Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2781: Grain harvest time goes by

Li Longji peeled off a peanut. When he saw a bug, he didn't eat it. He threw away the one and ate the other one.

The worms are boiled to the point of water sacs, and there is no desire to eat. If they are fried and dried, they will be fine.

Bees eat like small bugs, as well as bean worms and green silkworms. After processing, they like to eat with less water, and feel sick with more water.

A handful of worms fried and eaten and a handful of worms cooked, look different, right?

Of course, the psychology of eating raw is even more different, and the pressure is huge.

"If you live, you can eat it with a little salt." Li Longji shook his head, regretfully.

Li Yi: "..."

He suddenly remembered, there is nothing wrong, the Tang Dynasty can eat raw food, the popular idiom is not a decoration.

"Who will be assigned to manage here?" Li Longji said seriously.

"Rotate management, you can't find those who like to oppress foreigners, otherwise it will be a big disaster.

Send Yulin Feiqi, be a member of the military department, find new officials and teach them how to deal with it.

Fei Lin Feiqi has special powers, including supervision and reporting and the power to make decisions by force.

The local people are similar to our Datang people, especially the skin color.

An official came over, and there was a local woman. If he wanted to have it, it was very simple.

With his power and his wealth, he can buy women's stuff.

Such officials are not needed and must be cleaned up, while Yulin Feiqi is more at ease, their willpower is extraordinary. "

Li Yi set the tone, if you don't ask me, I will wait for you to study it yourself.

You asked me, what I say is the final decision and cannot be changed.

"Cheng, listen to Brother Yi." Li Longji was used to it, and Brother Yi's son-in-law would not harm himself.

"They don't press peanut oil, peanut oil... It's greasy, just like eating too many raw peanuts, with high fat content.

Back then I made virgin olive oil and camellia oil for those of us, and the worst would have to be linseed oil.

Sunflower oil and palm oil are not high-grade oils, and people generally eat them well. "

Li Yi talked about what to eat, oil.

Li Longji nodded and picked up a brine prawn with shrimp line: "Is the war in the local dry season properly arranged?"

"The map and the flow of people are still being drawn. There is no problem with our army. It will be solved once, and then we will celebrate the New Year."

Li Yi also nodded, I'm all done, don't worry, there are no accidents, all possible accidents, there are targeted solutions in my plan.

Including major floods, major earthquakes, forest fires, and major epidemics.

"Very good, looking at the weather, will it rain tomorrow?" Li Longji was eating in the shed, looking up at the sky.

"Yes, take the opportunity to water enough at one time, rockets and rain bombs are enough."

Today's rain comes and goes quickly, it will end in two hours, and it hasn't penetrated into the soil much.

Do it again tomorrow, and you can persevere until the harvest.

At that time, the water conservancy project was almost completed, and the artificial watering of replanting and continued planting.

Li Longji frowned: "It's fine, how are they now?"

"It's raining heavily on our side, they don't have any rain, and it continues to be dry. This season itself should be a wet season and it rains a lot.

As a result, they could see the stars, but they couldn't reveal the weather. The weather has changed too much in recent years.

They just wanted to build more pyramids to detect, but it was useless. "

Li Yi also understood the purpose of some Mayan civilizations. They have always been measuring the impact of changes in the stars on the weather.

As a result, all the energy was used in this area, and the development did not develop.

How do you calculate the Little Ice Age? Li Yi couldn't figure it out at that time, he could only analyze it based on what had already happened.

"Yes, the most important thing is to transform production technology into productivity." Li Longji agreed.

The people outside in the rain-covered area are happy. Normally, the corn that can be harvested at that time will be fine.

After replanting, because of this rain, the initial stage will be very good, but in the later stage, everyone will dig wells!

Now I just eat meat, eat fish, and leave more food. When I go to bed at night, I feel very at ease, and I am not afraid of going hungry tomorrow.

Ordinary people are like this. When encountering natural disasters, the imperial court dispatches people to take charge and solve the actual problem of eating, and the people naturally depend on it.

At this moment, it depends on the ability of the court. The strength and wisdom of upper-level officials are related to people's livelihood, not the kind of wisdom to climb up.

When a local official loses his virtue, it is terrifying, when all the officials in the whole country are so corrupt, and the people look helpless, that is the beginning of the country's decline.

The people of Maya feel good, why is the Tang Dynasty so powerful?


The next day, Li Longji went up and made a few random gestures, wow~~ The heavy rain came down again, this time he didn't seem very solemn, and really didn't want to dance again.

The people are a little regretful, but those people danced together yesterday to look good!

All right! If it rains, just hide.

If the days go by like this, Li Longji takes the ministers to take charge of the court on both sides.

The local officials worked hard to cultivate, and Yulin Feiqi and the navy studied the local language seriously, and the smart ones were learning the characters.

In addition to teaching medical students on both sides, Li Yi usually brings people here to see doctors for local people.

It is normal for a sick person to come over and not be able to be rescued. Which hospital does not die!

Patients with family members died, and the family members took them away for treatment. Li Yi, who had no family members, stayed behind to practice autopsy with everyone.

Some steam-engine ships have brought rubber and other things back to Datang, and there are ships coming here from Datang.

It is not known how many ships will capsize on this road, and it is difficult to know how many people are buried in the sea.

Li Yi asked that everyone's supplies must be allocated twice as much, even if the goods transported each time are a little less, things are not as expensive as human lives.

In a flash, the Datang Hanlu solar term arrived.

The autumn weather in the south is high and crisp, and it snows in some places in the north.

At this moment, all the vegetables in the north are out of the garden, and some of the corn in the fields has been harvested from wheat, and now they are harvested one after another.

Rice and soybeans are similar, Chinese cabbage, green onions, radishes, carrots, peanuts...

After collecting, if you want to eat other kinds of fresh vegetables, you can only wait for the greenhouse, or you can get some garlic sprouts at home.

It can still be planted in the south, south of the Yangtze River, or in Shu.

For the wheat that was harvested before, the people kept some of the wheat for their own households and sold the rest. The grain merchants could not keep the price down.

After the people have harvested wheat and planted corn, they have a lot of surplus grain at home, and they still have money. If the price is low, they will not sell it to you until the court harvests it.

Datang wants to reserve grain for the last nine years. After harvesting this year, when it is harvested again tomorrow, the previous grain can be released in batches.

The cotton planters were also harvested one after another. The Anxi Duhufu and a large group of Jiedu envoys raised cattle, sheep and horses, planted cotton, and planted them in Tibet.

The army has no combat mission and works all day.

Sulu's Tuqi Shi kept expanding its territory to the northwest, and the Tubos infiltrated Tianzhu.

Those who were disobedient were killed by Chidai Zhudan's youth army. Chidai Zhudan was with the Datang Waihai team, and he did not lead the army himself.

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