Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1081: progress

Chapter 14387 Progress

After Zhao Hai amplified the energy line at that node, Zhao Hai was stunned. He found that the reason why the energy line was fluctuating was because the energy was moving in waves at the energy line, and In the process of this wave motion, the energy was getting bigger bit by bit, which surprised Zhao Hai. He carefully analyzed the reasons for the increase in energy.

For a while, Zhao Hai's face showed a look of shock, because he finally knew the reason why the energy became larger, because when the energy was running, the energy was constantly fluctuating, and the main reason why the energy was fluctuating was The reason is that he is actually making small lever movements again and again. In the process of this lever movement, the energy is amplified.

Zhao Hai really didn't expect that the stronger energy of this rune was actually related to the lever movement. Why hadn't he discovered it before? Moreover, he only discovered this lever movement recently. He didn't know it before. Why is this rune used?

Then Zhao Hai couldn't help but smile bitterly. He suddenly realized that the question he just thought about was a bit stupid. He only discovered the leverage principle now, but this does not mean that it did not exist before. Someone may have used it a long time ago. The leverage principle, but people at that time did not summarize and summarize this principle, so the leverage principle had long existed, but he had not noticed it before. When he thought of this, Zhao Hai couldn't help but let out a sigh, and then Looking at the rune, I fell into deep thought.

If there is a lever principle in these runes, does that mean that other energies also have this principle? If this is really the case, can he integrate this principle into anything? When he thought of this, Zhao Hai couldn't help but get excited. He immediately focused too much on the principle of leverage. Of course, he would also learn about his current runes. All his runes had been upgraded. , and those upgraded runes all contain levers, which also makes Zhao Hai more determined to study levers. He knows very well that if he really studies and understands this kind of levers, then he will definitely have In order to gain the capital to fight against the God of Shadow Clan, Zhao Hai couldn't help but get even more excited when he thought of this.

Zhao Hai did not show his upgraded runes to Wen Yuming and the others. There was no need. Now that Wen Yuming and the others were on the right path, he let them study it slowly. He believed that Wen Yuming and the others were on the right path. Yu Ming and the others will soon master this new rune. There is no need for him to directly tell Wen Yu Ming and the others the results. That would be of no benefit to them. ,

Because the runes had been upgraded, Zhao Hai re-examined some of the previous experiments. He had to get the most realistic data, because this kind of thing is really important to him. , he must make all the data as detailed as possible. Only in this way can he upgrade the leverage principle and make him stronger.

On the other hand, Ma Zhizhong has also recruited some people again. As he said, he divided the people into two teams. One team studied how to upgrade those runes and let those runes pass through the energy of the runes. The circuit is being upgraded, while another team of people is studying how to convert the new runes into three-dimensional runes. This is not an easy task.

Some people may say, isn't it very simple to convert a rune into a three-dimensional rune? Wouldn't it be better to just make him three-dimensional? In fact, it is not that simple. Sometimes it is not possible to directly transform a rune into three-dimensional form. During the process of three-dimensionalization, you must also consider the changes in the energy circuit in the rune. You must do it. In the process of three-dimensionalization of culture, those energy circuits will also increase. It can be said that the main reason why the energy of runes will become larger after three-dimensionalization is that the internal area of ​​runes has become larger and there are more energy circuits. , so the energy of the runes becomes larger, but if you just make the runes three-dimensional and do not consider the internal changes of the runes, then the energy circuits of the runes may be entangled. By that time, not only will the runes It won't become stronger, and it may even explode, so making the runes three-dimensional is not an easy task.

While Ma Zhizhong and the others were busy working on new runes, Zhang Hongliang and the others were also making progress. Zhang Hongliang was currently studying the living magic circle. The living magic circle was released by the God of the Shadow Clan when Zhao Hai was fighting against him. The spell will be as if it came alive. When attacking the spell released by Zhao Hai, Zhao Hai discovered that the reason why the spell he released will come alive is because the spell contains a lot of magic circles, and those magic circles , is actually alive, and he can attack all around. Zhao Hai regarded this as a topic and asked Wen Yuming and the others to study it. Wen Yuming handed the matter over to Zhang Hongliang and asked Zhang Hongliang to study it.

Zhang Hongliang hasn't made much progress before, but recently they have made progress because they discovered that integrating some soul fragments into the magic circle can make the magic circle come alive to a certain extent. , but although these magic circles have come to life, they have no consciousness and are difficult to control. They will act entirely based on instinct, and their acting style has a huge relationship with the attributes of the magic circle. This discovery is very important. It was interesting, so Zhang Hongliang reported this discovery directly.


