Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2366: Reduce the enemy's mouth 2 is correct

Latest website: There was movement in the kitchen, Hegina gave something to her father.

The Turks favored sons over women. In the past, she was always scolded and beaten when she did bad things.

Since selling herself to save her brother, she has never been scolded again.

She knew that it was definitely not because she saved her brother, but because she found a backer.

She was ready to go to Datang when Xiao Jiu left.

The person who always wants to marry, the person who pursues, must find a strong one, is Yulin Feiqi strong enough?

The things they gave were enough for the bride price, a complete set of iron pots and porcelain.

It was said that it was the main tactical saber that Li Dong, who was looking for from Datang, gave it to his younger brother.

I can also write and draw, especially maps. I can draw well. I turn around on my side and draw a map when I go back.

And he knows several languages, and he speaks the language very fluently here.

When the wind is strong and it doesn't snow, it will use that wing-like thing to fly over in the sky to see myself.

There are several tins of money a month, and a tin is a thousand dollars to buy a lot of things.

The medicine he carried with him was a miracle medicine.

He cooks a good meal and laughs when he sees him, what a man!

When the family was satisfied, Xiao Jiu prepared the meal.

Hegina brought it up, the new wine was not opened, and there was half a bottle left before, and it was still there, just to drink it.

The four of them sat on the heated kang. Hegina's younger brother was in the school and would not come back at noon.

"There's something in your trouser pocket, don't iron it."

Xiao Jiuyi sat down and found it awkward. She took out a bar of soap from her trouser pocket, wrapped in grease with patterns and words on the outside.

Hegina took it over: "There are still a few pieces at home, and I can't use them up."

"Use it slowly." Xiao Jiu is generous and gave it to my father-in-law's family.

His father-in-law touched the wine cup with him, raised his head and drank the wine in the cup, and ate it with wild vegetables and shredded seal meat.

"Xiao Jiu, are Datang and us still fighting?" His father-in-law asked the most crucial question.

"If you don't fight, you've already fought if you want to fight. If Dongzhu Li is willing, he will come here alone and level this side and fly over."

Xiaojiu understood the situation, and the Later Turks had no fighting power in front of the Tang Dynasty.

The strength of the two sides is not equal, and the Turks are like playing after the Tang Dynasty.

"What will I do in the future?" The mother-in-law is also worried about national affairs, not worrying about it, it involves her own vital interests.

"Looking at how Mojilian and the others operate, I guess they will continue to go north, or they will be annexed by the Great Tang.

When the Tang Dynasty annexed, it should not use force, so it is better to fight now.

The real people just want to live a good life, but the people above are not willing to give up their rights. "

Xiao Jiu is familiar with this aspect and has learned it.

"Tell me about it." Hegina thought about leaving by herself and leaving her family behind. What should I do in the future?

"Actually, I can't run away, the speed of the migration of the big clans is not as fast as the speed of the Tang Dynasty's expansion.

In Datang, from Chang'an to Luoyang, a railway was built, and things the size of a house moved at a very fast speed.

I don't want to talk about it now, keep it a secret, anyway, the weapon has become more powerful.

There is no need to seize the limelight at all, and you can shoot people to death by firing a few hundred steps away.

In a few years, our family will be arranged. When you want to go to Chang'an and Luoyang, I will show you. "

While talking about confidentiality, Xiaojiu introduced the attack distance and power of the new weapon.

He counted on his father-in-law's family to help spread the word and tell the post-Turkic people how strong the Tang Dynasty was.

"Xiao Jiu, how much dowry do you think is appropriate?" The mother-in-law glanced at her daughter.

"If anyone wants to come with me, that's all.

I am also not short of money, and the benefits are very high. I used to give the money to my family, and I saved it for the dowry.

I have three brothers, two of them are in Yulin Feiqi, and one is a junior and a big one. They will either take the imperial examinations or enter the Yulin Feiqi.

Our parents don't need to be specially raised by us. We are soldiers, and His Majesty provides them, and Li Dongzhu is responsible for delivering things.

Even if I go back and a new comrade in arms comes over, I say hello, there will always be something that should be there.

By the way, let's see if there are other girls who are willing to look for Yulin Feiqi. Some of my brothers are single. "

Xiao Jiu was about to leave, so he put the words out.

By the way, take a red thread and marry a post-Turkic woman, then there will be one less post-Turkic woman.

The key point is that post-Turkic women can also ride and shoot. As long as you are stronger than her, she will be well-behaved.

If you change to an ordinary man in the Tang Dynasty, if you can't beat your daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law will look down on her, and that's how the post-Turkic people are.

"I have good sisters I know, and I'll ask them."

Hegina felt that she should help the sisters, Yulin Feiqi! The strongest soldier in the world.

"That's great. They are all jealous of me, saying that I found a good daughter-in-law. In order not to be targeted by them, you should find your good sister."

At this time, Xiao Jiu still didn't forget to coax the girl, it was definitely not what Li Yi taught.

Li Yi is a wooden man. He doesn't understand this, so be honest.

After a meal, Xiao Jiu left happily, and Hegina agreed to go together.

The Hegina family began to tell others that if they didn't say anything, they would also come to the door, and then asked about the situation.

Seeing that the winter has passed, whether to leave or stay, everyone has no idea in their hearts.

Hegina was busy looking for good sisters and told them that there was still a single Yulin Feiqi who wanted to marry, no dowry, and a generous dowry.

When the good sisters were still hesitating, their families were already heartbroken.

Nomadic women are money losers, and they have to give a lot of dowry, similar to Tianzhu, but not as serious as Tianzhu, and even less like Li Yi’s time.

Marry your daughter out without a dowry, and a betrothal gift.

The married person does not wrong the girl, Yulin Feiqi.

"Do you think I've done a good job?" Xiaojiu chatted with a few horses on the way back.

"You think, turning the enemy's living strength into one's own is more powerful than killing the enemy, right?

Hegina's riding and shooting are quite accurate, although it is a bit worse than me, an ordinary soldier in the Tang Dynasty, she is guaranteed to suffer.

I think she's a good sister. I'll introduce it to my brothers, go out to play and hunt, and don't have to worry about it by myself. "

Xiaojiu continued talking, not caring whether the horses responded or not.


The team prepared on the other side is feeding the camels with concentrate, and this team is more than a hundred miles away from the desert.

They are only responsible for raising and pulling camels, and they are the Gobi itself.

Camels can't be kept in a place that's too comfortable, and there's enough food.

A camel raised as a is absolutely nothing compared to a camel used as a means of transportation.

Just like keeping a dog, it depends on what you want to keep. A watchdog is not allowed to enter the house, let alone on the kang or bed.

The kennel must be set up, not tied, and the leftovers are fed casually, no matter how much salt is in it.

A pet dog that sleeps in a hug is actually called a companion dog and does not fight.

The mountain dog is different. It can enter the house and has a nest outside. It must be adjusted well for eating. Too much salt will not work.

The watchdog is responsible for barking and dignitaries, and when guests come, the owner has to stop them.

Companion dogs only care about being cute and making their owners happy.

Mountain guard dogs work together, the owner is injured, they guard themselves, and follow the owner's order to run down the mountain to find rescue.

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