Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2542: Paper money worry-free report Chen

Entering the twelfth lunar month, all departments of Datang are even busier.

Foreign wars, internal taxes, and floods in the coming year.

Lijiazhuangzi's currency factory is printing Tang banknotes frantically, the name is still Kaiyuan Tongbao, and the watermark is Li Longji's head.

Banknotes with different denominations have different sizes, different patterns, and blind spots.

A large amount of the income of the imperial court was put into the Lijiazhuangzi warehouse and sealed as collateral, and it was not allowed to take it to the outside warehouse.

Li Jiazhuangzi no longer prints normal exchange coupons, but only rewards coupons for children, which also have collateral.

The amount of gold, silver, and brass in the imperial court was not enough. Myrrh and ** were used as collateral for the time being, and then they were replaced with precious metals.

Issued on the first day of the first lunar month, official purchases and salaries are paid to officials.

Datang legal tender is not allowed to be rejected.

"Xiaoyi, if the Tang Dynasty banknotes are issued, if the people don't approve of it, and most of them use the Tang Dynasty banknotes to exchange for exchange certificates, it will inevitably lead to the devaluation of the Tang Dynasty banknotes. What should we do?"

Bi Gou was busy with the Ministry of Finance's financial data in the political affairs hall, and suddenly remembered an important situation and asked the little robot to start a video call.

"We made a profit. The value of Datang's banknotes depreciated. I continued to issue exchange certificates to exchange banknotes at a lower price, and gave the extra collateral to Datang to continue printing banknotes."

Li Yi said with a smile, Lao Bi, how unconfident you are!

The people have a high degree of recognition of the imperial court, and many places have become accustomed to using exchange coupon banknotes. Datang's banknotes are more beautiful and stronger.

He also promised that as long as Lijiazhuangzi recognized the Tang paper money, the people of the Tang Dynasty would recognize it.

One-to-one collateral currency issuance, who dares to devalue paper money? Compensate you.

Swish! Bi Gou closed directly, just ask, there is no time for greetings.

"Why don't you say goodbye?" Li Yi grumbled and shook his head, while estimating how much money Datang will have available next year.

This year's normal fiscal revenue exceeds 100 million yuan, and overseas trade brings back more than 100 million yuan. This data is calculated after the depreciation of too many commodities.

Nearly 70 million yuan was spent in the construction of roads, canals, bridges on the Yellow River, shipbuilding, and salaries in various states of the Tang Dynasty.

It's not easy to spend nearly 150 million yuan of funds next year on various aspects.

Unless the construction of the railway will continue to be allocated by the finances and rely on the railway's own income to build other railways, where will the money of the imperial court be used?

"How much money do you think it will cost to start a war abroad?" Li Yi asked Zero Sansan.

"Isn't it good to make money in wars? Wars with similar strengths only cost money. We in Datang fight others, and the cost is very small. Airships can also make money when they are built and transported."

The little robot responded, there are many sheep on the grassland, you rushed to Chang'an to take the train?

The airship transports about 20 tons at a time, and the money of the airship is earned back by running several times.

"You can only continue to build the road, the Yangtze River Bridge..." Li Yi had a toothache thinking about building the Yangtze River Bridge.

Or to Hangzhou, it takes a long time to ship, and it will be much easier if there is a bridge.

The Yellow River has a dry season, the flow is very small, most of the riverbed is exposed, and the Yangtze River still has a lot of water during the dry season.

"The ferry will do! The bridges are built now, but the technology can't keep up. After the bridges are built, it will be very exhausting to dismantle them, so we need to leave space for the waterway for the future.

Roads are built as long as they are built. There is not enough manpower. Find people from East Asia and Southeast Asia! Pay them wages and don't buy slaves.

They come to work, they have a better life, and their families come too. This is the absorption of immigrants.

Then shipbuilding, crazy shipbuilding, steam engine ships, gasoline and diesel powered ships, increase the shipping capacity of the trunk and tributaries of Datang. "

Zero33 continued to come up with ideas, with a cute voice.

"Not bad, I promise not to format you within three months." Li Yi was satisfied and gave him a reward.

"I thank you!" Zero Sansan turned her head.

Li Yi patted its head: "It's right to build the road, we want to get out of the tractor, the road conditions are not good and we can't run.

First build short-distance routes to key state capitals, and then connect them through. In fact, the short-distance journeys from county capitals of more than 100 kilometers to state capitals and other county towns will play a greater role.

Twenty counties outside the city of Jingzhao Prefecture, and a bunch of counties in Henan Prefecture, have built roads that can run tractors. "

After Li Yi finished speaking, he began to write a feasibility report, which should contain data.

Including the use of steam-engine excavators, steam-engine transport vehicles, diesel-gasoline transport vehicles, and various types of ships to assist in road construction.

This year's balance of funds is so much that it will not be spent, and will be more next year.

Grab a lot of resources through overseas trade, and exchange low-cost, high-tech things for other people's raw materials.

The exchange of processing raw materials continued, and wealth increased rapidly.


On the first day of the new year, Li Yi came up with the feasibility report that he had prepared, the Datang development plan for the next year.

He spent eighteen days, including all possible unexpected situations and remedies.

First give the thick report to Li Longji and others, let them read it first, read the explanation, and accept inquiries.

From morning to evening, no one ate lunch, listening to Li Yi and asking questions, just like the defense.

After answering the last question, everyone felt a sense of exhaustion. There was too much content. They had to keep up with the rhythm and ask their doubts.

"In the future, I won't be able to open the Xiucai subject anymore. The children are already very good. After listening to Xiaoyi's report, when I talk about the Xiucai subject, I want to compare others to him."

Lu Huaishen rubbed his temples and praised that everything for next year had been arranged.

Everyone follows the framework, and the details can be adjusted. If you encounter something that does not appear in the report, just ask Xiaoyi.

"Eat kebabs at Don't make kebabs, roll skewers, drink warm and low-strength rice wine, and drink more."

Liu Chong suggested that he was hungry! I don't want to eat dinner, so it's best to eat skewers, grilled and fried.

"It's just a string." Li Longji supported, and everyone could chat about today's report while eating.

"Success!" Li Yi is in good condition. When answering questions, he has new ideas! Can use next year.

Someone went to get the skewers, and the skewers were always available in Zhuangzi.

Some people suddenly want to eat skewers. What should I do? Prepare in advance. If no one eats it, you can send it to Zuixianju, where there are many customers, and people will give it away if they don't order it.

Usually eatable, 24-hour skewers, kids love it.

When a craftsman is tired, he has to take a day off, and when he eats, he finds other workers to drink and relax.

Zhuangzi was not allowed to work every day. He had at least one day off every tenth day. He arranged it himself. There was no urgent work.

Li Yi bakes it himself, and there are only these people who can be busy, including eating by himself.

He drank beer, drank it while grilling, and handed off the grilled small skewers.

Taohong Qingsong, who was in charge of delivering the skewers, and the others picked up the skewers by themselves, and after they were cooked, they were all over the years.

Others think it's good, they eat it by themselves, and others don't eat it, it's not lively enough.

"There's a letter over there. We take up two-thirds of the Xiongjin Governor's Mansion these days, and the remaining one-third will be taken up before 30 years ago."

033 reported the situation of the Tang army in Silla, and reported every day. There were murders before, but then there were fewer.

There are always people who think that they do not belong to the Great Tang, and then see that the sergeants of the Great Tang treat themselves and others well, so they attack and are killed.

I like to bring the system to Datang, please collect it: () Bring the system to Datang to update the fastest.

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