After Wen Yuming received the news, he immediately called some elders from Shenji Hall to the small conference room. After everyone arrived, Wen Yuming looked at the crowd and said, "This time, call everyone I'm here because Hongliang's research has made new discoveries. Hongliang, please tell everyone carefully." After hearing this, he turned to look at Zhang Hongliang and nodded to him.

Zhang Hongliang nodded, and then said: "Before, I have been experimenting with the living magic circle thing that the young master said, but there has not been much progress. Later, I added the soul fragments to the magic circle, and it reached the level of the young master. The degree mentioned, but this kind of magic circle is not easy to control, and it is all based on instinct. The most important thing is that I found that the actions of these magic circle have a huge relationship with their attributes. For example, a If a fire-attribute magic circle is added with soul fragments, the magic circle will burn directly, and it will burn anything that is close to it. If it is a wood-type magic circle, if it comes to life, then all those who are close to it will be destroyed. His plants may grow at an accelerated rate and have the same abilities as this magic circle. For example, if it is a wood-type poison circle, all the plants close to him will be poisonous. Regardless of whether they were poisonous originally, they will be poisonous now. And these magic circles are difficult to control.”

Upon hearing what Zhang Hongliang said, everyone couldn't help but be stunned. Wen Yuming turned to look at everyone and said, "Do you have any thoughts on this matter?" When everyone heard what Yu Ming said, they all fell into deep thought. .

After a while, an elder finally spoke: "Elder Zhang, although you have made progress in this kind of living magic circle, I think your research is wrong. You must know that the young master was fighting against the God of the Shadow Clan back then. At that time, I discovered that the magic used by the God of the Shadow Clan included such a living magic circle, and the God of the Shadow Clan Angelica was just a projection, and the magic he released was only a pure magic, not a magic weapon. , it is impossible for him to incorporate soul fragments into this technique, so the reason why their magic circles are alive must be because of the technique, not because of the addition of soul fragments into them, so I say your research is wrong."

The elder's words made everyone stunned, but then they all nodded, because they discovered that what the elder said was right. The one who fought with Zhao Hai was just a projection of the God of the Shadow Clan. It is impossible for the projection of the clan **** to contain soul fragments, and it is impossible for him to find soul fragments here in the fairy world, so it is impossible to temporarily add soul fragments to their spells. In other words, their The living magic circle is a living magic circle without soul fragments added to it.

When Zhang Hongliang heard what the elder said, he was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "It makes sense. I said that when I was studying this magic circle, why did I feel that something was wrong? It turned out to be because of this , that is to say, the magic circle in their technique is alive in itself, not because of the addition of soul fragments. It seems that my research is really wrong, and I need to study it carefully again, but If this is really the case, then we have to start over. Is there anything you can do? We have made no progress these days, so we added the soul fragments."

When everyone heard what Zhang Hongliang said, they were all stunned, and then they all chuckled. Wen Yuming also smiled and said: "Okay Hongliang, I really didn't expect that you are waiting for us here, okay, Then let’s all help you think of a solution, let’s all think of a solution together, this kind of living magic circle is a bit interesting, and it is indeed worthy of our careful study.”

Everyone nodded, and then an elder said: "Actually, I have always had an idea, that is, can soul fragments be expressed with runes? According to the theory of our Blood Killing Sect, everything can be runes. Yes, can soul fragments also be used as cultural symbols? If soul fragments can also be used as cultural symbols, will this solve Lao Zhang’s problem?”

As soon as his words came out, everyone was stunned. They had never thought before that soul fragments could also be used to talisman culture. Now that the elder said this, they were all stunned. If this is really the case, then But it would be great. If there really is such a rune, that is to say, this kind of rune has a great relationship with the soul, and it will only be more helpful to them.

The soul has always been something that the Blood Killer Sect has wanted to study, but has been unable to start with. Their soul mark is very difficult to defend, but if this research is really successful, then their soul can be turned into a Runes, if you protect an invisible soul imprint, it is definitely not as easy as protecting a rune. Therefore, if this soul can really be runes, then the defense of their Blood Killing Sect disciples will definitely be stronger, at least in the future. When encountering someone who wants to attack their souls, they will also have a certain degree of defense. They don't have to hide their souls like they do now, but also add layers of protection. I don't know if it will be useful.

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