Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2421: Bananas are shipped to Luoyang Residence

"The sky outside is like fire, but it's still cool in the yacht."

The yacht returned to Luoyang, and Bi Gou ran to the deck for a few minutes before returning from the heat.

He got into the kitchen to watch Li Yi make cold dishes, Li Yiyun's pig feet and skin, clear soup, and the soup was put in the freezer and turned into skin jelly.

"I don't usually have air conditioning, so don't you live?"

Li Yiyi was mixing the meat skin in a large bucket half a meter in diameter and one meter high, and there were many people on the yacht.

Others make other cold dishes, including mixed dog meat.

"You can live without air conditioners, and without Li Jiazhuangzi, Datang will still be beaten now, and the people are peaceful. Xiaoyi, you have made a great contribution."

Bi Gou complimented Li Yi on a large number of dishes in the kitchen, and was absent-minded when he spoke.

Li Yi glanced at him: "What's the matter with me? It's all about His Majesty's good leadership, the unity of the ministers, and the life of the soldiers."

"Elder Yi loves to listen to you. Have you ever eaten bananas? Not the ones that are dried in the shade and sun-dried."

Bi Gou boasted again, and came to the place where the noodles were mixed to inhale, it smelled of cucumber and sesame sauce.

"I've eaten it! Want to eat it? Do you eat vinegar? If you eat it, I'll put it in the vermicelli for you."

Li Yi used chopsticks to pick up the meat skin from the vat that he was dangling about just now, and put it in his mouth to taste.

"The vinegar man will put it himself. Are the bananas ripe now? Are they delicious?"

Bi Gou turned the topic back to bananas and asked if the season was coming.

Li Yi thought about it and nodded: "Go back to Luoyang first, I will tell Zhuang Hu and the yacht to go to Guangzhou to get fruit, it doesn't matter when you go, you will be there in three days."

Bi Gou smiled: "Many people have never eaten bananas in their lives, which is pitiful."

"Carry more and bring back the pepper by the way, we have a lot of pepper this year."

Li Yi promised that the pepper planted in Qiongzhou and other places will be harvested this year.

"Okay, peppers, bananas... Your boat runs every few days, like last year with hairy crabs, don't you have oil?

Rich people eat, Datang has this ability, and it must be considered for the people.

After selling the money, only 10% of the tax will be charged, and I won't ask for more, not counting the 30% of imports. "

The more Bi Gou spoke, the lower his voice was, and he insisted on finishing his words.

Li Yi took a deep breath, he thought Bi Yuhuan would eat bananas, and sure enough, he underestimated the old man.

Let me run the yacht around and carry bananas and increase your taxes, right?

He firmly refused: "Zhuangzi has fuel oil, but no other oil. I can only send it out for a run and bring bananas back for you to taste."

"Oh!" Bi Gou didn't want to collect taxes when he heard that Li Yi was going to risk his life for other oil.

"Can't the oil in diesel engines be used on yachts?" He knew that diesel engines were more than diesel.

"It's too far, the diesel oil is not good, I don't feel bad if it breaks, the yacht is broken..."

"The old man is distressed, just try the bananas." Bi Yuyuan gave it to his family.

"The bananas that have been transported will be placed in the gas depot when they come back. The steam engine ship can actually transport them. If they run for five or six days, they will transfer to the train when they arrive in Haizhou."

Li Yi is willing to let everyone eat bananas, it doesn't matter whether it is taxed or not.

The steam engine ship is slow, maintaining an average speed of ten knots, running more than 400 kilometers a day and a night.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Guangzhou is more than 2,000 kilometers away from Haizhou. It takes five days to bring back the green bananas, and quickly install the gas depot, which can still be stored for ten days.

Afraid of the high temperature in Guangzhou, bring some ice cubes when you go, lower the cabin temperature, not more than 18 degrees, but not too low for frostbite.

When the canal railway is repaired, it can save more than half a day.

As long as a fruit can be kept for seven days, the steam engine dares to transport it.

