Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2424: Invest in wagon currency

Li Longji left again, and continued to find someone for a meeting, and asked Youzhou if he wanted to get all of them out.

Of course, the premise is that there is Zhuangzi of the Li family nearby.

This time, if there is one more capital, the scope of Li Family Zhuangzi must be larger, because it was not the real territory of the Tang Dynasty.

When Zhuangzi of the Li family passed, they would stabilize and then build the capital.

It's all just a decoration, and the real place to stay is the same as now, Li Family Zhuangzi.

Even if he returned to Chang'an, Li Longji didn't want to enter the palace, or even the Xingqing Palace outside.

Li Longji was reluctant to live in the former big house because there were too many killings and he was afraid.

Xingqing Palace had few killings, but it was also the place where he was oppressed when he was young. For a birthday meal, he had to **** the leather clothes from the Queen's wife and husband.

I couldn't live in Xingqing Palace before, where else would I go?

In the end, with the Li family Zhuangzi, all his mother gave me to go away, and I lived in the Zhuangzi of Yidi's son-in-law.

There are no painful memories here, Yidi made the place very warm.

It's just too small, not as big as Luoyang's.

In the future, when I build a Youzhou, I will first plan a place for Brother Yi, and then the palace will be the palace and the capital. I didn't say that I have to sleep and work there, right?

To put it bluntly, Li Longji had no sense of security in childhood, adolescence, and youth.

He was always calculating, even in middle age.

But there will always be times when people are tired. Otherwise, why would they be in a mess when they are old?

After all, I couldn't stand it anymore, I was too tired.

Li Longji didn't have anyone he could trust. Now that Li Yi has arrived, he is Li Longji's last harbor.

Li Longji is not as tired as he has been in history. He has free time to deal with other things, and he can think a lot.

"Brother Yi, you said that if you build more similar places, can you push the railway to be repaired?"

After Li Longji discussed with the ministers, he approached Li Yi again and asked about the situation of the railway in the capital city.

"It's mainly about the ratio of pay and gain. Many big families are not on the coast, so the people on the coast make money, and they will find reasons to stop shipping.

Fortunately, I asked them to invest in Haizhou in advance, including industrial management in other places.

When they got the money, those who didn't invest in sea trade before would be anxious.

When we make the rules, we ask for that number, forcing…”

"Forcing other late-moving families to fight against the existing families, we get the money to bring peace to the people."

Li Longji instantly realized that he was the best at this kind of balancing technique.

"They are willing to pay for the road, give them a wagon, and pay how much for a carriage, a permanent carriage of a steam engine train."

Li Yi thought about how to operate it, forcing others to make money and invest, and then make money and invest again.

Li Longji was about to object, why should he give them a permanent wagon? It's a big deal, I'll pay for it.

Turning to think about it, Brother Yi could never suffer a loss, so he asked, "And then?"

"Then the steam locomotives will not go that way in a few years, and I will switch to a diesel locomotive. The carriages that belong to them on that road can be brought home for them."

Li Yi couldn't see the slightest guilt expression on his face, of course.

Li Longji: "..."

He thought about it and asked: "So, can you sell them the space on the steam engine?"

"That's not necessary. They buy directly every time they go to sea. Let's sell it. The train is relatively safe. Now the wagon is starting to get nervous."

Li Yi does not plan to give others permanent cabins, and steam-engine ships cannot be eliminated for a long time.

Li Longji nodded: "This matter should be slowed down. When the canal railway is repaired, they will be willing to invest when they see that they will make a lot of money."

"Actually, they paid for the railway to get the wagons, and when they are finally eliminated, they can also get 50% of the profit.

In the case of not lending, they don't lose money, they make less money and are stable.

I have never cheated their money, broken trust in others, and the consequences are too serious. "

Li Yi mentioned, don't think they can't get their money back.

For example, it was canceled for them ten years later. They invested 1,000 yuan and received a total of 1,500 yuan.

An average of one hundred and fifty bucks a year, and the first year you get the money, you can use the money for other purposes.

If the operation is good, the whole can be doubled, doubled in ten years, and the Datang currency will not depreciate by 50%, so they have nothing to lose.

If there is always collateral to guarantee the issuance of currency, Datang's currency will appreciate in value.

Because Datang's technology is improving, under the non-credit currency model, unless the value of the collateral decreases, there is no depreciation.

And the value of the collateral has fallen, which is a sign that the technology is better.

The purchasing power of money has increased. The previous two cents and one catty of salt have become one cent and two catties, and the purchasing power has tripled.

As the yield per mu of grain increases, the same money can buy more, including ordinary cloth.

After the purchasing power of money in basic survival is improved, other more advanced things are used to make people consume.

Such as buying a watch, buying a bicycle, buying a sewing machine…

"Slow down, don't be in a hurry, Li Dongzhu said that there will be another month before you can go fast."

A man was walking awkwardly on the flat land of Zhuangzi of the Li family.

The woman next to her tried to help her several times, but she finally held back.

"Don't be afraid, I, Wan Zhaoyuan, have a good body, but this leg is a little light, and I'm not used to it without the steel plate."

The person walking was Wan Zhaoyuan, who had a broken leg. He removed the steel plate 22 days ago and is now working hard to recover.

He was not used to it. The legs with steel plates were heavier before, but now they suddenly became lighter, and they would not work hard when walking.

"You must speak with conscience. If Dongzhu Li didn't help heal you, your legs would be finished."

Wan Zhaoyuan's daughter-in-law glanced at her husband. Are you in good shape?

"Dongzhu Li is a genius doctor. I have a great fate. Others who sent things to the front line to die, they have no luck."

Wan Zhaoyuan remembered the person who fell down and never got up on the road transporting supplies, and then looked at the children playing next to him, and fell silent.

Adults and children from his family and his daughter-in-law's family came here to study and recuperate in Li's Zhuangzi.

The children, in double-row roller shoes and a helmet, slipped out and about on the level ground.

Accidentally fell, got up and continued to escape.

Beginners have extra knee pads, elbow pads, hand pads, and **** pads, so they can't move when they stand there, and they will fall to the ground as soon as they step out of their feet.

And the children who are good at slippery don't wear helmets, they put their feet in a line, slide sideways, and then slide backwards.

A child who wears a helmet and learns to slip is pushed by others, with one foot in front, one foot behind, and the front foot swinging back and forth, without the slightest sense of beauty.

I know a little bit. I swing my feet forward separately, and draw a semicircle with both feet, so that I can also slide backwards.

"Master Li is here, along with Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan." Wan Zhaoyuan's daughter-in-law suddenly pointed to the front and said.

Li Yi and the three ran to the stool next to them with their roller shoes. He first changed them for Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan, and then put them on himself.

"Master Li, are you here?" Wan Zhaoyuan limped to Li Yi's side and greeted him with a smile.

Li Yi looked at each other's legs in surprise, and then showed a stunned look: "It's already grown, you don't have to think about it when you walk normally."

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