when the ship docks."

Li Yi picked up the wine, took a sip, and watched the paper kites and people flying in the sky, feeling the wind and the sun.

Others don't have the heart to eat anymore, they drink and wait to see what Lan Bao brought back from the Japanese country. It won't be an ordinary stone, right?

Xiaoyi said that there are many local quartzite and limestone, which is useless! Datang also has it.

Iron Datang is more, and it is not used unless it is copper.

Many people gathered by the seaside in Haizhou. The person in charge of loading and unloading the ship fastened a wide belt and draped a cloth over his shoulders.

The sails of the fleet are constantly being adjusted, UU reading www.uukanshu. Obviously, the people on the boat are also anxious, wanting to step on the land of Datang as soon as possible.

Nantian Kazuko stood beside Sapphire, raising his binoculars to look at the pier.

"Bao Lang, the pier is so big and there are many people." Nantian Kazuko found that the situation was different from when his team came out.

When they left the Bohai Bay, they turned to Haizhou to take a look, and told them to go to Haizhou when they returned, not to go to the Yellow River.

At that time, there were only some small piers made of wood in Haizhou, but now one by one large piers extend into the sea.

"For more than a year, Datang has been laying the railway. I want to come to the railway to lay it. I don't know if the train that Li Dongzhu said can be seen."

Sapphire's hand holding the telescope strained and loosened again, freeing one hand to rub against his body, and switching to the other, looking very nervous.

Seeing that I was going home, I didn't know what happened to my mother and sister-in-law.

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