Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1054: Fighting (1)

Chapter 14360 Fighting (1)

Zhao Hai looked at the projection of the God of the Shadow Clan, then he smiled slightly and said: "We meet again, I don't know if you can understand me." Zhao Hai acted very calmly, as if he was an old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time. , as if we suddenly met.

The projection of the God of Shadow Clan looked at Zhao Hai and suddenly said: "Yeah, long time no see. I really didn't expect that you could survive until now and see you here. To be honest, I really Very unexpected.”

When Zhao Hai heard what the God of the Shadow Clan said, he couldn't help laughing and said: "I didn't expect that you could actually hear what I said. It seems like you know everything we did. It's interesting." , it seems that my guess is correct, you just want to collect our intelligence through the Shadow Clan people, as for the life and death of the Shadow Clan people, you don’t care at all, right? "

After hearing Zhao Hai's words, the God of the Shadow Clan was silent for a moment and did not object. Then he said: "I just want to know today how strong you are and whether you have improved compared to the last time we fought. ”

Zhao Hai laughed loudly and said: "If my strength didn't improve, I wouldn't be able to see you here, right? Hahahaha, that's all, let's not talk about anything else, let's see the real chapter under my command, I want it too Let’s see how strong you are.”

The God of the Shadow Clan looked at Zhao Hai, and he couldn't help but smile slightly and said: "Okay, I also want to see how strong you are." After speaking, the God of the Shadow Clan raised the staff in his hand and said in a deep voice He said: "Spatial confinement." Following his voice, the next moment Zhao Hai felt that the space around him seemed to have solidified. It was impossible for him to even move. This was really a kind of force coming from space. Oppression is an application of space energy, and space energy like this is actually very difficult to break. The main reason why it is said that it is difficult to break is that space and time are two major Basic laws, and those who can use these two basic laws to attack people have a very good understanding of these two basic magic formations. However, the basic laws are the most difficult to break. They are the foundation of everything. All other Almost all laws are derived from the basic laws. It can be said that the basic laws are higher than all other laws. It is like a family. No matter how many children there are in the family, there are only two parents, and the following These children are all born to their parents. The two basic laws are equivalent to the parents, and the other laws are equivalent to the children.

Zhao Hai felt the confinement ability of this space, and a smile appeared on his face. Then he saw a golden talisman flashing on his body, and the next moment he heard a loud bang, and the surrounding areas around his body The space made a sound like broken glass. At the same time, you can also see some space fragments. The space seems to have turned into a painting. The painting has been broken, revealing the things on the back of the painting, and the space there is also Similarly, the space there was broken, revealing the void inside. The void seemed to have a suction force, sucking everything here into the void, but soon it returned to its original appearance, which was space. Self-repaired there, although it was only for a moment, everyone noticed it, rolled their eyes at their figures, and even flew there. It was not that they wanted to fly there, but that they couldn't control it and went directly to it. They flew there because the suction there was too strong. Fortunately, they were repaired immediately. Otherwise, they might really be sucked there.

In the field, the only two people who were not affected were Zhao Hai and the God of the Shadow Clan. As soon as the God of the Shadow Clan saw Zhao Hai, he broke the move so easily. He couldn't help but said: "Look. It seems that your strength has indeed become much stronger, and you have broken my space confinement technique so quickly, but we have just started, let's take a look at this move of mine." After saying this, the staff in his hand was released. He raised it up, and then he said: "Hell's fire." Following his voice, the next moment, the space under Zhao Hai's feet suddenly opened a hole. The hole was like a space crack, but this What is connected at once is not the void, but another space. There is fire everywhere in that space. There are only stones, magma and fire around. Apart from that, there is nothing else. Maybe many people have this impression. Hell is like that, and when the space crack appeared, the fire in **** flew directly out of the crack and rushed towards Zhao Hai. The flame was black with red, look. It looks very weird.

Zhao Hai stood there without moving, letting the flames burn his body. Then he took a deep breath. As he moved, the flames were sucked directly into his mouth, and then he suddenly Stomping his feet, he heard a boom the next moment. The flame seemed to be suppressed by someone, and the crack in the space disappeared. Only then did Zhao Hai take a breath, and as As a result of his movement, a stream of black smoke spurted out from his mouth. Zhao Hai then exhaled and said, "Not bad."

