Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2720: Framework same rules as

"Slave or not?" Su Ting wanted to know what kind of identity Li Yi gave the captive.

"The strategy of the first arrival of the southwestern barbarians, the Mayan tribal city-states are now unable to eat enough, and engage in civil engineering all day long."

Li Yi knew the current situation of Maya by chatting with the priestess. The harvest was not good, and the priest thought it was not devout enough to the gods.

So I built more pyramids and sacrificial platforms, and all the food I saved was used in this area.

Datang's civil engineering was to build roads, but who built the pyramids?

Isn't it good to build your own house? Renovate the yard and raise more poultry and livestock.

If you don't dig a pond, plant lotus flowers, and raise fish, you can eat lotus seeds and lotus root, as well as fish and shrimp.

Others understood that the slave's food expenses were more than the wages earned by normal part-time jobs, and they didn't need money for food.

Southwest Man did this at the time. At first he had chicken racks, and later he had meat. Now he wants to eat whatever he wants.

The first batch of Zhuangzi households in the Li family received good treatment.

Li Yi helped pay the rent, and only charged a small amount to buy meat.

Otherwise, who would want to go to a place where a family of people died? Like the murder house.

The villa is good. The villa next to it is 30,000 square meters. The 3,001 square meters here means that a family of six was killed, and the blood flowed from upstairs to downstairs.

If you don't know, it's fine. Who buys it if you know?

When Li Yi used to have a building where he always heard children cry, there were several floors and a family.

It was sold at a very cheap price. Those who were brave enough to live in it would get goosebumps when they heard the news at night.

Look, what is it? Human or ghost? Finally found it, it was a fish, the salamander bought by the original owner ran away from the sewer.

Now the villagers are no longer afraid, and the Southwest Man has become a loyal team.

The same model can be used in the Maya, regardless of the fact that the Mayans cultivated crops very well, and the farming methods limited their harvest.

Eating meat is also a luxury. The people of the Tang Dynasty also had metal tools for farming, but Maya did not have them.

It was very difficult for Datang to eat once. Maya is more powerful than Datang?

"Wait for the people from the other four city-states to come over, let's start a counterattack, blow up the pyramids with mortars a few times, and don't blow up anyone."

Li Yi admitted that one trick is fresh and one can eat it all over the sky.

Throwing money at it, the status belongs to a slave, does not mean that there is no freedom.

Your original daughter-in-law is still your daughter-in-law, and your child is also your child.

If you don't leave, I will give you meat every day, wear comfortable clothes, teach and learn Tang dialect and characters, and the children will give extra assistance.

If you want to leave, you need to bring the redemption money first, and you can earn points.

When I accumulate enough points, if I don't leave, I will stay in Lijiazhuangzi even if I am free.

How can I live when I'm gone, I'm used to this kind of life.

In fact, Southwest Man doesn’t want freedom, he doesn’t change, and he doesn’t change if he saves enough points.

Instead, it was part-time work to make money, and Li Jiazhuangzi arranged for work, including military expeditions.

I use this kind of payment in exchange for banknotes, and then I buy things myself, and I have a working meal when I work.

If you are not free, you will take care of all living issues such as monthly allowances, food and lodging.

After making an estimate, I found that the more freedom, the less money I make.

"Gangrou, remember to use the name of the Tang Dynasty, Your Majesty."

Zhang Jiuling reminded, don't make mistakes in operation, you have no intention to be emperor, in case someone doesn't know your intention and thinks you want to be emperor...

"Exactly." Li Yi nodded.

The captives don't know what the future will look like, and they are worried.

Thinking from another angle, if you have won, how do you deal with the captured enemy? The more I think, the more afraid.

They had the same two meals, and they had it at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

The deceased looked at being burned, using a lot of wood, and the smell was unpleasant.

If the wind direction is not right at the beginning, there will be a smell of barbecue, and then there will be a burnt smell.

Coupled with the smell of burning hair, the mood is depressed.

Otherwise, everyone will eat at noon. It really needs a buffer time to burn people.

It is definitely not suitable to eat barbecue. Stewed fish has more soup. The fish can be touched with a spoon, and the soup is soaked in rice, which saves the step of eating with hands.

Some slaves even wiped their tears while eating. It's so delicious! I have never eaten it before when I was a commoner, let alone when I became a slave.

Now that I've never fought anyone before, I've been captured, and I actually ate this fragrant rice and juicy fish.

"They eat fish, we eat braised fish maw, fried corn and green beans with prawns on the shrimp line, Mapo tofu is a bit spicy, don't eat peppercorns, it doesn't matter if we're used to it..."

Princess Yongmu continued to eat with the priestess and introduced the dishes.

The priestess looked at her people with a little sadness on her brows. She ate well all day, but she didn't work much, so she gained weight.

Once you get used to it, how can you afford it in the future?

Her people are actually not fat. They fought fearfully before, they have lost weight, and they are now in the recovery period.

Lijiazhuangzi didn't have to choose the food. The people in Shu didn't want to eat anything that wasn't spicy, so they gave him extra spicy sauce.

The priestess ate the braised fish maw, which was fragrant. She said to Princess Yongmu, "Yuanyuan, your man has shortcomings."

"Where?" Princess Yongmu always thought her Li Lang was perfect.

"He's soft-hearted." The priestess said firmly: "He doesn't want to kill people, but he still wants to give good things to others, thinking that others can treat him well, no."

"Yes, yes! Li Lang of my family has this character. He is kind to everyone. He feels sad when he sees blood, and sometimes faints."

Princess Yongmu nodded, you said yes.

You don't know what my family Li Lang has done, he is soft-hearted? The Tang Dynasty let him settle it every week.

You have never seen him kill someone. It is said that someone shouted whether they dared to fight with me? Li Lang killed it directly, and then shouted, dare you compare it with me to write a poem, and commit suicide if you can't do it.

He was just soft-hearted towards the people of the Tang Dynasty, and when he was outside, he murdered without blood.

As soon as he softened his heart against the minister, he sent him to the regiment.

The Jiang family wanted to forcefully buy their own Zhuangzi, but Li Lang was soft-hearted and would not kill anyone, but he was going to force him to death, but Jiang Jiao insisted on it.

In order to save the apprentice, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com uses live people to practice interventional surgery.

The most terrifying thing about my family's Li Lang is this. He cheats people, and you still think he is a good person.

If you have the opportunity to go to Datang, you can ask the post-Turkic, Bohai, and Silla people, their impression of my family's Li Lang, oh, and Tubo, Chidaizhudan.

"Eating beans, there are also varieties here, but the way of eating them is different. They all take out the beans and eat them, not the skins."

Xiaolan changed the subject, don't always talk about Li Lang, what if you have any thoughts!

"It was made with braised pork?" This was the first time the priestess had eaten the combination. She had eaten braised pork before, it was delicious!

"Seven hours, five and a half hours to make braised pork, add rice beans, with the outer skin attached, and then simmer for an hour and a half over low heat. After the juice is collected, it's delicious."

Princess Yongmu scooped it with a spoon, and the braised pork was not even a little greasy.

"What do you do with the people you catch?"

The priestess thought about the situation and couldn't make up her own mind.

"You can kill anyone who doesn't please your eyes. The rest should be coolies, that is, nobles and priests. On the contrary, the living standards of commoners and slaves should be improved."

Princess Yongmu knew this point, Li Lang's actions were not aimed at the common people, but only on the superstructure.


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