Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1055: Fighting (2)

Chapter 14361 Fighting (2)

Zhao Hai could feel the power of this technique of the Shadow Tribe people. Zhao Hai couldn't help but smile slightly, and then said: "It's useless. This kind of technique that is directly used on me will be useless no matter how much you use it." Use it." After Zhao Hai finished speaking, he pinched the magic formula one at a time, and then said: "Lin. "This immovable root seal can not only be used on your own flesh and blood, but can be used on your entire body. The body, including his bones, internal organs, and even the aura and spiritual power in his body, all things related to his body can be protected by this move, so the God of the Shadow Clan uses this move. It is completely useless to deal with him.

When the God of the Shadow Clan heard what Zhao Hai said and looked at Zhao Hai's movements, he couldn't help but nodded and said: "It turns out to be some Buddhist techniques. No wonder, then, let's try this trick of mine." After saying that, I heard the God of the Shadow Clan look at Zhao Hai and say in a deep voice: "Then try this move, Green Snake Spit." Following his voice, the next moment he waved the staff in his hand. , and then saw a green snake, which rushed towards Zhao Hai. This green dragon was not very big, the same size as a normal snake, its whole body was green, and it was very beautiful, but everyone knew that the more it The more beautiful the snake, the more poisonous it is. When encountering such a snake, you usually walk as far as you can without getting too close. But now that the Shadow Tribe has unleashed this move, it is obviously poisonous.

Zhao Hai looked at the green snake, his expression did not change, and then he said: "The realm of destruction by hundreds of poisons." After saying that, he pointed out with his hand. This time he was going to fight poison with poison, and at the same time He also wanted to see if he could absorb the green dragon's saliva and transform it into his Hundred Poison Realm. You must know that using poison is now a weakness of the Blood Killing Sect. If he could have a powerful poison, then The fighting power of their Blood Killing Sect will also become stronger. As Zhao Hai pointed out, the area in front of Zhao Hai turned into a black mist area, and the green dragon's little snake was in After entering that area, he didn't seem to be affected in any way and still rushed towards Zhao Hai. As soon as Zhao Hai felt this situation, he couldn't help but change his face, and then he murmured: "Awesome, I didn't expect them. This kind of green snake spit is actually an absorption technique, and it is even more powerful than my Hundred Poisons Destruction Realm."

Zhao Hai has already sensed that after the opponent's little green snake entered the Hundred Poisons Destruction Realm area, not only was it not absorbed by the poisons in the Hundred Poisons Destruction Realm, but it began to absorb the poisons in the Hundred Poisons Destruction Realm. After absorbing the poison, their fighting power became stronger. This made Zhao Hai really don't know what to say for a moment.

Zhao Hai thought for a while, then said: "Then let's try this move." After saying that, he pointed his hand forward once and said in a deep voice: "Rainstorm Pear Blossom." Following his voice, the next Countless light spots appeared directly in front of him, and then flew straight towards the little green snake. As soon as the little green snake saw these light spots, his figure flickered, and the next moment he heard With a bang, his body burst open and turned into a ball of green smoke. The light points passed directly through the smoke. Although the smoke had some fluctuations, it did not seem to be affected too much. After the light spot disappeared, the smoke condensed together and turned into a green little snake, which still rushed towards Zhao Hai. At this time, the little snake was very close to Zhao Hai. .

Zhao Hai glanced at the little snake and couldn't help but smile. Then he said in a deep voice: "Thousands of insects eat souls." Following his voice, countless little insects were seen in the next moment, and they suddenly rushed towards the little snake. After passing by, those little bugs rushed over and started biting directly at the little snake. Although there were countless bugs, as soon as they encountered the little snake, they turned into a wisp of light smoke and disappeared, but they still Countless bugs rushed towards the little snake, and the figure of the little snake slowly became smaller, and finally disappeared completely. It was obvious that this move of the God of Shadow Clan, It was also broken by Zhao Hai, but it was a little difficult to break.

Zhao Hai looked at the God of the Shadow Clan, and then said: "I really didn't expect that his move would be so powerful. It seems that I really underestimate you." When Zhao Hai said this , his eyes were full of solemn expressions.

