Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2384: Educating people for survival

The latest website: "Master, I'm here." Guizang jumped down: "Master, take medicine?"

"Go back and blanch it with water for dipping and eat it, mainly for Lin's and Chen's people."

When Li Yi saw that his apprentice had come down, he stopped taking it. The master had something to do, and the apprentice took it upon himself.

"Oh!" Gui Zang heard that the medicinal material was inappropriate, and his little hand slid down and up, and disconnected naturally when it reached the tender place.

This is eaten as a dish, and it is tender, with a lot of fiber underneath, and it is not good to chew.

If you use it as medicine, stick to the root and pull it, anyway, it is all boiled water, and you are not allowed to eat it.

Qingdai and Zhuozhuo couldn't go on, so they stood on top and watched, Zhuozhuo's eyes rolled: "Master is worried that they are too scared and have too much stomach acid?"

"Yeah!" Li Yi was satisfied, seeing how smart this disciple was.

"Junior brother, do you see any soil turtles below? I'll give you a little sickle, dig it, catch it if you have it, and use it as medicine."

Qingdai still couldn't go down, so she threw a leek sickle to her junior brother.

"And in my pocket? Give me a small pocket or bottle!"

Li Guizang was depressed, you guys were pointing fingers on it, I was working, and I didn't prepare everything for me.

"You dig it first." Qingdai's little girl stared, dare to talk to senior sister like this?

Guizang dug: "No, earthworms? I saw a big earthworm."

"No, there is a special care in Zhuangzi." Qingdai waved her hand.

"You also keep the soft-shelled turtles!" Gui Zang wanted to go to the hospital, whether it was inside or outside his heart.

"Then bring it up!" Qingdai nodded again.

"Oh my god, Master, who is going to have cardiovascular disease one day? I found out that I can't do it anymore."

Li Guizang is about to cry, you are blindly directing from above, and I will play with you when I work?

He expressed the voice of the real workers in some departments at Li Yi's time. The difference is that the technical level of the commander was higher than his, while the commander of Li Yi was not technical.

"Where is Zero Three Three? Come here!" Li Yi did not speak to the second disciple, calling the little robot.

"Again, being carried, it's here." Zero Sansan said.

"How did you get here?" Li Yi asked.

"I sing, tell jokes, tell allusions to those who lift me, no matter what their status, when I lift me, I have to understand that I need them."

Zero Sansan replied, all the little robots that were carried were the same.

"Have you seen the situation just now?" Li Yi asked.

"I know, lord, you say."

"You are the leader, I am the one who does the work, you speak."

"Guizang! Remember that this is what your master taught you, you know how to cherish it. Hmm! I'm the deputy section chief now, Xiaoyi!"

The little robot Zero Sansan immediately entered the role, even though the voice was still so cute.

"Senior Zero, don't come down, the soil here is too wet." Li Yi responded.

"I'll give you a shovel, you can dig and dig, and see if there are any soil soft-shelled worms below, which can be used as medicine." The little robot said.

"Senior Zero, you are testing me. You know that there are no earthworms, but there are large earthworms that you mentioned last time to improve the breed, and I will take them.

I remember that you specifically said at the meeting a few days ago that the cultivation of earthworms is not only about feeding and breeding, but also with fresh individuals.

Everyone should work hard to find and research, not behind closed doors, you see, as you said, there is. "

Li Yi dug out the big earthworm and handed it over with an expression of admiration.

Zero Sansan couldn't get it, and others helped him get it. He asked Li Guizang, "Have you learned it? When the status is not high enough, it is important to save yourself.

Your master is teaching you a lesson, but it is because I did not cooperate well enough, which affects your master's performance. I will learn more from your master when I look back.

You are like me, you are so weak, and even more the same, your master is my master! We are both happy. "

Li Guizang's mouth turned into an O-shape, and he stared at the little robot with wide eyes. are also my master. This horse was photographed.

"Are you enlightened?" the little robot asked again.

"Understood! No wonder you've been on the verge of seeking death and are still alive to this day."

Li Guizang nodded vigorously and extended two thumbs at the same time, admiration!

"Don't talk about the past, or is it just a skill, eh? That... the deceased was so suffocated, and he was reluctant to give up day and night, can it be changed?" The little robot asked in a cute voice.

Li Guizang was stunned for a moment, then his eyes were red, and he replied, "You can't remonstrate those who come, and you can still pursue those who come. Thank you, thank you everyone!"

The surrounding ministers, including Li Longji, looked at the little robot, do you still have this function?

The little robot took the opportunity to speak the words of Confucius.

What Li Guizang answered was the content of the Analects. Those who passed by could not be remonstrated, but those who came could still be followed.

What the little robot said is that it is a pity and helplessness to miss it. Can it be changed?

The same Analects of Confucius tells others that it will be over when it has passed, and we must continue if we are still alive.

Switch to Li Guizang, tell him not to worry about the past, it doesn't matter who your parents are, now everyone cares about you, you have to work hard for these people! come on!

Those who understood it all told the people around them that the little robot was amazing.

All the people who lifted the little robot raised their chests and raised their heads instantly, and the little robot always followed along the way, making people less tired.

It is only now that I understand that the knowledge of the little robot is profound, and its virtue is better.

Li Yi continued to dig, and found several earthworms, both large and small, brought them up and prepared to bring them back to Zhuangzi to match with the breeders.

"It's not easy to change brother!" Li Longji said with emotion.

Yao Chong and Zhang Shuo bowed their heads together. At first, they both wanted to suppress and use Li Yi.

At that time, they thought they could do it with their own position and means, but as a result...

Lu Huaishen's face was calm, the old man has never done such things, and whoever has a guilty conscience knows for himself.

Bi Gou looked at it and seemed to be hesitating, should I continue to care about Xiaoyi and ask for money?

Song Jing thought of a person, Hao Lingquan, that year he...

"Everyone, if you don't take this road back, you can't criticize those who go, and you can still chase those who come."

Li Yi came up to see everyone's expressions and comforted him. It's all over, don't worry about it anymore.

So everyone was in a good mood and continued to pick mountain vegetables.

Many palace maids and eunuchs didn't understand, just like some people didn't understand why Li Yi had to eat breakfast buns at that time.

I want to know who is the real boss behind this bun shop, and the origin of the name of the bun shop, and then I understand.

No matter how unclear it is, I can't continue talking, because it will...

"Brother Yi, what will happen to the Chen family and the Lin family in Quanzhou?"

Li Longji ate a large piece of folic acid, which is physalis leaf, his face squeezed and his brows wrinkled.

"Interspersed people went There are requirements. There are many people in Quanzhou, and there are people in the mountains. They make money to manage the place well and make it rich. Others are lazy.

Li Yi never wanted to kill anyone, the more in a high position, the less he wants to kill when he decides life and death at will, unless the other party goes too far.

But he supports a behavior, a village, some people do not progress in thinking, I live like this, do not work hard.

Li Yi allows others to do it, are you amazing? Do you want to be a jerk? A group of bigger gangsters beat you, don't you work? Quit and continue to fight until you do.

What? Poverty alleviation first? That's a matter of the government, and it's not the government that is taking action now.

How can I have time to play with you slowly? Be happy, move things for me, and I'll pay you.

------off topic-----

I have it today, thank you brothers and sisters for your subscription, monthly pass, reward, recommendation, and collection! The farmer bows!

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