Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2367: 1 student education class

The latest website: In the past half a month, there have been two light rains in Luoyang, and it is raining heavily today.

Li Yi was invited by Song Jing to teach the students, and he was a candidate who was admitted to the imperial examination.

After they have finished the exam, the inexperienced people need to continue to study, and they can be assigned elsewhere.

The students in the official family used to take the test directly. They passed quickly and understood everything.

Not this year, those who were admitted to Zhuangzi of the Li family did not study, but went back to Zhuangzi to study.

The questions are simple, and the scope of the test is told in advance, and the pass rate is high.

Some people find it useless to learn, but they do not like to learn.

Song Jing couldn't help it, ask Li Yi to come out, talk to them well, and play with them, just like Yulin Feiqi once did.

So Li Yi took more care of the students, made a look by himself, took off his clothes, put on boxer pants and a pair of slippers, and stood in the rain.

The admitted students, including Wang Wei and Meng Haoran, all stood like this.

"Actually... I don't want to come, everyone is the one who passed the exam. I'm a white body, and I was lucky enough to get an official. It's despised by people, isn't it?"

Li Yi held the microphone to talk to the students, and the big screen was hung.

The students were cold and frightened, even those of the aristocratic family were trembling.

Some time ago, Li Yi scolded him a few times because others didn't know it was him, and he was gone.

"Some people have relatives who are officials at home and understand the operation of officialdom, such as the format of documents.

Some underprivileged disciples have finally made it to the top, and they need to study extra to eat official rations and get salaried salary.

What I mean is very simple, everyone is standing on the same starting line, and you will be useless in officialdom.

Right now, our Datang requirements are relatively high. Officials must be able to manage the area and lead the people to live a good life. "

Li Yi, like chatting, doesn't drag text.

The students listen carefully, for fear of missing something, and if they say that they won't arrange an official position for you, they won't arrange it for you.

"Today is a day chosen in advance, rain is an accident, and there are always surprises in life.

It is said that when you govern the place, you encounter unexpected weather. Now, there is a flood. You belong to the common people. I am an official. I will take you to escape the disaster.

Do any of you know this? You don't have to study, it's very uncomfortable to get in the rain.

Fortunately, in the rain in Lijiazhuangzi, I was treated for treatment without money.

Did anyone say he can? Heavy rain will cause floods, facing the people. Do you have? "

Li Yi asked continuously, waiting for others to stand up.

The Yulin flying riders who were in charge of the guards had anticipation in their eyes, hurry up, the main boss is cheating, who is coming?

"Yes!" Living up to expectations, some students shouted loudly, not wanting to get caught in the rain.

"Okay, come up." Li Yi beckoned.

"Qinghe Cui Xu, I have met Doctor Li." The person who came from protected his name, but added two words in front: Qinghe.

It proves that he is a person from the Qinghe Rui clan, with different identities.

"Okay, Cui Xu. You are an official now, and I am a commoner. It's raining heavily. You want to take us somewhere else to hide from the rain, do you understand?"

Li Yi handed the microphone to the other party, and Cui Xu nodded: "I know."

Li Yi stepped down, stood below, and signaled the other party to start.

"Hmm!" Cui Xu coughed and cleared his throat: "It's raining heavily, and the river is about to burst. Life is the most important thing, everyone follow me."

He actually shouted that he was not writing at all, and it seemed that the family taught him.

"Where are you going? My house is still there, what about the flock of chickens I raise?"

Li Yi didn't know where to take out another microphone to talk about his difficulties.

"Is the chicken more important or the life?" Cui Xu shouted back.

"The house is gone, everything is gone, what else do I have to die for? If you say it breaks, it breaks? I ask you, if it doesn't break, my family loses something, will you pay for it?

There are so many of us, you can let us go with a word, can you bear the loss?

Look at my neighbor, his mother is 68 this year and is bedridden, you let her go now, and you arrange for someone to carry it? "

Li Yi said and pulled over a student, the student opened his mouth: "No, my mother is not..."

"Look, he said it all, it's not that his mother doesn't want to live, it's that you want to force her to die!" Li Yi took over.

Cui Xu on the stage was stunned for a moment, and Li Yi shouted again: "Is everyone right? If we don't let us move, we can't protect the house when we move out, or we can pile up sandbags.

Our poultry and livestock, the things in the house, you let us go now, do we lose them all?

Are you responsible? Do you dare to guarantee your official position? dare? Can you compensate us for our loss? Can you? "

Li Yi was aggressive, and he screamed.

The other students followed and shouted, all kinds of words, anyway, they were attacking and accusing.

Everyone found out that this was the case. You said that the embankment burst, how can you be so sure?

This is the reality, people really don't move, and some say they die with the house.

" have to think about it, whether life is more important or family wealth is more important."

Cui Xu kept wiping his face, not knowing whether to wipe the rain or sweat.

"Family wealth is important!" Li Yi shouted.

"Family wealth is important!" "Family wealth is important!" "Family wealth is important!" The students shouted in succession.

"Is it okay? If you can't come down, I'll go up." Li Yi asked Cui Xu.

Cui Xu clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and nodded, "Master Li, please!"

His name has changed, he was called Doctor Li just now.

He just didn't want to admit that there was only one Li Dongzhu in the Tang Dynasty, and all the "landlords" surnamed Li asked others not to call Li Dongzhu.

Li Yi came to the stage, looked at the crowd, and shouted: "It's raining heavily, and the river is about to burst. Life is the most important thing, everyone follow me."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, what the hell, you shouted more like Cui Xu.

Cui Xu was also stunned, and then he learned to shout, "Where are you going? My house is still there, what should I do with a group of chickens?"

Li Yi shouted: "Is the chicken more important or the life?"

This Cui Xuhui followed suit: "The house is gone, everything is gone, what else do I have to die for? If you say it's broken, it will break? I ask you, if it doesn't break, my family loses something, will you pay for it? We... "

"Come on, call me to confuse everyone!" Before Cui Xu could finish shouting, Li Yi interrupted him.

"Yes!" A group of Yulin flying cavalry rushed over and kicked.

"Oh! It hurts! It's really hitting! Stop, no, my waist, don't slap your face in the head, you're dizzy, Li Dongzhu, stop!"

Cui Xu rolled on the ground, and Yulin Feiqi continued to kick, without any effort, otherwise it would be solved in one go.

"Stop!" Li Yi shouted to stop, and Yulin Feiqi retreated, enjoying himself. Look, the proprietor is indeed under the trap.

"Cui Xu, and everyone else, remember that being an official is a power, and you must have the courage to take responsibility. If you are wrong, it will come later. Don't talk too much with the provocative people. The flood may burst the embankment, and you must make a decision."

Li Yi first said that this operation is correct, and it is useless to talk nonsense.

Sometimes people can't be saved, but instead they are also implicated to death, and force is used quickly.

Everyone nodded and learned, we will figure it out in the future and not be fools.

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