Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1056: Fighting (3)

Chapter 14362: Fighting (3)

Zhao Hai waved his hand, and the colorful ball of light disappeared. The Shadow King looked at Zhao Hai and said in a deep voice: "It seems that we haven't played against each other for a while. You have indeed learned a lot of new things. You can take over You have indeed made a lot of progress by being able to withstand so many attacks from me, but if you think that’s the end of it, you’re wrong.” After he finished speaking, he moved his hand, and the next moment, someone suddenly appeared in front of him. The fireball was just like an ordinary fireball. Then he waved his hand and the fireball flew straight in front of Zhao Hai. When Zhao Hai saw the fireball, his face was a little solemn. He knew that The fireball could never be as simple as it looked, so he immediately started moving. As soon as his mind moved, the next moment the colorful big hand appeared again and again, grabbing the fireball, and the fireball He slowly approached the big hand, and then was caught by the big hand, but the fireball did not go out, and it was not really caught. The fireball actually passed directly through the big hand, and he seemed to It was like it had no entity, and when he saw this situation, Zhao Di's expression couldn't help but change. He knew that this fireball was definitely not simple. Now it turned out to be so. This fireball turned out to be a virtual fireball, but he didn't dare to let it happen. This fireball really hit me.

Zhao Hai thought, and the next moment a big transparent hand grabbed the fireball directly. This big transparent hand was a big hand that made it virtual. Zhao Hai just wanted to see if the fireball could be made virtual. The big hand grabbed it, and the next moment the big transparent hand grabbed the fireball directly, but the fireball actually passed directly through the big hand and was not caught by the big hand.

Upon seeing this situation, Zhao Hai's face couldn't help but change. He found that the fireball was not a virtual fireball as he thought, but a special kind of fireball. He didn't know what kind of fireball it was. Hai had no way to block the fireball, but he couldn't let the fireball burn him. With a thought in his mind, a rune suddenly appeared in the next moment, blocking the fireball.

The fireball touched the rune, but he actually passed through the rune again. The rune could not block the fireball. At this moment, the fireball suddenly accelerated, and Zhao Hai did not react. Before, it hit directly in front of Zhao Hai. The defensive energy outside Zhao Hai's body did not play any defensive role at all. The fireball hit Zhao Hai directly, but it did not damage Zhao Hai's body. If there is any harm, it will directly enter Zhao Hai's body.

Zhao Hai couldn't help but be stunned. The next moment, he felt that the fireball was heading directly towards his soul. Zhao Hai's face couldn't help but change. He immediately understood that the fireball was heading towards his soul. When he thought of this, Zhao Hai immediately understood that this fireball was a kind of soul fire. It was specially used to attack people's souls. Of course, Zhao Hai could not let this fireball attack his soul. Zhao Hai thought with a thought. At a moment, some runes appeared in front of the fireball. These runes directly formed a teleportation array. Then the fireball directly hit the teleportation gate. The next moment, the fireball disappeared directly from Zhao Hai's body. disappeared, in fact, he had entered the **** space, and the God of the Shadow Clan also felt very strange, because he found that he could no longer feel the fireball he had released. The fireball he had just released could not be felt by him. He didn't name it because he was afraid that Zhao Hai would guess the function of the fireball. The fireball was actually called the soul-burning fireball. It was a special attack method that used soul as fuel. This kind of fire was very overbearing. Ordinary things could not be used at all. There is no way to get this kind of fireball. If you want to block this kind of fireball, there is only one way, and that is to use attribute soul weapons to block the attack power of that kind of fireball.

The attribute Horcrux is a magical weapon unique to the world of the Shadow Clan Gods. This magical weapon has a spirit in it, and this spirit still has the power of a soul. His soul must also be It must have attributes. Only attribute Horcruxes can block the soul-burning fireball. In the view of the God of the Shadow Clan, it is absolutely impossible to have attribute Horcruxes on this level of the interface. Then there is nothing that can block it. He could withstand the soul-burning fireball, but what he didn't expect was that after the soul-burning fireball entered Zhao Hai's body, it disappeared directly, and even lost contact with him. He could no longer feel the soul-burning fireball. This surprised him very much. He really didn't expect that Zhao Hai had such ability. This was completely beyond his expectation. He couldn't help but look at Zhao Hai again.