I don't know what he meant by "good", whether it was the smell of the flames that was good, the attack power of the flames that was good, or his performance just now. Not only the God of the Shadow Clan, but everyone was dumbfounded. They They would have thought that Zhao Hai actually ate the fire directly. This was something they never expected, so they all looked at Zhao Haizhong as if they were looking at a monster.


The God of the Shadow Clan obviously did not expect this. He was also stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing and said: "It's really amazing, Zhao Hai, you are indeed much more powerful now than before, hahahaha, okay, I listen very much. Okay, let's take a look at my move." After saying this, he thought, and then said: "Separation of flesh and blood." After that, he raised the staff in his hand.

The next moment, Zhao Hai felt that the flesh and blood on his body seemed to suddenly have its own consciousness. His flesh and blood actually wanted to separate from his body. He could clearly feel that the flesh and blood on his body was slowly... It slowly swelled up, as if all the flesh and blood on his body had its own consciousness, all came to life, and were all trying to escape from his body.

Not only his flesh and blood, but also his internal organs were all the same, and they all wanted to escape from his body. This feeling was really weird, Zhao Hai couldn't help but smile, and then he formed a handprint in his hand. , and then he said loudly: "Come!" Following his voice, an extremely powerful force emerged from his body, and the next moment the feeling in his body completely disappeared. He used the The immovable root seal in the nine-character mantra hand seal, the feeling on his body disappeared completely as soon as this seal came out. However, Zhao Hai was still very curious and surprised by this attack from the God of the Shadow Clan. Because he didn't expect that the God of the Shadow Clan could produce such a weird power and use it directly on his flesh and blood. This is a very strange ability. This ability is a bit like the Demon Sect. A kind of power used by blood-based monks, but not entirely, so this power is so weird. Zhao Hai is really curious about this power, but he has just collected this power. He has learned a part of it, which he can study more slowly in the future. At the same time, he also has a new understanding of the God of Shadow Clan. The biggest difference between the God of Shadow Clan and him is actually the use of power. The God of Shadow Clan has The travel of power is another form of use of power.

Zhao Hai's use of power is based on their own power. They use this power to strengthen their bodies and make their bodies stronger. In this way, they can store more power, and then use this power to absorb more from the outside world. The power is introduced into his body and stored, so that the power in his body will become stronger and stronger. When fighting the enemy, he uses his own power as an introduction to induce a part of the power between heaven and earth, so that this part The power follows your own command and then helps them fight. In such an attack, the power will be more concentrated, more flexible, and more precise. It is like an army. You are the commander, and you can completely Commanding this army is the most basic way for monks to use their power.

But the gods of the Shadow Clan are different. Their way of using power is very different from that of monks. They will first strengthen their mental power. While strengthening their mental power, they will also absorb some power from the outside world. Then store this part of the power into their own bodies, but their bodies may not store much power. When they are fighting the enemy, their power will come out of their bodies, and then they will use their own Based on strength and using spiritual power as a lever, they leverage the power between heaven and earth so that they can use more power. Therefore, the power used by the God of Shadow Clan is very huge, but when it comes to power, The ability to accurately control and the precise use of power are quite different.

To put it simply, monks pay more attention to their own strength, while the Shadow Tribe people pay more attention to the use of external forces. It sounds like the difference between physical cultivation and technical cultivation, but in fact there is a big difference in essence. of.

Of course, these are just some of Zhao Hai's simplest understandings. If you want to fully understand how to use the power of the God of Shadow Clan, you will probably have to study the power of the God of Shadow Clan for a long time in the future. Now They still had too little contact, and there was no way to conduct research at all, so Zhao Hai was not in a hurry. After he broke the separation of flesh and blood from the God of the Shadow Clan, he looked at the God of the Shadow Clan calmly. He wanted to see how the ShadowClan God would attack him next.

When the God of Shadow Clan saw how easily Zhao Hai defeated his move, he was not surprised. If Zhao Hai was really that easy to deal with, then Zhao Hai would have been dead long ago and would not be alive until now. , even almost threatening him, so the God of the Shadow Clan was not anxious at all. He looked at Zhao Hai, smiled slightly and said: "The bone-eroding wind." After he said this, his eyes were fixed. Looking at Zhao Hai, a breeze blew up. This breeze blew directly towards Zhao Hai. When the wind was still far away from Zhao Hai, Zhao Hai felt that his bones were itchy. At the same time, he also felt that something seemed to be draining away from his bones. It was obvious that this attack was aimed at his bones.

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