Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2780: 0 surname is confident

At present, silver iodide is used for artificial rainfall. There is a lot of iodine, but only a little bit of silver. Fortunately, silver is produced locally.

Selling things and exchanging them with others for the court to exchange for silver, silver iodide is easy to do.

Li Yi can't mine the big silver mine here, so he has to use deep underground mining technology. Isn't this nonsense!

In Mexico, a shallow oil well has been drilled on the shore. There is only one oil well, and the reserves are low. Most of it is in the sea, and Li Yi can't extract it.

It doesn't matter if the reserves are low, it's enough. There is a simple smelting equipment on board, and those who cannot collect liquefied petroleum natural gas are very dirty.

There are mainly three kinds of oil, kerosene, gasoline, and diesel oil. The rest is asphalt, which contains heavy oil. Li Yi does not use heavy oil, and it is difficult to ignite.

Seagrass is harvested from the seas further north, where iodine is extracted.

The iodine content of kelp is high, but unfortunately there are too few here to catch it.

The edible seaweeds that are fished out must be eaten by people, and everyone is still not full to eat, so they burn it to extract iodine, which is obviously a loser.

The temperature of the clouds was actually above zero, so Li Yi couldn't use salt to make it rain.

Rockets have a cost, shoot salt upwards, and require too much salt.

He doesn't have a big plane to fly to the clouds to sprinkle salt, and silver iodide is the most economical combination.

When it came time to artificially rain, the sky was as expected from the data analysis, with dark clouds, but it didn't rain and the wind was strong.

Li Yi is so happy, save money!

Li Longji went up again, this time with an extra metal mesh to cover him.

He felt that there would be thunder in the sky, so he gestured with a metal sword and was struck to death by a big thunder, what would he do?

A group of drones flew up with a protective layer. If there was lightning, hack them first, and they would be dealt with.

The airship descending, or running far away, is not within this range.

In fact, according to theory, as long as the airships are not grounded, the craftsmanship can ensure that they avoid lightning in the sky.

Li Longji danced, surrounded by a group of people, under the big net.

Aunt Gongsun has been following along, including Wu Daozi and the others.

Aunt Gongsun had a sword dance team, and Guo Ziyi went up to help.

There are eight people from Xinyan's "everyone" here, and they cooperated well.

Aunt Gongsun is really powerful, and the mesh has left six big ones for her.

When Li Longji was dancing his sword, he fired a rocket over there, and the rain was about to fall.

Aunt Gongsun threw the sword, the sword was thrown up, and a flash of lightning struck from a position less than 400 meters away from the sword.

On the big screen, the sword was given to the camera, and it flew up and moved from the sky to the side according to the angle of the force.

Madam Gongsun waved the scabbard in her hand, and her body tossed back and forth. When she arrived at another place, she suddenly put the scabbard back on her waist. After a pause, the heavenly sword fell from the gap in the protective net, and just returned to the scabbard.

The people of Datang clapped their hands, and the Mayans were stunned.

There is wind in the sky, right? When the sword flew up, how could it just land in a fixed position?

This question should be asked if there are waves at sea? People are diving in the sea, why can some people still achieve zero splash?

The crackling rain fell, and the people cheered and danced.

The most critical rain! As long as it is big enough, it will not be used in the future, and the mushrooms will be picked tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

"God! God!" The old king felt that he was getting old, and the kings of others were calling for wind and rain.

Said that the first time was accidental and coincidental, and the second time was chosen.

When Li Longji came down, the old king brought him up to meet him, knelt directly, and stretched his hands forward.

Li Longji strode over and helped the old king from the side: "It's all for the well-being of the people, there's no need for this."

The people watching the big screen were moved, the old king is good, the new king is good, and His Majesty the Tang Dynasty is even better.

What is even more powerful is that Li Longji returned and returned to the Supreme Emperor Li Dan, indicating that in the Tang Dynasty, the emperor who gave up his position would not be lost, and the old king should be the same.

Li Dan cooperated with tricks and acted like a father and son filial piety.

Li Dan was happy, proving that the Tang Dynasty is good, and that he is not without rights at all. Ask Xiaoyi, and Xiaoyi will answer.

Someone ran away again and went to report that it has rained twice here, but it has never rained over there. The drought this year is too severe.

The king of the Tang Dynasty came and said that it would rain if it rained. Let's see what people eat. There are three meals a day, and there is meat every day.

The people took shelter from the rain, and they agreed to stop working first, and then go out after the rain stopped.

The dried dried sea rice chews are small shrimps, without shells, cooked and sun-dried. One person eats them slowly, watching the rain fall.

Li Longji took a shower, dried his hair, changed his clothes, and found Li Yi who was drinking rice wine and eating sea rice.

"Da Lei just now is scary." He grabbed Hai Mi.

Li Yi poured the wine: "There is no problem with the split, and I will guide you away. If there is danger, I can't let the third brother go up and eat peanuts. The ones that have just come out will be sent here for two days."

The peanuts that Li Yi brought out were also from Mexico, and the local people always regarded themselves as people of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Yi turned around on a yacht before, took it from Brazil and other places, and gave it to Mexico.

Planted again this year, some of them were harvested, they were cut out, and airships were sent here.

It's still wet, it's not dried, and it's cooked directly. Such peanuts will be cooked quickly.

Otherwise, if you want to eat boiled peanuts in winter in the north, you can't see raw peanuts with shells on the market.

What do you want to eat? Go to a seed store and buy peanut seeds.

Some peanut seeds with shells have been soaked in medicinal water. These are few in number, and most of them have not been soaked. The seed sellers will peel the peanut shells and eat the peanuts.

Buying this kind of peanuts is about 40% more expensive than normal peanuts. It doesn't matter. It's three yuan to five to three yuan. You can cook and eat it yourself, and six yuan is no problem.

Buying boiled peanuts is wet, the seeds are dry, and the amount is different.

Boiled peanuts have shriveled seeds. Too many shriveled seeds are obviously not good.

However, this kind of seed takes a long time to, unless you pinch out the peanut shells one by one, it will take four hours to cook the flavor.

This year, the peanut harvest in Mexico was a bumper crop. In fact, all crops were bumper.

They were the most loyal to the Tang Dynasty, and they looked down on other Indians around them.

The gap between the two sides is too big. In terms of life, just like the former four Asian tigers, all of them are rich.

And Nan Bangzi came to Li Yi's country at that time, he was rich! Find a woman and bury the men of Li Yi's country.

Later, people who were able to go to Li Yi's country would not dare to say such things again, because there were too many rich people in Li Yi's country, and the key countries had strong military strength.

How can a person who relies on other countries stationing troops in his country to defend his own country belittle a person who is a military independent country?

"Peanuts are sweet." Li Longji peeled a peanut and threw it into his mouth to chew.

"The earthy smell is a bit bigger, and it can't be washed out in a short time. It will be sweet when boiled with large grains of salt, and the fine product cooked with refined salt will be bitter."

Li Yi also peeled peanuts, but not for Li Longji. If he eats the shelled peanuts, he boils them and enjoys the peeling process, just like knocking melon seeds.

It is better to cook spiced peanuts if they are peeled for others.

Normally, you shouldn't peel it with your hands, just bite the shell with your mouth, and just eat it in your mouth.

But without pesticides, there are many bugs in peanuts, so you have to watch and eat them.


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