At this time, Zhao Hai looked at the God of the Shadow Clan calmly, but his mind was actually attracted by the notification sound in the **** space. You must know that the **** space is part of his space, and of course there is space. All abilities, and after this soul-burning fireball entered the **** space, a prompt sound came from the **** space immediately: "I found abnormal energy fluctuations, began to surrender, failed to surrender, surrender again, failed to surrender, surrender again ..." Such beeps never stopped, which made Zhao Hai even more surprised. He did not expect that this soul-burning fireball would be so difficult to defeat, but from this point, it can be seen that this soul-burning fireball has How powerful, the more difficult it is to conquer, the more powerful it is. After being conquered, the more good things he will get. Zhao Hai just wants to see now, if this soul-burning fireball is really conquered, , What benefits will it bring to him? When he thought of this, Zhao Hai couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face.


The God of the Shadow Clan looked at the smile on Zhao Hai's face, and the red light in his eyes flashed. Then he looked at Zhao Hai and said: "Not bad, he really has some strength, he can even block my soul-burning fireball." Come on, I really underestimated you. It seems that Zhao Hai is indeed very strong, so let's try another move." After saying this, the God of the Shadow Clan raised his staff and lowered it. In an instant, a wind blade slashed straight towards Zhao Hai. The way Zhao Hai looked at him, of course he did not dare to underestimate this wind blade. He knew very well that sometimes the more simple it looked, the more it looked like this. The power of Zhao Hai's technique may be even greater. As soon as Zhao Hai moved his hand, a long arrow was shot directly from his hand and hit the wind blade directly, but after the wind blade was hit , it shattered directly, but the broken wind blade suddenly turned into more wind blades, and still slashed towards Zhao Hai.

As soon as Zhao Hai saw this situation, he couldn't help but smile. The next moment he waved his hand, a layer of multi-colored light shield appeared, blocking him directly in front of him. The wind blades struck directly on the light shield, and then All those wind blades disappeared. Zhao Haigang was about to put away the wind blades, but suddenly he felt that there was a kind of instability in the five elements on the light shield he released. This made him stunned, and the next moment... The five shields suddenly turned into several huge blades and slashed towards Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai couldn't help but be stunned. This was the first time he encountered this situation. The wind blade could actually command his light shield, which made him a little surprised. However, Zhao Hai had a thought, and the next moment, the light shield appeared at once. Appeared, but this time the mask was always rotating. The blades struck the mask, but were not absorbed by the mask. However, at this time, Zhao Hai closed his eyes and Feeling the changes in the light mask, he soon discovered that there were indeed changes in the light mask. There were actually some very tiny light spots in the colorful blades that entered the light mask. These light spots were reflected in the light mask. The light spots were moving around in the hood, and when the light spots were moving around, they were slowly growing in size. Soon, the light spots directly turned into magic circles one by one, and then these magic circles controlled the light. The energy in the shield turned into a blade at once and slashed towards Zhao Hai.

This time Zhao Hai finally knew why the mask discovered such a thing. This time he had already been prepared. He waved his hand, and the next moment a huge rune suddenly appeared in front of him. , the rune kept spinning, and soon the blade struck the rune, but the blade disappeared directly into the rune, and Zhao Hai had been paying attention to the changes in the rune, and soon he discovered , there was actually a smaller rune in this rune, and then all the colorful blades disappeared.

Zhao Hai moved his hand and put away the rune. The rune was obviously the rune of heaven and earth. Zhao Hai felt that those light spots were a special kind of rune, so he tried it. If those light spots, It is really a special kind of rune, then this special rune must be absorbed by the heaven and earth runes. As he thought, those light spots are indeed a kind of rune, and this This kind of rune has really been absorbed by the heaven and earth runes. As for what kind of abilities this kind of rune has, Zhao Hai will have to study it slowly before he knows. Now he has to face the God of the Shadow Clan. As for this big enemy, I don’t have time to study it.

And just when he was putting away the runes of heaven and earth, he heard a ding, and then a voice came: "The surrender is complete." Zhao Hai couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, this was great, the space finally put that The fireball was subdued, but it took such a long time for the space to subdue the fireball, which was enough to show how powerful the fireball was. He was really surprised. He didn't expect that the fireball would be so powerful, but In any case, now that he has surrendered, the benefits this fireball will bring to him will be huge. When he has time, he must study carefully what benefits this fireball brings to him.

Zhao Hai no longer thought about this matter, but turned to look at the God of the Shadow Clan. The God of the Shadow Clan also looked at Zhao Hai. After a while, he finally said: "I'm watching this move." After that, He raised the staff in his hand once, and the next moment a flower suddenly appeared in front of him. This flower was very beautiful. This flower looked like a red rose, and there was even a flower on it. It looked so delicate and beautiful with water droplets, and then the flower flew straight towards Zhao Hai. When Zhao Hai saw the flower, his face became solemn, because he felt that this flower It contains huge power, and it is also a kind of power of law. If he can't handle it well, then he may be in real danger. This flower cannot be underestimated.

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