Chapter 14386 Changes

When Zhang Hongliang and others heard what Ma Zhizhong said, they were all very excited. Zhang Hongliang said: "It doesn't matter if you go a little slower, as long as you go the right way. Aren't we always like this? It doesn't matter if you go a little slower. If we are on the right path, we can keep going, and in the end we will go faster and wider." Everyone else nodded.

Wen Yuming said: "The matter reported by Zhizhong is really important to our Blood Killing Sect. The development of our Blood Killing Sect has always been based on the magic circle, and the formation Runes are the foundation of the magic circle. This discovery will make great progress in our runes. It is of great significance to our sect, so I will call everyone here today, just to Let me tell you this good news so that everyone can be mentally prepared."

Everyone nodded, and Wen Yuming continued: "This upgrade is good news for us, but now it seems that it has no impact on our entire rune system. Even if It has an impact, and it is a good impact. We don’t need to change the runes. In the future, we can slowly make the runes stronger. This is the most important thing.”

Everyone agreed at once, and Wen Yuming then said: "Okay, I have told everyone everything, so I won't say anything more. Everyone can go back and rest. As long as everyone knows about this matter, it will be fine." ." Everyone responded. They knew very well that although Wen Yuming only told them this one thing, it would have a huge impact on the entire Blood Killing Sect. , it is precisely because of this that Wen Yuming told them this news. This news is indeed very important to them. Although this news will not change their rune system, they are afraid that in the future, They have to learn more runes, which will also have some impact on them.

After everyone left, Wen Yuming left Ma Zhizhong behind. The two came to Wen Yuming's study. After sitting down, Wen Yuming said to Ma Zhizhong: "Zhizhong, what you have to do this time. That's very good. You should also know about the situation of the sect. The young master is preparing to ascend, but before ascending, he must improve his strength. Otherwise, it will be too dangerous to face an opponent like the God of the Shadow Clan, and Now that our formation symbols have been improved, this is good news for us, so after you go back, I will allow you to recruit some people to join your laboratory, and then you divide your laboratory into two parts, Some people continue to study how to strengthen the strength of the runes by changing the energy circuit, while other people want to turn the new powerful runes into three-dimensional runes, three-dimensional runes and new powerful runes. This is There are two different upgrade paths for runes, but this does not mean that these two paths cannot be integrated together. If these two paths can be integrated together, then it will be a good idea for us. News, do you understand?" After Wen Yuming said this, he looked at Ma Zhizhong.

Ma Zhizhong immediately spoke: "Yes, Master, I understand. Please rest assured, Master. I will make arrangements as soon as I get back and try to integrate these two paths as soon as possible." Ma Zhizhong said this very solemnly. He knew clearly that this matter was very important and he had to do it well. When Wen Yuming heard what he said, he was relieved. He knew that Ma Zhizhong had understood what he meant, so he was relieved. They Now they can't let go of any opportunity to improve their strength, so they must study any possible method to improve their strength, let alone strengthen their rune abilities, which is even more important.

Wen Yuming knew very well that what Zhao Hai is actually best at is various rune techniques, and this discovery by Ma Zhizhong is also very important to Zhao Hai. If all the runes in Zhao Hai's hand can be used If it is improved in this way, Zhao Hai's combat effectiveness will also be greatly improved. This is very important to Zhao Hai, because only with the improvement of strength, when Zhao Hai faces the God of Shadow Clan, This is very important, so Wen Yuming attaches so much importance to this matter. Anything that can help Zhao Hai improve his strength will attract Wen Yuming's attention.

Wen Yuming looked at Ma Zhizhong and said, "Okay, you go back, remember, you must make arrangements, go." Ma Zhizhong responded, then he saluted Wen Yuming, then turned and left Wen Yuming Yu Ming's study room. After hearing that Yu Ming left Ma Zhizhong, he let out a sigh of relief. Then he moved his hand and an extra jade slip appeared in his hand. Then he immediately entered some content into the jade slip. , and then he directly sent the jade slip to Zhao Hai. In the jade slip, Wen Yuming explained in great detail the situation of the powerful rune and the discovery of Ma Zhizhong and the others. Ma Zhizhong also mentioned it before Regarding the new circuit of the powerful rune, a report was written to Wen Yuming. Wen Yuming now wrote the report on the jade slip and sent it to Zhao Hai. He knew very well that this report But it is very important. This report may provide Zhao Hai with a good idea. If it can really help Zhao Hai, that would be great. That is why Yu Yu is famous for publishing this report directly. I gave it to Zhao Hai, hoping to help Zhao Hai.


