Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2387: Secrecy plan gets tough

The family joined in, Yulin Feiqi breathed a sigh of relief, the family's fighting power was very strong.

Especially the child who can know the direction by listening to the echo, his early warning effect is powerful.

After everyone had eaten, they continued to pick mountain vegetables, and the eldest girl's skills were revealed.

The forest is dark, and the vision of seeing things is affected. It takes a lot of experience or luck.

She helped find the mountain vegetables, and the things in her field of vision were different from those of normal people.

"It's here, it's here, don't miss it, I'm going to the front, how come there are still snakes on the tree? I haven't cleaned it up!"

The eldest girl from the Ban family helped find the mountain vegetables, and suddenly stopped and looked up at the tree.

There is a snake hiding in the tree, its body color and shape is similar to that of a branch.

In the eyes of normal people, the big girl looks very abrupt.

"Death or life." Li Yi said.

Huh, a lancet went up, click, the snake was stuck seven inches and fell, and the old lady shot.

Guo Ziyi's pistol also came out, but it was spinning in his hand and did not fire. The target he was staring at was the old lady.

He doesn't need a flying knife, because he is afraid of slow speed, and the initial speed of his pistol bullet is fast.

Li Longji was 20 meters away from the old lady. The old lady's knife dared to fly towards Li Longji. Guo Ziyi was sure to knock out the flying knife and solve the old lady by the way.

He has his duty to guard against all that should be guarded.

"When the baby comes out, the house will be enlarged, first stay in the hospital for a month, and then move out after the full month."

Li Yi talked to the old man in the class, that all new babies in Zhuangzi will stay in the hospital for a month, and they will breastfeed when they need to, and take care of them when they need to.

There is maternity leave and parental leave, and men also give it. The baby needs parents. If you hug and talk, the baby will feel it.

Especially when the baby is going to sleep and the parents talk to the baby, the baby will respond positively and cry! Shut up and let me sleep.

"Proprietor, the two daughters-in-law have not done anything for four months. They came out this time to find some traces of wild beasts. After the hunting ban period, they will catch them back to make up for Zhuangzi's losses."

The reason that the old man said, training the children is part of it, and the other part is to contribute to Zhuangzi.

When Li Jiazhuangzi found out that the woman was pregnant, he immediately adjusted his work and told him how to eat, sleep and relax.

In theory, women in Lijiazhuangzi have one and a half years of vacation from pregnancy to raising children, and men also have two months.

Zhuangzi of the Li family is not worried about labor. Every extra baby increases the population of Zhuangzi.

Different from the workshops outside, the manpower hired by the workshop can no longer work, and the child is not the workshop of his own, so give you a year and a half of paid vacation?

The Zhuangzi's children of the Li family are still Zhuangzi's. Can't I give more care to my own Zhuangzi's children?

The farmers thought that the delay was long and wanted to make up for it.

There is no need to do that. Pregnancy works normally, that is, be careful in the first three months and the next two months.

Li Yi shook his head: "Where does Zhuangzi have to lose? With four more babies, there will be four more managers in the future."

"Proprietor, what if one day a boy or girl in the village falls in love with someone outside the village?"

The old man was very thoughtful, and the questions he asked were very cruel.

"Zhuanghu knows the actual situation in Zhuangzi, which means that confidentiality is greater than freedom. When some people think that the outside world is colorful, it means that Zhuangzi's ideas have fallen behind.

It won't appear in a few decades, and after a few decades, you can still manage it for a thousand years?

But there is a situation, that is, there is a state-owned state law, and the family has a home. Even if Li Jiazhuangzi does not exercise the family rules, the state law of the Tang Dynasty will fall. "

Of course Li Yi understands some situations. Zhuangzi of the Li family is a special existence, and others are not allowed to go out.

This is true of any country with a normal and stable regime, and espionage and counterintelligence always exist.

Why can't some technologies be obtained from other countries in their own countries? Because there is no money?

National security defense has its own system. Spending money is useless, and using beautiful men and women is still useless.

Some key figures have beliefs, and the farmers of Lijia Zhuangzi also have beliefs.

There is a counterintelligence department in Zhuangzi, say a certain man or woman, who is attracted to people outside.

Zhuangzi will soon discover that there is no single person working outside.

The counterintelligence department has many methods, such as asking the spy man or woman to have extra emotional problems, or grasping evidence to arrest, or even natural death.


"Did the thorn buds I picked weighed twenty pounds? Weigh it, quickly weigh it."

In the evening, Su Ting looked at his harvest and shouted, ignoring the image of Saisuke.

Before, he saw that others made more than seventy dollars, selling thorn shoots, and felt that he made more money.

They picked two big baskets, and now he is less than a third of one basket.

From the morning until now, with the help of others, he has harvested these.

He took off his gloves, squeezed the blood from his right index finger, and got stabbed on the side.

Thorn young buds are also called thorn old buds and thorn dragon teeth. Why is the word 'thorn' added? Just look at Su Ting's face.

"Eighteen catties and six taels are relatively fresh. If you count them as twenty catties, they are sixty cents a catty."

Li Yi personally hangs the name and calls it for you, not bad.

"Thirteen cents and two cents, zero wipes, thirteen cents. If you don't believe me, wait a minute, and then weigh it, it is guaranteed to be lower than the current weight."

Li Yi paid for it, and really gave it, like a middleman who collects mountain vegetables.

"Xiaoyi, wait a minute, I'm so tender, my hands are stabbed, can't fifteen coins be enough?"

Su Ting is so wronged, give me more, it's not easy for me!

Li Yi laughed, you are too involved in the show: "Fifteen is fine. This time you understand why some people make more than seventy dollars? They choose two big baskets."

"Yes, yes, one day, picking mountain vegetables is really not easy. Look at others... Qingdai, what are your three big baskets?"

Su Ting just agreed with Li Yi's words, and when he turned his head, he saw someone beside Qingdai carrying three baskets bigger than his.

"There are thorn sprouts, and there are things better than thorn sprouts. There are actually small mushrooms here. This season is not easy, and it should be sold for a big price.

In addition, Ganoderma lucidum also has and dried fungus. After the snow, it was not blown off by the wind, so I picked it.

I also found a lot of these castor bean-like moth eggs. I thought it would be more than half a month later. Now that the weather is warm, they appear.

This medicine has no meaning, other things can be substituted, or even better, yes, it is better.

I will find someone to find it, and then we will fry it and eat it. This one cannot be roasted, and it will be gone once roasted. "

Qingdai little girl introduced that she was embarrassed to attack Su Ting, you are too weak, it is so hard to find a mountain vegetable?

But Su Ting was still hit, he was not short of heart.

He knows the subtlety of other people's little girls. Before, he thought that others made more money, and he was so incompetent in exchange for it.

"Sweet and pungent in taste, mild in nature, and slightly poisonous. Castor!"

Su Ting struggled for a while, I know this.

This is actually not bad, at least he can say it, change someone, and understand what it is.

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