Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2543: 2 compartments compare favorably

Li Longji clenched his fists and took it back. The Xiongjin Governor's Mansion, which was once lost, returned to the embrace of Datang once again.

During the Chinese New Year, you can tell your ancestors when offering sacrifices. There is not much territory in the Tang Dynasty. The unfilial grandson has obtained more than 200 million yuan of financial income this year, and he will work hard next year.

"Look, if I say it, it will kill people! You have to be milder. Isn't it mild?"

Li Yi still remembers the fact that his strategy was rejected. I said let them do it themselves, we have an excuse.

You just think that there are many casualties, and you feel like your methods don't kill people.

"How many people do you have to die? You are usually a gentle person." Song Jing said while chewing on the mutton.

"When Silla captured the Woongjin Governor's Mansion, they were gentle? Could it be that Song Jae-sama taught me to repay my grievances with virtue?"

Li Yicai didn't care, and he didn't kill himself. If necessary, he could kill himself.

In the war, whoever fails to do so will suffer losses and even be used by others.

Fighting is fighting, not children playing games.

"There are a lot of people who died in your way. Forget it, you will eventually take up the place."

Song Jing didn't want to talk about it anymore, because if he emphasized how many people died, Li Yi would ask: Is it a crime to kill many people, but is it not a crime to kill one person?

"What's going on around Bohai?" Su Ting helped round the field.

"Continue to send people back, and they have little contact with each other in winter." Su Ting's little robot replied.

In the northeast area that is not under the control of Datang, the airship used to promote it, and some people found that this year's snow was too heavy and too much to survive.

After listening to the conditions offered by Datang again, I remembered the people who came to Datang before, and used a small robot video to talk to those people.

I've seen other people live countless times better than me, and I've seen other women who are leaders.

At first, she looked similar to her own woman, with rough hands and feet, and poor skin on her face.

Now I see that the more you live, the younger you are, the more tender your face is, and your own woman comes over to watch it together, let's go!

Look at the child again, the clothes are clean, and the baby fat on the face makes people want to bite.

My child's snot flowed down and sucked it back, and it was all over the mouth and sucked in again, with patches of scabs on his face.

The small hand stretched out, the back of the hand was black, and the position under the thumb was so black that it could not be cleaned with hot water.

The picture changes again, the baby is taking a bath, and the little one is exposed, the water is steaming, hot spring! Wash every day.

In winter, you can't wash yourself here all winter! The skin on the body is crusted.

Datang said that in the past, tribes were allowed to live in groups, not to seize power, but to arrange work.

That is to say, when a tribe goes there, the money earned by the tribe's people after working is controlled by the leader.

They are tempted, what can they get by holding on here?

To put it badly, when the Datang airship came over, they killed you and let your clansmen follow, who would dare not leave?

Just like this, the tribes that were found one by one were brought back by the airship group.

If there are horses and sheep, they will be transported by air together. The horses are more obedient, and the owner can be around, and the sheep must be bound.

On average, one or two thousand people are transported back every day. Sometimes the other party refuses to agree. As a result, the snow continues to make life difficult. When the airship arrives there, they agree.

Li Yi estimated that the disasters in the Northeast region will not be small next year, and he could not find those places that were not recorded by checking the data.

Continue to send airships there and ask if others are willing to come to Datang.

At that time, the Balhae Kingdom wants to expand and annex, the territory is there, and the people are gone.

The land is given to you, how many people can you occupy?

The entire Northeast region lacks not only land, but population.

Like the Tang Dynasty, there were few local people in Hunan and Hubei during Li Yi’s time, and there were not many people in Qiongzhou and Zhenzhou.

Either way, the officials will be sent there.

The common people are not like the women in the land of Goulan who have some means of contraception. They are physically necessary and cannot avoid it. When the child is born and cannot be raised, it can only be sold, given to others, or even drowned.

"Alas! Look at the baby seven days ago. It almost died because the mother's milk was not enough to drink rice soup."

Yao Chong felt sorry for the little baby, he thought of his eldest son, the one who almost died.

No matter what the son does right or wrong, the father does not want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person.

He was talking about a mother in a tribe. The child born in winter is not full-term. The mother can't provide milk, so she feeds other things.

The child is actually hungry and thin. Normally, the baby should be white and fat, with arms and legs like lotus root.

The problem of the whole clan, lack of food, was transported to Datang and directly into Lijiazhuangzi Hospital.

Seven days have passed, and the baby has enough milk, so it grows faster, and it starts to cry.

The mother of the key baby also has milk, which can provide half of it, and in a few days, she can fully feed herself.

"Airships often fly to other places in the Tang Dynasty, bring things with them, and fly once per state capital."

Li Longji took a sip of beer and thought of the people of the Tang Dynasty.

I can’t always help others, I have money, I buy things with money, and take advantage of the few days before the Chinese New Year, the airship is dispatched and sent to the state capital, telling them to give children and nursing women.

Because the later, the tribes in the northeast are more reluctant to agree, as if begging them.

That being the case, don't ask or give anything.

You stand by yourself. Didn't you all stand up like this before!

Gao Lishi immediately made arrangements not to fly to the northeast. The airship sent His Majesty's gifts to the state capitals a few years ago. If state officials are greedy for ink, that's great.

"Is this year's fireworks still going to be delivered?" Li Rizhi recalled the fireworks gift from last year in Shu ~ has been delivered. Shu and border gates are all available, such as Guangzhou, Haizhou, Dengzhou, Laizhou, and places in the southwest. of.

The Liaodong Duhufu, and even the Xiongjin Dufufu, set off fireworks on New Year's Eve.

The gunpowder for fireworks is no longer usable. If it is replaced, the explosive packs are all replaced. The original gunpowder is the most suitable for fireworks and blasting. "

Zhang Jiuling is in charge of this matter. He is not obliged to tell the people in the group. He only said after asking him.

Datang's gunpowder has been upgraded, and black gunpowder is more used in other areas, but the recipe is not rumored, black gunpowder is also gunpowder, and others can't imagine it.

This year, the children of Jingzhao House and Henan House have small straw whips to play with during the Chinese New Year.

One thousand at most, one hundred at least.

Straw whips are firecrackers that wrap gunpowder in straw paper. They are small and different from fireworks.

It's not the woodpeckers and earth red firecrackers of Li Yi's time, it's not all black powder.

Small straw whip Children can pinch a little bit of the back with their fingernails, light it with charcoal sticks and incense, and then throw it out.

Or insert it in the gap of the brick house, anyway, you can put it where there is a hole.

As for not throwing it out, it exploded in my hand, because I squeezed the edge with my fingernails, the power of the straw whip was small, and the hand was numb when it was fried, and it hurt for two days at most.

"Tell adults and children, don't put it next to the firewood stack, not in the barn, outside, write it in the newspaper tomorrow."

Li Yi added that the power of the straw whip is small, and it is still very easy to ignite flammable objects.

Everyone puts it around, and there are fires everywhere. Even if the house is not on fire, the firewood piled outside burns. Do you feel distressed? A winter's firewood is gone.

I like to bring the system to Datang, please collect it: () Bring the system to Datang to update the fastest.

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