Let the people order it in advance, and bring it back to eat immediately.

Bi Gou: "…"

He came here purely because he had dates and no dates to fight two poles. He never thought that he could actually do it.

"Okay, the old man will tell them the good news."

Bi Gou said and ran, trotting out.

His little robot followed: "Don't fall, don't fall..."

Li Yi shook his head: "I am so old, like a child, I really can't stop worrying!"

The yacht returned to Luoyang, refueled, Zhuanghu and Yulin Feiqi loaded things up, ready to send to Guangzhou and Qiongzhou.

When I got off the boat, there was a walk-behind tractor next to me. There was a bucket at the back with a large bucket on it, to sprinkle water on the road to cool down.

Everyone pushed the little robot into the house, and a small wind blew outside, and the heat wave hit the face.

Li Longji held a meeting and asked if everyone would return to Chang'an.

When I went to Mount Tai, I considered going back to Chang'an, but now I hesitate.

"Your Majesty, Xiaoyi didn't come?" Yao Chong felt that he should ask Li Yi about important matters.

"Take Song Qing to the hospital, someone in the hospital needs him." Li Longji gestured for tea.

This year, nearby places have received a lot of tender tea, and they have also used tea to cook dishes.

He always drinks small buds, the ministers are slightly worse.

If you really drink it, there is no difference at all. Li Yi knows that every time he drinks, he has to taste it carefully and have a reference. For example, drink one type first, then drink the other.

Drink it directly, Li Yi can tell the difference with a 70% probability.

"Bashui Li's Zhuangzi is not as big as Luoyang's. The minister thought that he would go back and stay for a month before coming back."

What Yao Chong said first was up to him, he didn't want to live longer in Chang'an.

Song Jing looked at the tea: "The railway is under construction. Chang'an is far away, so it's inconvenient to sit in town. Luoyang is good."

"A large number of people from Luoyang just came here last year. If Your Majesty leaves, the people from Chang'an will probably leave again." Su Ting said something.

"Yuanzhi's words are good for the minister." Bi Gou supported Yao Chong's statement and went back to stay for a month before coming back.

"Luoyang is still near, it will be more convenient to wait for the first batch of ships to return." Zhang Jiuling also supported living in Luoyang more. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The others had nothing to say, so they nodded their heads when they were done.

Everyone doesn't want to live in Chang'an for a long time, and Li's Zhuangzi is small.

Luoyang is more than ten times that of the other side, and it is spacious.

If they had to work in the palace, they would choose Chang'an, which is bigger than the Ziwei City in Luoyang.

Tired of the office, I came out for a stroll. The location of Bashui was occupied before the workshop and could not be changed. To the north was Huangzhuang, and it was uncomfortable to look at the wall or something.

Lijiazhuangzi in the west of Luoyang has mountains and waters, and he is in a good mood when he takes a walk.

If you want to go to the hot spring, take the small train to Xiaoluonan Village.

If you are in Bashui, you can either continue to climb the mountain east to soak in Huaqing Pool, or go to Lantian County.

If the Later Turks are still in the north, they must return to Chang'an, and the administration must be in the position closest to the front line.

"Well!" Li Longji was noncommittal, and he turned to ask Li Yi.

If Li Yi said that he lived in Luoyang, he would ask his father and mother again. They had different ideas and he had to persuade him.

"I've been in the hospital recently, and I've been in contact with my family as little as possible. My family will be well settled. Zhuangzi in Luoyang is a big place, quiet and lively."

Li Yi said something very contradictory, but he didn't explain it.

Song Qingli didn't listen at all. He was walking in the hospital in a daze. Why is it such a big place? Many buildings.

People wearing masks passed by, and some were pushing wheelchairs with older people on them.

"Doctor Li, these people are..." Song Qingli asked.

"People, come and check if you are not feeling well. It is estimated that you have heat stroke. You drink less water and get too much sun."

Li Yi was very happy to see that there were many people in the hospital. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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