The God of the Shadow Clan looked at Zhao Hai, but smiled slightly, and then said: "This is just the beginning, let's watch this move." After saying that, he waved his hand, and the next moment, a long black whip suddenly appeared in front of him. In the air, it hit Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai looked at this move, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he smiled slightly and said, "Really? I really want to see what's special about your move." After saying this, Zhao Hai thought to himself As soon as he moved, a long whip suddenly appeared in his hand the next moment, and he swung it towards the long whip released by the God of Shadow Clan. When the God of Shadow Clan saw Zhao Hai's movements, he couldn't help but He snorted coldly, and the next moment the two long whips were directly entangled together. At the moment when the long whips were entangled together, they saw countless sprouts suddenly growing on the long whip released by the God of Shadow Clan. Hands, these hands, grabbed Zhao Hai's long whip with a sudden movement, and then countless sharp teeth grew out of those hands, and began to eat the long whip in Zhao Hai's hand, and Zhao Hai's hand The long whip inside was actually eaten away and a piece was missing. When he saw this situation, Zhao Hai's face couldn't help but change. He really didn't expect that the long whip of the God of the Shadow Clan was still missing. Having such an ability, and the ability of this long whip, really surprised him, because this ability showed the subtleties of the control of energy by the God of the Shadow Clan. Zhao Hai previously thought that the Shadow Clan people The control of energy cannot be so subtle. Now it seems that his previous guess was wrong. Their control of energy has indeed reached a very subtle level, even beyond Zhao Hai's imagination. This It really surprised Zhao Hai.


Zhao Hai's long whip is actually a kind of long whip with suitable energy, and the long whip of the God of Shadow Clan is the same. The two long whips are now entangled together, but the long whip of the God of Shadow Clan is He was eating Zhao Hai's long whip. It looked like it was the long whip of the God of the Shadow Clan, which had the upper hand. However, Zhao Hai smiled slightly, and then he thought, and then he saw his long whip. The whip moved violently, and the long whip vibrated violently. A strong force penetrated the entire long whip from the end to the end, and there was a crisp sound from the end of the long whip, and then The two long whips were immediately separated. Zhao Hai had just used his strength to blow open the long whips of the Shadow Tribe people. With this shock, he also knew why the Shadow Tribe people's long whips had changed like that. Because he added a lot of small magic circles to his long whip. These small magic circles are very special. They seem to be alive. In other words, this is a special triggering magic circle. In this kind of magic circle, after touching something, he was directly triggered, and then activated and began to eat the things he came into contact with. He had never seen this kind of magic circle before, and it was a very special kind of magic. Array.

After Zhao Hai separated the two long whips, he shook the long whip one at a time. The long whip was like a spear, stabbing straight at the God of the Shadow Clan. At the same time, the long whip kept getting longer. In the blink of an eye, the long whip was in front of the Shadow Clan God.

But just at this moment, the long whip suddenly seemed to be struck by something. A bang was heard, and the long whip was swung away, but the God of the Shadow Clan suddenly let go of his hand. The long whip in his hand was like a spiritual snake, and it rushed towards Zhao Hai. As soon as Zhao Hai saw the appearance of the long whip, he knew what the God of the Shadow Clan was thinking, and he couldn't help but He smiled slightly, then waved his hand, and the next moment a big colorful hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the long whip. The long whip was directly wrapped around the big colorful hand, and then another long whip grew. Countless small hands came out, and those small hands were covered with sharp teeth, and they began to gnaw at the big hand, but the big hand shook violently, and the long whip stiffened for a moment, and then it seemed like one was shaken off. It was like a long snake, and then the big hand shook violently, and the long whip made a loud bang, and then the long whip disappeared directly.

When the whip disappeared and the big hand disappeared, Zhao Hai turned to look at the God of the Shadow Clan. The God of the Shadow Clan looked at Zhao Hai and snorted coldly, and then he also stretched out a hand, The next moment, a **** hand covered with scales suddenly grabbed Zhao Hai's whip. As soon as Zhao Hai saw the movement of the God of Shadow Clan, he couldn't help but smile. The next moment, the whip directly Gone.

The big hand released by the Shadow Clan God was originally intended to grab the long whip, and then squeeze it hard to destroy the long whip. However, he did not expect that the long whip disappeared directly. This made the Shadow Clan God God's blow couldn't help but miss. He couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhao Hai and snorted coldly. The next moment, the giant sword clenched into a fist and punched Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai looked at the big hand, and he couldn't help but smile. Then he stretched his hand forward, and the colorful hand appeared again and clenched it into a fist. He hit the Shadow Tribe's big hand and heard a boom. There was a loud noise, and then two huge fists collided together. They were full of energy, but the two fists did not separate. Instead, they seemed to be stuck together. At this time, Zhao Hai's expression changed. , because he saw that the fist of the Shadow Tribe suddenly turned into countless tentacles. These tentacles directly wrapped around Zhao Hai's colorful fist. At the same time, countless needle-like needles grew on the fist surface. Hollow, pointed tubes, and then these tubes stabbed directly at the colorful fist. His attack this time turned out to be a series of attacks.

When Zhao Hai saw this situation, he couldn't help but be stunned, and then he couldn't help but smile, and then he said in a deep voice: "Change." Following his voice, the colorful fist turned into a colorful ball, The colorful ball immediately started to rotate. As the colorful ball rotated, the tentacles and needle-like tubes that were close to him seemed to be sucked in by him, and they disappeared directly, and the God of Shadow Clan also Upon discovering this, he couldn't help but be stunned, and then he couldn't help but wave his hand. The next moment, the fist disappeared, and his eyes looked at the colorful light ball curiously.

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