Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2385: Belief in the heart

The mountain road twists and turns, and it goes according to the situation.

Li Yi, Li Guizang, and Qingdai's little girl can always find things quickly, but she is slow but not anxious, she is observing and learning.

After Yulin Feiqi had dealt with more than 40 snakes, caught 11 wild boars of various sizes, and chased away the lynx and leopard, Su Ting finally got what he wanted and picked up his own thorn sprouts.

It was too deep to enter the mountain, and the people could not get in. The people knew the danger in the deep mountain, so they turned outside, and even the woodcutter did not come up.

There is a hunter's hut, but the area belongs to Henan Prefecture. Like Gyeonggi, where Chang'an is located, it has not yet reached the period of open hunting.

The basement of the hunter's hut is limestone to prevent rats from entering, and even mouse traps are placed.

All the jerky is hung up, and the utensils used to hold the rice are stone, with a thin slate pressed on it.

There are small stones under the water tank, which are medical stones. There are many medical stones here.

When hunters are able to go into the mountains, they should change the water in the tank first. If it is too late, they will skim the contents out and boil it.

Yulin Feiqi helped to clean the tank, brought water to fill it up, and then covered the wooden lid that was divided into two halves.

Plug the mouse hole and clean up the dead mouse.

The bottom layer of firewood that has been thawed and dampened is taken outside to hang to dry, and knives and large forks are sharpened.

In fact, the hunter's hut near the main road does not need Yulin Fei's riding tube, and has been packed.

Apparently, hunters have come here. They see the situation and deal with it for others and for themselves.

If it is too far away, it will not go, hunting is not allowed, and there will be problems with the supply after the past.

"Listening to the chirping of magpies, I feel instantly relieved."

Zhang said looking up at a nest on a branch of a tree, there was a quacking sound.

His little robot was very disrespectful: "That's a crow."

"Crows and birds chirping together!" Zhang said that was a thick-skinned wow!

"I'm shallow, I've only heard the silence." The little robot expressed admiration.

"A good one is silent." Zhang said but felt that the word was good.

"Yes!" The little robot responded.

Li Yi glanced at it: "Actually, magpies and crows look very similar, and their calls are similar. So... nothing."

He suddenly realized that the current Japanese country does not regard crows as good birds.

In ancient China, magpies were not fond of crows, and the Japanese always learned, and they mistakenly believed that crows were magpies.

The crow go silent is also understood as the crow silent, the calls of the two kinds of birds cannot be heard by ordinary people.

Later, even if the Japanese country knew the difference between magpies and crows, they still insisted that crows were good, and wrote them into the book to deify crows.

Like a song in a cartoon: the bells are ringing, the crows are quacking...

Later, because most of the descriptions of crows came from temples, it was passed down like this.

It is impossible to change it, just like a fable and allusion.

As soon as he gained the Taoist monk, he encountered a thatched hut on his way, and the hut was in full bloom.

He knew it was wrong as soon as he heard it, and told the other party that you were wrong, it should be: Om Mani Padme Hum.

The old woman looked at each other and knew that she had met a real eminent monk, so she changed her mind.

As a result, the eminent monk left, and when he looked back, the Buddha's light in the house disappeared.

He had to go back and tell the old woman, I remembered wrong, you are right.

So the house reproduces Huaguang, and the belief is so simple.

Therefore, the Japanese inherited part of the Chinese culture. At the beginning, the crow and the magpie were not clear, so the crow was regarded as a good thing.

In the Song Dynasty, there was another word about the drum of the Shenya Society, which was exactly what it meant.

When Li Yi felt that the crow was not good, it has always been the case.

Even in the Song Dynasty, the drum of the God Crow Society represented sadness.

Later, Ma Zhiyuan of the Yuan Dynasty wrote that withered vines, old trees and crows, crows are not good.

But from the previous dynasties, the Japanese handed down, they feel good.

Li Yi didn't think that the Japanese country was wrong. If people thought it was good, it was good.

Otherwise, what is the difference between him and the special white-skinned person with absolute hostility and prejudice at that time? I said hello to you, or I'll hit you.

To put it bluntly, right or wrong does not matter, what matters is me, what I say is what I say, I am God!

When you wear your pants, I say you are uncivilized, and I call you back to nature when you are naked.

"Alas!" Li Yi thought about it, and finally sighed.

"Brother Yi, did you eat on the mountain at noon?" Li Longji was always looking at his son-in-law, brother Yi.

If you don't look at it, you can't do it. The situation in the world today, he knows why it has changed.

Don't look at Brother Yi staying in Zhuangzi all day, the whole world is moved by it.

When Li Longji discovered the situation, he didn't know what Yi Di's son-in-law thought again, and his expression was not very good, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Eating on the mountain, I brought all the food. Today, I picked wild vegetables to make a soup. The main food is bacon flatbread with a little poppy extract in it.

I have checked out all the allergic people. If they can't eat it, we are fine. Only a few people can be allergic, so add more tempeh to them.

The main purpose is to relax, eating one meal will not cause dependence, the content is very small, and eating 100 meals is actually no problem. "

Li Yi regained his senses, but he really couldn't go back, so he just found a relatively flat place to eat.

When he made the bacon flatbread, he put poppies in the meat but not in the pie.

Unlike at that time and period, he rolled out the pain slices into the cakes waiting to be baked, and then drank white wine.

The more I eat, the better it tastes, and I feel that my alcohol intake has increased.

Li Yi knew everything, but he didn't dare to play like that. He was all his own. The meat with poppy stewed smoked it was fresh, not addictive.

In the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, donkey meat buns in Hebei, knife-cut noodles in various places, mutton soup in Henan, seafood noodles in Fujian, Sichuan hot pot in Chongqing, fire in Shandong, authentic hand-steak lamb in Xinjiang...

And so on, all use this thing.

"Li Lang, this pork is delicious, it's almost as good as braised pork."

Princess Yongmu has the most say in the production of meat, and she likes to eat braised pork.

As for the meat of all animals, if you can't pass the braised level, you are not good meat. If you don't believe me, ask Princess Yongmu.

"Yes, Li Yi wanted to say that each has its own characteristics, and finally held back.

The collected mountain vegetables are made into wild vegetable soup, and vegetables with small leaves, bracken, and cat's paws are not good for soup.

Then eat Roujiamo, which is a bacon flatbread.

The first batch of Feather Lin Feiqi had finished eating and went to the periphery to take over from the brothers who were standing guard.

The drones in the sky are flying around, and the yacht is next to Qingxian County on the Yellow River, making it more convenient to charge.

Diesel generators hum softly, and the multi-rotation drones alternate charging, some of which have low endurance.

Those with high endurance and manned flight are still inferior to fixed-wing UAVs that can take off and land vertically.

"Who? Come out, come here, find a cave, there are people inside."

When Li Yizheng was eating the meat, there was a shout from Yulin Feiqi.

A large group of people ran over, and the other Fei Lin Feiqi put down their food and looked around vigilantly.

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