After Zhao Hai received the famous jade slip, he took a careful look at the contents. When he finished reading the contents, his eyes lit up. He really didn't expect that. After hearing the name, they actually gave him a surprise. He had known about the energy circuits of this rune for a long time, and he had also conducted research on them. However, he had no idea of ​​changing these circuits before. Now that he saw these After that, Zhao Hai couldn't help but be a little surprised. He didn't expect that the runes could be upgraded in this way. This was really important to him. When he thought of this, he immediately used this new powerful rune. , it was directly collected into his rune space. After collecting this rune into the rune space, he was ready to study how to improve the rune through the energy circuit of this rune. This kind of This method is really very useful for him. After all, he uses runes to fight his enemies. This method that can improve the strength of runes is of great help to improve his strength.

But what Zhao Hai didn't expect was that when he put the new powerful runes into the rune space, the rune space actually shook, and then the heaven and earth runes and curse runes in the middle of the rune space The characters actually started to rotate as well, and the speed of rotation was getting faster and faster. As their rotation accelerated, other runes all gathered towards the middle of the rune world. Soon, in the rune world In the middle position, a huge rune ball was formed. This rune ball kept rotating at a very fast speed. As the rune ball kept rotating, his rune space also kept getting bigger. After a while, the rune ball exploded with a bang, and Zhao Hai also felt that his mental power was shaken. The next moment, he found that his rune space seemed to have returned to calm, and there seemed to be no difference from before. , just when he was curious, he suddenly appeared. The runes in the rune space seemed to have become more complicated than before. Of course, this did not mean that his original runes were completely Disappeared, those runes are still there, but there are more and more complex runes in the rune space, which surprised Zhao Hai.

Then he immediately focused his mental power on the newly-appeared runes. As a result, he found that the newly-appeared runes were all runes with more complex energy circuits, and the main bodies of these runes, although You can also see the shadow of the original runes, but they are much more complicated than the original runes. It is precisely because of this that these runes are more powerful.

Zhao Hai carefully compared the two runes, and also wanted to summarize why these new runes were more powerful than the original runes. As a result, he found that compared to the original ones, Runes, these new runes, their energy circuits are more complex. Zhao Hai compared the energy circuits on these runes. He wanted to see why after the energy circuits on these runes became complicated, those The runes became stronger, and he wanted to understand why.

He analyzed it carefully, and found that the reason why these runes became more powerful than the original runes was because of some nodes on these rune circuits. Some nodes on these rune circuits were like a Like the amplifiers of each, they are constantly increasing the power of the entire rune. This makes Zhao Hai very surprised. He wants to know why this situation occurs and why after the energy passes through those nodes, it will Suddenly becoming stronger, there is something special about those nodes.

Zhao Hai began to analyze the energy circuit and all the nodes of the rune inch by inch. He wanted to see why this situation occurred. He had to figure it out. Only by figuring it out, could he make more progress. He can use these runes well and only after he has figured them out can he try to upgrade these runes one at a time, instead of just letting the runes complete the upgrade in a daze like this time. Although this is not a good thing for Zhao Hai It has no impact, but Zhao Hai doesn't want to do this, because he knows very well that if he doesn't figure out why the runes become stronger, then whether he uses the runes or upgrades the runes in the future, he will suffer huge consequences. The influence of runes is related to his use of spells and various attack methods, so he must understand it clearly.

Zhao Hai looked at the runes carefully. He really wanted to find out what magic power those nodes had and how they could increase energy. He circled a node and analyzed it carefully. He kept letting the energy flow from that node. He passed it because he wanted to see why that node could increase energy. After watching it for a while, Zhao Hai suddenly discovered that when the energy passed through that node, some of the energy lines before and after the node were trembling slightly. This made Zhao Hai became even more curious. He directly enlarged the energy node and the energy lines before and after the energy node. He wanted to take a closer look at what was going on.

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