Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2386: Once Ban's Pregnant Now

"Isn't it? This time I decided to kill!"

Li Yi is depressed, what are you doing? Staring at me to assassinate? Do you think I can't kill anyone?

"It's me~~~ Proprietor~~~ I'm the class size~~"

A voice came, and the penetrating power was strong!

The echoes of the woods are humming, childish.

"Bring it here, why did you come here?" Li Yi heard who it was.

The child surnamed Ban is twelve years old this year. The child can imitate many kinds of voices, which is vivid.

The others were in no mood to eat and waited together.

After waiting for almost 20 minutes, a family of nine talents showed up, and the distance was far away.

They wore spring camouflage uniforms, some carried bows, some had a row of flying knives around their waists, some ate spears, and some carried lancets.

The word 'Ba' is embroidered on the chest of the clothes, indicating their identities.

"I have seen the proprietor." The nine people greeted together.

"Have you eaten yet?" Li Yi beckoned.

"No, I rested in the cave and ran out when I heard the movement."

The eldest old man sat down beside Li Yi without picking his bow.

The old lady sat on the other side of him: "Why is the proprietor here? We took the children out for training. There are no large beasts on the mountains in the area of ​​Zhuangzi. I have reported to Director Song, and it has been three days."

Her flying knife was hanging on her body, and she didn't plan to take it off.

"The proprietor brother." Three older children shouted, a girl and two boys.

The other two couples with children put down their weapons and went to carry water basins.

Their family was a person who used to take darts and darts. They were bullied in the county and went to Lijiazhuangzi to complain.

In Shuzhou, the magistrates and governors share the same surname as Bi Gou, one is Bi Zai and the other is Bi Xiancheng.

The two families were all exiled, and the family of nine remained in Zhuangzi as a village household.

Listen to them, they run here to train children.

Girls have special vision and can see objects in low light. One of the twin boys can imitate other voices, and the shouting has strong penetrating power, and the other ear can determine the echo distance and direction.

The three eldest children took off the flying claws wrapped around their waists, and the eldest girl said with a smile, "I am afraid of encountering wild animals, so it is convenient to climb the tree, like a bear, a tiger, or a big leopard."

"Tigers, bears, leopards can't climb trees?"

Song Jing asked, do you think they won't be able to climb up the tree?

"Yes! But we hang the branches up faster than them, and get to the position one step ahead. When they go up, we will tie them down."

The big girl made a gesture, she went up first, the beast went up, she needed all fours to climb the tree, she had weapons.

She took a soft gun from her waist, swiped and twisted it, and the soft gun became hard, 1.6 meters long.

The two older boys also took off their soft spears, and the older one said, "The craftsman uncle in Zhuangzi is really good. He specially made the soft spear for us."

The daughters-in-law of the two old men and women brought soap and towels, and the two sons each brought a basin of water.

Everyone washes their hands and prepares to eat.

They were not ordinary people, they belonged to the villagers. They acted and spoke very naturally in front of Li Yi, and kept their weapons by their side.

"You two are pregnant?" Li Yi looked at his two daughters-in-law.

"If you go back to the owner, it's always five months. The eldest daughter-in-law is a twin, and the second daughter-in-law is still twins this time, just two baby girls."

When the old lady talked about her daughter-in-law, she smiled brightly.

"Checked? Pay attention to raising the baby, don't jump up and down."

Li Yi didn't personally receive the doctor. They should have gone to the hospital by themselves and handled it by the nurse.

Women who do not have menstruation, whether married or not, will definitely go to the hospital.

Either the unmarried person is ill, or the married person is pregnant. There is no unmarried pregnancy in Zhuangzi.

Unlike him and Princess Yongmu, getting married is very exhausting, you need to choose the time, there is no problem with it in advance, even if you have a child.

Zhuang Hu, if you are optimistic, you will do the wedding, and there is no requirement for dowry.

Married to a separate house, all kinds of furniture, new bedding, clothes, jewelry for women, all belong to the welfare.

Money is secondary, useless, where to spend it? What do you want to buy?

Ban's family will go to the hospital if they have a headache, let alone pregnancy.

The two daughters-in-law of the old lady are all twins. It seems that they are out to exercise, which is conducive to production?

"What are you going out to practice for?" Li Yi didn't care too much about this family.

In addition to knowing the situation of the family and asking people to go to the local area to investigate, too much concern will put pressure on the family.

For example, the special ability of the child, focus on training, the child will focus on this training, and the rest will be ignored.

And these specialties, in fact, do not participate in important industries, it is useless.

They are most suitable for arrests, and the three children cooperate with each other, which is very useful when searching for enemy tracks.

When arresting someone at night, with a loud shout, the enemy knows the approximate location and continues to hide, but he can't escape, and there are children who can echo the location.

Just like a submarine being hit by active sonar underwater, don't you know you when you don't move?

"If you are responsible for helping Zhuangzi arrest in the future, you should also learn other knowledge.

Like the psychological profile of characters, the analysis of the geographical environment, and learning other skills, it will not affect the development of the main business.

After choosing a path, the auxiliary subjects are not mastered, and the future is limited. "

Seeing that the other party's family was seated, Li Yi motioned for someone to bring food when he was talking, and the two pregnant women could not eat bacon with poppies.

Qingdai's little girl went over to check each other's pulse and compared hers, but it was the youngest boy who said, "Why do you eat so many sour things? Here, put more scallions when you eat bacon flatbread, otherwise you will Wait for my master to give you dentures!"

"Delicious!" The big boy looked at the little girl fearfully, can this give the pulse number? I do eat all sorts of sour things and my teeth hurt.

"You too, do you think that a sour girl is a hot girl? You have already been told that you are a boy or a girl. You can become two boys if you eat sour?"

Qingdai little girl said to the person who was carried by Huailongfeng.

Turning his head, he said to the woman who was pregnant with two female dolls: "It's not the female doll who eats spicy food that grows well. This kind of clematis that grows locally is too spicy. In fact, there are more in the Northeast, and it is poisonous. You have There is no disease, and eating it is a spicy girl?"

"Can you get the pulse out of this?" The woman who was pregnant with twin girls was The proprietor's disciple is so godly?

"Take the pulse? What does it have to do with taking the pulse? You and the second classmate are panting, and I can smell it."

Qingdai little girl is so helpless, are you free to talk to you when I have the pulse?

"Want to hear the smell?" The daughter-in-law found the definition.

"Looking, hearing, asking, and hearing is listening." The little girl emphasized the meaning of the word 'smell'.

"Oh!" The woman nodded, so it was.

"Don't eat too salty, drink less soup and eat half full."

The little girl let go of her hands and went to wash her hands. She had to eat herself.

"Brother Yi, what kind of wine are you drinking?" Li Longji felt that today's food was okay and wanted to drink.

"One or two liquors per person, meat and drinking, and finally cakes and soup."

Li Yi also gave the steps to eat, obviously it should be Roujiamo, and Bian Cheng eats the meat and the cakes separately, just like he just did.

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