Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2719: If you want to ask the strategy, you will be buried in the pit


The explosive pack fell, and a group of priests who gathered together to study tactics only looked up to the sky to see what could fly.

'Boom~~~' The explosive pack landed in front of the person who wanted to run, the ground was shaking, and the ears were buzzing.

Deserters don't have to try to know that this thing blows up to themselves, and they will be killed.

They stopped and stood in a daze, what should they do?

"Surrender without killing, surrender without killing..." The priestess's people shouted through the microphone.

The slaves in the attacking team are the most straightforward, throw down their weapons and surrender.

They are all slaves anyway, and those who surrender or do not surrender cannot change their identities.

The civilians hesitated, surrendered and became slaves.

"Don't surrender, we will win... rush, ah!"

Some priests shouted, the last sound was a shot in the leg, there was always a situation where the shot was not accurate, and it was clearly aimed at the fire that opened in the head.

Before he could continue shouting, a bullet that had been aimed at his torso landed on his head.

The people next to him shuddered, and they still haven't figured out what the enemy's weapon is.

Seeing that their own people were hit by something and then bleed, some people did not die immediately, and they cried out in pain.

It's too scary, how can there be such a war? to finish.

There was always someone shouting from the priestess' side, and the others looked at the battlefield with binoculars, turned around, and looked at the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

It happened that the other party also looked over and smiled at the man. The man was so frightened that he loosened his hands and hung the binoculars around his neck.

Pieces of people threw away their weapons and surrendered. Those who had agreed to surrender would not be killed, nor cut off their heads or scalps.

The nobles and priests panicked, and when they waged war, they thought they would win easily.

Never thought that the enemy is too powerful, can you survive by surrendering?

The cavalry rushed over and took prisoners one after another, and the horses seemed to be able to eat people.

Civilians and slaves lined up to cross the pit through the wooden bridge, one by one honestly, not intending to take the opportunity to fight back.

Not to mention unintelligible weapons, Malaysia is enough to deter them.

"I fought with you, fight with me!" 'Tu Tu Tu. ’

A nobleman feels that he will die if he surrenders, and he wants to encourage people to seek a chance of life.

Just after shouting, the automatic rifle fired, and there was no movement.

The others looked at it, surrender, and saw the enemy's weapon, such a short stick with a handle.

The crowd is still mighty, but from the original attackers to prisoners.

The navy sweeps the battlefield and brings the dead together for cremation.

Those who survived the bullet were taught how to rescue the nurses. Li Yi refused to take action and gave the nurses a chance to practice.

One more prisoner can be rescued, but if it cannot be rescued, he will be carried out to be cremated.

The airship rose to tell, turning into little black dots.

The soldiers who have already landed, find a place to hide, and wait for the four city-state teams behind to arrive one after another.

The distance is long, and it takes a while to catch up on the road. In fact, the people in front have walked for several days before arriving.

The priestess of the city-state of the priestess fooled the others, saying that the priestess found the treasure and dug with the people outside.

People from other tribes were separated, and captives of the priestess tribe were given extra treatment to be tied with ropes.

Their slaves are thin and thin, and looking at the efforts of the priestess, they are black, fat, and sturdy.

The commoners and the slave priestess ignored it, she looked at the other nobles and priests, just like that.

"Landrosay, you... listen to me, misunderstanding, it was the dead Bilissamon who lied to us.

We now know that he is a bad guy, you are a good guy, and we are willing to compensate you.

As long as you let us go, our pyramid will give you five, no, half, and the slave will give you half. "

An old male priest said with a pleading expression to the female priest.

The priestess continued to watch, silently, her people glaring at each other.

"Landuoshayi, we are willing to tell you the astrology we have mastered."

Another priest looked at the priest just now like a fool. We were arrested. Aren't the pyramids and slaves owned by others?

You share other people's things with others, and you have to take half of it?

Knowledge is the most important at this time, and every priest will observe the starry sky and discover some 'secrets'.

The priestess still looked, with neither joy nor sorrow in her eyes.

An aristocrat couldn't stand it any longer, and said bluntly: "Landuoshayi, as long as we can live, what do you want?"

The priestess finally said, "I want my people to come alive."

"How is that possible?" the other party shouted.

"Yes, how is that possible?" the priestess repeated calmly.

"I fought with you." 'Clap clap clap! ' 'Pfft! ’

The nobles felt that the distance was close, and they were able to grab the priestess and charge forward.

The priestess used Princess Yongmu borrowed her small pistol to get rid of the other party, neatly.

other people:"……"

The priestess turned around: "I'll leave it to you, remember not to kill it, you can work as a slave."

A group of people rushed up, crying and shouting mixed.

"Sure enough, low emotional intelligence." Xiaolan looked at and shook her head not far away.

The priestess thought that the captured prisoners were hers to deal with, but she did not capture them.

"Is it not good to have low EQ? People are too shrewd to be prone to problems."

Princess Yongmu felt that it was not bad. She admired the priestess a little, and dared to kill, but she had never killed herself! Can't go.

"How to deal with so many people?"

Song Jing looked at the data, and the drone photographed it.

The seven city-states who came to participate in the added up to more than 90,000, such a large group.

There are still more, there are more than 40,000 people in a city-state of the priestess.

"Let them dig a hole, then force them to jump in and bury it." Li Yi gave a solution.

"If you don't learn well, you have to learn Bai Qi. If you say surrender and don't kill, you're still cheating."

Song Jing stared at Li Yi, 90,000 people, how to kill? Are you still digging holes? Bai Qi killed like this? Pit killing is digging a hole and burying yourself?

"You asked, I said you didn't agree, what do you say?"

Li Yi stared back, you know you still ask?

"My solution is to leave it to you, you can decide."

Song Jing is playing a rogue, what's up?

"Southwest Man gave it to me, Tie Lejiu has more surnames later, and I have quite a few there. Return the ones here to me. Believe it or not, I will be on the side of Qingjun tomorrow?"

Li Yi didn't want too many people, and Tang Tang could deploy his own troops.

"If you have the ability to rebel, I will immediately become your servant."

Song Jing doesn't care, who do you know? It's almost time to join the group.

You and your third brother are calling Qing Jun, your third brother will help you, how do you see it?

"I don't want you. I think about the specific operation. 90,000 people are not enough. Let's fight their city-state. There are four more on the way, and so on."

Li Yi took over. He suspected that there were few people, and it was much worse, so he continued to look for people.

"Xiaoyi reveals a little." Bi Gou was curious.

"Farming, farming, don't build pyramids, it's useless, there are super large silver mines here, and coal is dug from other places.

It doesn't matter if you teach them to smelt iron or not.

By changing their farming methods, the people can have enough to eat, and they will have less minds. Only some ambitious people like to do things. "

Said to reveal a little, Li Yi will reveal a little. (To be continued)

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