Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2355: On the price of new goods on shore

The latest website: 'Boom~~Whoosh~~Boom! Crackling! ' As the fleet approached, the two sides began to flag.

The one on the shore asked Lan Bao if there was anything wrong with Lan Bao, and Lan Bao replied that everyone had returned, none of them was missing.

The good news spread, and fireworks were set off at the pier to celebrate.

The people who set up the stalls to sell snacks moved the stalls over, the tables and stools were set up, the wontons wrapped in wontons, the dumplings made with dumplings, the stretched noodles with stretched noodles...

Everyone waited for the people who came back to eat after disembarking, and they could eat whatever they wanted.

On the docking platform extending out of the pier, someone is ready to pick up the rope to fix the boat at any time, and the person who carries it checks the reels of the rail car.

The first boat came close, the man above dropped the rope, and the man below quickly wrapped around the bollard.

As soon as the boat stopped, a row of springboards jumped on it.

The people on the boat disembarked one after another, leaving everything behind, let others board the boat to see it, and then carry it down.

The child appeared with a water basin, and the child next to him provided soap and towels.

"Let's go eat first." The people on the shore greeted, and the crew took a deep foot and a shallow foot to find a stool to sit on.

Someone brought Lan Bao a telephone with a telephone line: "Lan Bao, call Luoyang, and I will call you."

"What is this?" Lan Bao had never seen it.

"It's for talking to Luoyang, look at me!"

It was quickly connected there: "Haizhou Dongdong, pick up..."

"Understood, connect, let's talk!" The other party didn't need to call him, he just transferred.

"I'm Li Yi, Lan Bao has gone ashore?" Li Yi's voice came out, and there was a lot of movement.

Lan Bao was startled, and after confirming that it was Li Yi's voice, his eyes widened.

"Come up, just sat down, I'll give it to him." The man gave the phone to Lan Bao.

Sapphire imitated the other's appearance, putting one end by the ear and the other by the mouth.

"Master Li, I'm Lan Bao, how are my mother and my sister-in-law?" Lan Bao's voice trembled.

"It's all very good. We've arrived in Luoyang. They'll come together. You can talk alone in a while. We're flying kites now. Oh! Remember to ask Your Majesty how it's going next time."

Li Yi made a joke. When others miss their family, they naturally ask about the situation at home first.

"Yes, how are you, Your Majesty?" Lan Bao asked quickly.

"Okay, next to me, talk to you, third brother, I'm looking for you." This sentence came from the phone.

"Lan Bao, is there any damage to the crew?" Li Longji's voice appeared.

"No one died, and the injuries were all small wounds, scratches and cuts.

Your Majesty, we brought back a lot of gold ingots, silver ingots, copper ingots, spring deer antler, pearls, coral, dried abalone, dried kelp, seaweed, swim bladder..."

Sapphire reported and told His Majesty our harvest.

Many of them are seafood, and all the selected parts are kept, otherwise Datang can also fish them.

Li Longji listened patiently. He did not have a phone and spoke to the little robot.

The little robot put its voice out, and a group of people around were listening.

Bi Gou is the most excited, money, it's all money!

He even forgot the name of this team: Datang Royal Overseas Enze Group.

The money is not under his control, it belongs to Li Longji, Li Jiazhuangzi has dividends, and Lan Bao can get a small part.

"Eat first, after dinner, take the train home in the evening, I will take care of you."

After listening to Lan Bao's report, Li Longji said calmly.

Lan Bao heard it, greeted him again, and gave the phone to the person next to him.

The person next to him took it and listened to it, and when there was no movement, he put it down, otherwise he would have to wait for the other party to finish first.

The rules of officialdom and workplace, if the leader doesn't hang up, you hang up first? Then you hang up.

"What would Lan Bao want to eat?" the person next to him asked.

"What do you want to eat, Kazuko?" Lan Bao asked his daughter-in-law of the Japanese country.

"Dumplings, I saw dumplings." Nantian Kazuo pointed to the place where the dumplings were cooked.

"Okay, give Hezi a plate of dumplings, I'll have a bowl of noodles, want wide noodles, and put more sangzi."

Lambo doesn't want to eat dumplings, noodles are the best.

Others brought a bunch of side dishes and put them on the table.

The people over there stretched the wide noodles, boiled them in a pot, and prepared a sea bowl with a diameter of more than 30 centimeters.

Then scoop the bone broth from the soup pot next to it and pour it into a bowl. The noodles are boiled and cooked, copy them out and put them in the bowl, grab a handful of chopped green onion and coriander, and scoop a few large spoons of sham.

Sapphire used chopsticks to stir and stir, his mouth poked forward, just as he was about to eat, he stopped.

He picked up the bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other, stood up from his position, raised his foot on the stool, put the other on the heel, and squatted, hey! That's right!

As for why not squat on the ground, because the side dishes are on the table.

It's like eating on a kang in the northeast, you need to sit cross-legged.

As soon as the children finished the plate, their necks reached the edge of the table and they were too short, so they had to kneel down to eat. After a meal, their knees hurt a lot.

If there is a small cushion, it is a very happy thing, and it does not hurt to kneel on it.

Many people follow him, and those who eat dumplings do not squat.

"Xiaoyi, I'm making money again now." Bi Gou was still eating slowly, and finally took a break.

"The money from the Japanese trade has nothing to do with the imperial court. The Royal Overseas Favor is a team specially set up by His Majesty to benefit the Japanese people."

Li Yi reminded Bi Gou, don't think too much, otherwise you will lose a lot.

"Enze means you don't make money?" Bi Gou choked out his words.

"Yes, if you don't make money, it's all goods. If we don't sell it, where will we make money?" Li Yi gave another explanation.

"Don't sell seafood?" Bi Xianghua found an entry point.

"Zhuangzi eats seafood himself. Fish bladders are used as medicine, like pearls. Has Zhuangzi of the Li family sold medicine?"

Li Yi wants to protect his rights and not pay taxes. You wait for other overseas trade teams to come back and collect their taxes.

When Sapphire went out, I gave a million-dollar coupon set with a full face value.

The money was used to buy things from the Lanbao Lao-zhang's family, and the extra food brought was not counted.

"Thirty ships, can the cargo in one ship be worth 10,000 yuan?"

Bi Gou didn't want to take money, he just wanted to know the income from trade with Japan.

"How is that possible?" Li Yi shook his head.

"Oh! Alas!" Bi Gou couldn't say whether he was happy or sad.

To say I am is also right, I didn't get it, His Majesty and Li Yi took less, and I am in a good mood.

It's okay to be sad, whoever takes it, more is better, anyway, the meat is rotten in the pot.

"I dispatched Yulin Feiqi, the Datang Navy, and thirty large ships. If one ship does not bring me back 100,000 items, I feel like I'm dying."

Li Yi went on to say that with thirty large ships, Japanese things are cheap.

At present, there is a shortage of food in the Japanese country, and many people eat grass roots. Fortunately, in normal local days, there is a lot of grass, that is, there are many wild vegetables.

It will be cold in Hokkaido, and it will snow heavily in high latitudes in winter.

Bi Gou: "..."

what do you mean? Three million bucks? What is the fiscal revenue this year?

Arrange some people and 30 ships to go out for more than a year and come back for that much money?

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