Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2388: Disasters are predictable

"Send a report immediately and tell all parts of the Tang Dynasty that anyone who encounters stinging moth eggs and burns them for food must be thoroughly cooked and healthy."

Li Yi was not Su Ting. He saw a lot of stinging moth eggs. Thinking about the current season, he knew that the weather was too warm.

Many pests will appear, and bean worms will naturally turn into moths in advance.

It takes too much time to deal with other things, so the sting moth eggs are just at the moment, so they hurriedly look for them, and they burn and eat when they find them.

He ate it when he was a child, picked a lot of it, put it in the firewood he picked up and burned it together, and then took out the scorched worms to eat it.

If there are too many, lightly smash them with a stone, take out the larvae, and fry them in a pot, it will be fragrant.

At this time, the small insects are as big as soaked soybeans, soft and white, and they are eaten.

"In addition, the cultivation of castor oil is encouraged. By the river or by the fence, Lijiazhuangzi will harvest it, no matter how much, it is guaranteed to be purchased at a high price."

Li Yi talked about another thing, which was the way to listen to the conversation between Su Ting and the little girl.

The seeds of castor bean are medicine, and there are limitations in its use, but when castor bean is regarded as an industrial oil crop, the limitations are small.

He picked it as a child, like a shrunken version of chestnuts.

Castor has a thorny shell on the outside, as do chestnuts, which are peeled from the thorny shells that people eat.

Some other things are stolen, castor is ignored.

In fact, in addition to the seeds of castor bean, its own branches can also ret the hemp.

"Third brother, the temperature in the areas south of the Yellow River has risen too early this year, and the people should be more prepared to deal with insect pests."

Li Yi's mind was not on a specific thing or place. He saw that there were thorn moth eggs so early.

Then Guanzhong area, Hebei Road, Henan Road and other areas must be prevented in advance, such as spraying water with plant ash and lime water.

"Brother Yi is sure?" Li Longji had to ask this, for the ministers, he didn't ask himself.

"When you see a leaf fall, you know that the age is about to end. The Yellow River is called sand, and the water is clear, and there must be a catastrophe; the Henan Road has more sunshine and less rain, and when the locusts come out, it will dawn."

Li Yi said loudly and told the others.

In the past, the plague of locusts was due to drought, and now it is actually drought, but the locusts are too difficult to live, and some people even raise locusts to feed poultry and piglets.

The Yellow River water needs to be weighed to see the sand content. If the sand content is small, the water will be clear.

Then there will be a drought next, because the upstream water is less and cannot wash the loess, so the downstream is clear, the upstream is dry, and the downstream can not be dry?

Therefore, it is not necessary to measure the amount of water and sand, just look at the flow of water.

Li Yi manages the affairs of the Yellow River, and he knows everything about the entire Yellow River Basin.


After turning around, everyone returned to Heqing County. Most of the people in the county were not at home, they went to work in the fields, and the children were in the school.

There are many merchants, and the mountain vegetables collected before noon are being washed with water from the canals on the mountain.

After rushing buckets after buckets, I walked to the Yellow River Bridge after washing, and arrived in Luoyang in the evening.

If you can't sell it, rinse it with water again, and even some need to be soaked in water, and then sell it tomorrow morning.

Generally, shops that make stuffed food will buy them at night, and they will start to hold steamed buns and dumplings at three or four o'clock in the morning.

There are few shops and stalls selling pies, and the pies need a lot of oil to bake.

At present, people are reluctant to eat so much oil, even if it is mainly meat oil such as chicken fat, duck fat, and lard.

"Go to the school to see, I can't go back tonight."

Looking at the position of the sun, Li Longji had already left the center.

In fact, he wanted to stay for one more night and see the people. It was very difficult to come out once. What could be seen in Zhuangzi? Life is good.

The key point is that the villagers in Zhuangzi are not very grateful to his majesty, but they are grateful to the proprietor.

The people outside don't know the specific situation, they only know that His Majesty has found a capable minister to lead everyone to live a good life.

The county school in Heqing County is to the east of the Yamen. The stream on the mountain flows through the east side of the school, and there is no concrete canal.

The two sides of the river flowing out of the stream belong to natural soil, and there are sand and pebbles under the river bed, which are formed by scouring all the year round.

Swimming pools were dug on the other side of the canal, and ponds of different depths were connected together to divert water from the stream.

The school went to the opposite bank to build a small bridge with bamboo alone for the children to swim there in summer, otherwise the children would be washed away if they went swimming in the Yellow River.

"Who organized the repair?" Li Longji asked Lin Qingmei.

"There is money from the rich households in the county. The Wang family has a son who was admitted to the Jinshi exam this year."

Sylvia Lin didn't dare to take credit, just checked it out.

"The county magistrate Lin has done a good job in governing the place." Li Longji praised Lin Qingmei, and it is his ability to get rich households to pay.

Without the permission of the county magistrate, who dares to build a swimming pool next to the school? How many heads are enough to kill a child in a swimming pool?

"Third brother, why don't we have dinner in the school and the yamen tonight?" Li Yi saw that Li Longji wanted to invite the children to dinner.

"Okay!" Li Longji was satisfied.

Other ministers are depressed, you Li Yi do not need to gain status through such lucky means.

Li Yi seemed to notice it, glanced at them, and said to himself: You know what, I am cooperating with the old man, what does it have to do with the emperor?

"Huh? Can't afford a courtyard wall between the yamen and the school?" Princess Yongmu suddenly noticed a situation.

Lin Qingyi bowed slightly: "Last summer, the school was not here, it was a private residence of an official, the magistrate of the first three terms, knowing that he was investigated, hanged to death.

After the summer, the school was too dilapidated, a heavy rain, the mountains and rivers flowed down, and the school walls were damaged.

A room in the classroom was flooded with water, and it was temporarily moved here for fear of the house collapsing.

Shangqing Maoshan Baiyunzi happened to pass by, and said that the yin qi was heavy and should be driven by upright qi.

In addition to the yamen in the county, how can there be integrity? Then destroy the wall and penetrate it, and it really works. "

"Go in and have a look, Brother Yi, please help." Li Longji became interested when he heard about Feng Shui.

When everyone entered the yamen, they walked through the door of the school for fear of disturbing the children in class.

Going in to the position that should belong to the border, Li Yi smiled.

"Sima Chengzhen didn't tell you that the earth is overcast and is blocked by paving stones?" Li Yi asked Lin Qingmei.

"Ah? Dr. Li is also proficient in this way? Oh, I remembered, lectured on the scriptures. Yes, it was Lin Qingwei was startled, can you tell?

"Why brother Yi?" Li Longji was surprised.

"The house is not big enough, the yamen courtyard wall and the terrain are high, and the other side of the school is a small stream.

When I wake up in the morning, there is not a lot of sunlight when the children play by the wall.

In case of heavy rain again, the water from the yamen will flow past. If it washes or penetrates, the children will be in danger and will not be able to play well.

Sima Chengzhen asked to raise the house and destroy the wall, so the yamen was bigger.

Children can not go here, but the view is wide, the terrain is flush with the yamen, and the slats of the school are newly paved. "

Li Yi analyzed clearly why, what yin qi is not yin qi, and the yin qi that really has earth qi will not be dealt with in this way.

Li Longji nodded: "It makes sense, Ziwei is attentive, so let's go to the school to have a look."

He moved forward, and many things were easy to say.

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