Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2425: 1 plan for safe yacht return

"Master Li, Zhaoyuan's family and I are here to cause you trouble."

Wan Zhaoyuan's daughter-in-law expressed her gratitude and said that she would cause trouble, but it didn't mean she wanted to leave.

Li Yi said naturally: "It's not troublesome, the crowd is more lively. You all contributed to Datang, and you also know the situation of my Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi represents the Tang Dynasty to give you welfare."

He is not humble, he can represent the Tang Dynasty, and the people of the Tang Dynasty are willing to let him represent.

Turning his head, he said to Wan Zhaoyuan: "At most one month, you can try to walk fast, but don't run and jump. Normally, in your situation, it will take a year and a half."

"I know, no matter how bad it is, it won't be cured. During this time, we have learned a lot of management knowledge."

Wan Zhaoyuan replied earnestly, and showed an expression of hesitating to speak.

"If you have anything to say, don't be polite to me." Li Yi could see it.

"Master Li, wear a helmet." Wan Zhaoyuan pointed to the children's heads.

"What are you wearing a helmet for? It's hot and sweaty." Li Yi refused.

"You can't slip. I'm afraid that you will fall. You see everyone else slipping away. You walk beside me, and your shoes don't move."

Wan Zhaoyuan pointed to Li Yi's roller skates, as if you shouldn't be angry when I say this.

Li Yi followed, step by step, the reels of the roller shoes didn't turn at all.

Li Yi: "..."

How do you think that walking like me means you won't be slippery?

He also didn't want to explain, his body's center of gravity shifted sideways, facing Wan Zhaoyuan directly, he shook his center of gravity again, and his backslip speed suddenly increased. Do a quick spin on the ground, spin on one leg, and stop with a big split.

Wan Zhaoyuan's eyes widened: "Li... Owner, you can slip? Then why... why don't you turn the wheel?"

"Exercise the core and lower body strength support, it is more tiring if the wheel does not turn."

Li Yi, who spoke with facts, explained this. Do you think it is easy to fix the wheel?

Only after you have learned about reverse slipping, side slipping, and several types of emergency braking, you can walk on a fixed wheel like this.

Every time I take a step, the reels of my feet don't move. What helmet do I wear? I know how to fall, the technique of falling out.

Wan Zhaoyuan suddenly said: "I see, it's like not shaking with the pole when you pick it up, and two buckets of water still haven't been spilled."

He always picks up the burden, I understand, so he picks it purely to pretend, but when he is tired, he can't bear it after walking dozens of steps.

I feel that all the strength in my body needs to be used. Those who are beginners to carry a pole should not try it.

"You have children at home, bring ice skating, you can train balance and core strength control, look at that girl."

Li Yi pointed to a seven- or eight-year-old girl, she slid sideways, the heels of her left and right feet were facing each other, and then she lowered her lower back.

The muscles of the body need to be perfectly coordinated to achieve this, and the core strength is strong.

"What's the use of practicing this?" Wan Zhaoyuan felt that skating couldn't work.

"Controlling the body, focusing, exercising, increasing self-confidence, people who lose self-confidence will be depressed, and even think about short-sightedness.

There are always low points in life. A confident person believes that he can, at least in one respect, he is very strong.

Therefore, to learn a technique is to leave a way out for yourself.

For example, I can cook well, but one day I lose my current status. I sell snacks on the street, and I will not commit suicide. "

Li Yi advised Wan Zhaoyuan to let your children learn a technique.

If you have a certain technology, you will not be at a loss in life.

"Master Li, we will let the children learn more."

Wan Zhaoyuan's wife once again avoided her husband and spoke out, which is why she was always beaten before.

You are too good. Men feel that they are being suppressed, and there is no other way but to use force.

The key force did not solve the problem, and the daughter-in-law changed hands.

"Yes, learn." Wan Zhaoyuan doesn't need to do anything now, and his family status is stable.

"When your legs are completely healed, when you go back, I will bring you seeds, and you can take them back and plant them. If the seeds are bad, I will give them to you again."

Li Yi was still walking beside him, and the newspaper could write about Wan Zhaoyuan's follow-up.

It mainly publicizes the transportation of materials by Wan Zhaoyuan and others, and how the Emperor of Tang paid attention to it. As for Li Jiazhuangzi, he mentioned it in one stroke.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan laughed from time to time, played with the children, and taught the children who could not slip.

There is a quick way to skating, learn it by yourself, you need to fall, someone will teach you, follow the steps, and you won't fall somersaults.

It hasn’t rained for several days, and the people who farm in Luoyang began to divert water, killing wells every day far from the river.

The newspapers asked people to drink more water, and when the weather was too hot, they should take shelter in a shady place and rest for at least two quarters of an hour.

Don't die for this little time, as life's time is shorter and not worth it.

The place for free soup was replaced with mung bean water, which has salt and no sugar.

A large glass bottle of Huoxiangzhengqi water was placed, and there was medical alcohol in it. It was specially given to those who worked hard to drink half a sip in the morning and half in the afternoon.

Others include the sour plum powder bought by the 'boss', rinsed with boiling water and let cool for the employees to drink.

In the workshop of a big family, rock sugar is also added to the soup.

Sorghum rice and noodles that have been eaten with water, with pickles or beans in brine.

Especially the big families who raised and bought slaves, they took special care of the slaves.

Slaves belong to private property, and cattle are known to be well fed. When raising individuals, is it necessary to make them skinny?

There is no such situation where I buy you, and then give you less food, you work for me, and I don't feel bad for you if you starve to death.

Private property, everyone knows how to take care of it. When you are sick, you will find a doctor to see it, get medicine and take it. How much is the loss when you die?

It doesn't matter if the contract workers don't belong to you. If I give you the money, you have to do the work for me. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

For example, the laundry person gives you money, and you wash those clothes.

I replaced it with a slave I bought myself. I hurt my hand while washing clothes. If I continue to wash it, I will probably get sick. So hurry up and rest.

But if your hand is always injured, it won't work. I will raise it for you alone and sell it. I don't want you anymore, and I will replace it with another.

And the maid that I bought is getting old, and she has to find other servants to marry, and then give birth to a child.

The child born is still yours. If there is a problem with the child, you can't go to the doctor?

I found one more child to work for my family in the future. If I don't find it, I will die, and the loss will be huge.

Especially now, slaves are getting harder and harder to find, and everyone doesn't sell themselves.

People who have children, send their children directly to the school, study hard, and sell you if you don't study.

If you can't find a job by yourself, the imperial court will arrange things, just have the strength.

The number of slaves that can be sold decreases, the value of slaves increases, and the loss of killing a slave is more than killing a cow.

"Will there be a drought this year? The heat will kill you!"

On the dock, the people who carried the work rested after changing shifts, gulping mung bean water, and beads of sweat fell down their bodies.

Another person served soup, wild vegetable soup: "mung bean water is not good, let me tell you, we should add vitamins."

"You **** know the vitamins you get from fart? Don't you just think that eating some vegetable leaves is taking advantage of it." The person next to him turned back.

"The ship is here, no need, our Datang cruiser does not need our help to unload the cargo, and goes directly to Zhuangzi."

There are people looking at the river and seeing yachts.

No more today. Thank you brothers and sisters for your subscriptions, monthly passes, rewards, collections, recommendations, and farmers bowing!

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