Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2422: 4 children come out high

Song Qingli was placed in a separate ward, with an area of ​​30 square meters, with toilet and shower.

Li Yi explained to him how to use it, including the light switch.

There is no air conditioning, but there are fans, and the windows can be opened without restrictions.

At that time, the windows of the hospital were not easy to open, because he was afraid that patients would jump off the building.

Why do patients in Lijiazhuangzi's hospital jump down to seek death? And don't get paid.

Li Yi, who suffers from depression, has never seen one before. The people live very tenaciously.

Occasionally eat meat, and the whole family has a smile on their faces.

In addition, people with mental illnesses usually feel that there is something unclean on their upper body.

There are three ways of treatment, Datang's Curse and Forbidden Section, or go to the Martyrs' Cemetery.

The easiest thing to do is to go to the hospital of Zhuangzi of Li's family, and Li Dongzhu's face is beaten by the king of hell. What dare to pester him?

Song Qingli learned how to use it, and his family understood it too.

He turned his head: "Doctor Li, I see you seeing a lot of sick people, are you happy?"

"I'm happy because sick people come to my hospital, the same disease can be cured in the hospital.

If I don't get to the hospital, I may die after a delay of two days. The population of Datang has decreased due to the disease, which makes me sad.

Nurses need someone to provide questions to practice their hands, there are many patients, and the level of medical care improves rapidly. "

Li Yi understands what Song Qingli means. Can you still be happy when others are sick?

He explained it, happily willing to be different.

He was in the 1960s, 1980s and 1990s. The doctors at the hospital next to the factory were the best at treating surgery.

There's always something going on in the factory. Today my finger is broken, tomorrow my palm is broken, and the day after tomorrow my arm is cut off...

As for the hair that gets rolled in and the head is gone, don't use it anymore.

When other newbies saw such an injury, their calves trembled.

Including a large incision on the face, which requires stitches, many young doctors are afraid to put needles.

That is the face of a person, and he is also a person. I feel the same way. How to sew?

After a long time, being next to such a big factory, one by one became 'cold-blooded'.

"Master, you are here, Master, the quadruplets were born, and the four boys are now being rescued."

Qingdai little girl jumped in and saw Li Yi smiling.

"Why are you laughing at the rescue?" Li Yi clapped his hands and slapped his hands.

"Grandfather rescued, heard the four eldest grandsons, fell down with a bang, cluck cluck..."

The little girl immediately reached out and fished, grabbed her junior brother and dragged it to the front.

Li Guizang: "…"

He raised his hands, ready to hold the master's slap.

"Why do you still laugh when someone falls?" Song Qingli didn't understand again.

"That's simple, unless it's a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and myocardial infarction, and I'll take care of it after I check it out.

I am afraid that the baby will be rescued, and the one who falls alone is bigger than the old man.

In addition, I am worried about postpartum hemorrhage and need blood transfusion. Now there are four more babies in Datang. "

Li Yi's hand went around the second disciple and gently landed on the eldest disciple's head, rubbing it.

Li Guizang: "…"

How come I was in front of me when I was being beaten, rubbed my head and avoided me?

Master, if you are so partial, you are not afraid that one day I will deceive my master and destroy my ancestors?

'Pa' Li Yi finished rubbing the head of the eldest disciple and slapped the second disciple on the head: "What the hell? Go and help set things up."

"Oh! I know Master." Li Guizang instantly sobered up.

"Raise a stupid apprentice, just like this, you won't be able to fight." Li Yi smiled at Song Qingli.

Song Qingli grinned and wanted to laugh, but he just didn't smile.

He knew who Li Guizang was, from the Boys Division, the Jinshi Division, the Xiucai Division, the stupid apprentice?

I was the first in the Mingjing subject at the beginning, and I was very happy for a long time.

If Guizang was his apprentice, he... I guess he could kill someone.

Li Yi put Song Qingli in place and turned to look at the quadruplets. The old man was already awake, nothing happened.

He shouted that all the chickens raised at home would be slaughtered to make soup for the daughter-in-law, which frightened the daughter-in-law, more than 200 chickens!

Or the old lady was relatively calm, muttering to pick up her in-laws, and have a good chat with her in-laws alone at night.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

I feel that the mental state of the family is not very good, and it takes time to recover.

The main reason is that the daughter-in-law of this family has been in the hospital for two and a half months, and as soon as the quadruplets are checked out, they will be hospitalized immediately.

Preterm birth is possible at any time, and the lives of adults and children must be saved.

My in-laws are far away, and it takes three months to come and go. My family's economic conditions are not very good, and I have four daughters and one son.

That son was only nine years old, and this was the second girl. She took the dowry and had no dowry, so she had to feel sorry for her daughter.

As a result, the daughter is in high spirits, four boys, the family status has soared, and the dowry is a fart!

If the in-law's family dares to bully them, they will leave. There are people who are willing to marry this woman who has given birth to a child. What about the next time there will be four babies?

Four little babies in the incubator now look ugly and wrinkled.

Two were able to open their eyes slightly, and the other two closed their eyes.

The test has already started, and there is a lot of cord blood left.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan were watching in white lab coats and masks.

"Dongzhu Li, I'll give it to you... don't hold me, it's not shameful for me to kneel down, kneel for Dongzhu Li, Dongzhu Li, you are so kind..."

The children's grandfather wanted to kneel and kowtow, and was held up by the people next to him.

"Don't, don't shout like that, why do I feel like I'm a villain? What's the matter with me? It's usually the oppressed people begging others."

Li Yi corrected the other party's statement, otherwise the follow-up should be: You spare my family! What did I kowtow to you. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Isn't that what movies and TV shows do? He has become an unforgivable existence.

The test reports of the four little babies came out and they were all healthy, except that one of them was a little lighter, which was no problem.

"If you want to go home after the full moon, there will be a reward."

Li Yi said to the old man who was not very old, give the reward first, give the money, your family is amazing.

"It's all the virtues of the ancestors." Seeing that the old man couldn't kneel, he simply stopped kneeling.

"There is also His Majesty's concern. Otherwise, if you say that your family is like this, His Majesty will not pay, I don't care, can you give birth safely?"

Li Yi changed the subject, you have to be grateful to my old husband, although the hospital did not pay a cent.

"Yes, it is Your Majesty, Li Dongzhu, what you say is what it is."

The old man realized, turned his head to find a direction and knelt again.

No one stopped him this time, he knelt down to His Majesty, and he kowtowed: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will take care of the child and do things for His Majesty in the future."

Li Yi: "…"

Is your child going to be a high official? Row! understand your mind.

"Ah!" On the other side, Li Longji sneezed, presumably because the air conditioner was too cold and he just came in from outside.

Li Dan and Doulu Guifei are eating snacks, and their baby is being taken care of.

"The father and mother, the ministers said that they would return to Chang'an, but they will live in Luoyang soon. Is it okay?"

Li Longji didn't see his younger brother and asked about his parents.

"Look at Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi said yes." Doulu Guifei spoke first, and Li Dan nodded.

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