Chapter 14388 Thoughts

After hearing what the elder said, Zhang Hongliang immediately fell into deep thought. He had never thought about it like this before, but now he suddenly felt that maybe this method was feasible, so Zhang Hongliang immediately said: "This method is very good. I will go back immediately to conduct experiments to see if a soul rune can be researched. If a soul rune can be researched, it will be a great thing for us. Okay, I'm leaving Okay." After saying that, Zhang Hongliang stood up, turned around and walked out.

When Wen Yuming saw Zhang Hongliang's appearance, he couldn't help but smile, and then said: "Okay, everyone should go back." Everyone agreed, and then turned around and left. When everyone left, Wen Yuming Yu Ming then returned to his room.

At this time, Zhang Hongliang returned to his laboratory. As soon as he returned to his laboratory, he immediately called all the people in his laboratory together and told them the content of the meeting. After listening to Zhang Hongliang's words, they all fell into deep thought, and then a person said: "We have a lot of soul fragments. Many monsters are killed in the sect every day, and all the soul fragments of these monsters are It was collected. Because there was no way for this kind of soul fragment to be turned into runes before, it was impossible to redeem it in the real illusion. However, he was only used by some disciples in the sect who practiced magic skills, so There are still a lot of them in stock. We can get some more and conduct a lot of experiments to see if these soul fragments can fulfill the cultural requirements." Everyone nodded, and Zhang Hongliang immediately arranged for people to collect the soul fragments.

Soon the soul fragments were taken. Zhang Hongliang looked at the soul fragments. Those soul fragments were all white light groups. Each one was only the size of a fist. They looked like small light bulbs. He Just floating in mid-air, with no way to move forward or back, just floating there.

There were more than a thousand soul fragments taken this time, which was enough for them to use for a while. Zhang Hongliang frowned when he looked at the soul fragments, because these soul fragments are actually very fragile, and one cannot handle them well. It dissipated directly, so how to give them to Fu Wenhua is really a problem, they have no way now.

Zhang Hongliang looked at the soul fragment for a while, and then he said, "Do you have any ideas? How to give this soul fragment to Fu Wenhua?" When everyone heard his question, they all looked at each other, and they didn't have any good ideas.

At this time, a person said: "Elder, if you want to culture an East-West Talisman, you must have a deep enough understanding of this thing. However, the soul fragments are too fragile, and there is almost no way to conduct Ren Bao's experiment. Even if we want to understand, we can hardly do it, so my idea is, can we strengthen this kind of soul fragment first, and then test it, and if we really find a way to strengthen the soul fragment , will it strengthen our soul imprint, which is a good thing? "What do you think?" After the man finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Hongliang, but Zhang Hongliang was stunned after hearing his words.

However, Zhang Hongliang immediately felt that his method seemed good, and he immediately said: "I think this method is good and feasible, but how to strengthen this soul fragment? Do you have any method? How about letting a few demon cultivators Disciple, come and ask?"

Everyone nodded. They really didn't know much about this aspect. It was indeed possible to ask a few demon cultivator disciples to ask. Zhang Hongliang immediately called a few demon cultivator elders. The reason why he didn't ask the disciples to come over was because It’s because the strength of the disciples is limited after all. For things like this, you still have to call the elders. In the Blood Killing Sect, there are many disciples who practice the magic sect. After all, everyone’s talents are different. Some people are suitable for practicing Demon Sect Kung Fu. As long as they don’t use sect disciples to practice, there will be no problem. Therefore, in the sect, such people will not be looked down upon. On the contrary, there are some places where , these people are extremely useful.

The elder of the demon cultivators who came this time was named Yin Jiuling. He was one of the stronger elders among the demon cultivators in the sect. He led several elders of the demon cultivators to come. This Yin Jiuling saw He looks very thin, probably because of practicing the magic sect skills. He looks a bit gloomy, but it does not give people a dangerous feeling. He received a request from Zhang Hongliang to come to Shenji Hall. , helped Shenji Hall conduct a test here, and he immediately agreed. Where is Shenji Hall? It is the strongest branch of the sect and the branch that Zhao Hai values ​​the most. Shenji Hall asks him to cooperate here. , how could he not agree? Don't talk about him. Even if Shen Ji Tang asked Zhao Hai to cooperate with the experiment, Zhao Hai would agree. How could he not agree? So he came directly.

Zhang Hongliang came to greet him personally. As soon as he saw Yin Jiuling, Zhang Hongliang immediately smiled and reported to Yin Jiuling: "Hahaha Jiuling, I'm going to trouble you this time, but having said that, can you Don't just think about training every day, I just called you here this time to let you rest for a few days. "This Yin Jiuling is also a relatively powerful elder in the sect, and he is also in charge of things. They were also very familiar with Zhang Hongliang, so Zhang Hongliang seemed very rude when talking to him.


When Yin Jiuling heard what Zhang Hongliang said, he couldn't help but smile and said: "You can pull me down and let me rest. I don't know you yet. How can I rest when I get to you? Okay, Lao Zhang, let's talk about it. What's the point of calling us here?"

When Zhang Hongliang heard what Yin Jiuling said, he couldn't help laughing, and then said: "Let's go in and talk." Yin Jiuling responded, followed Zhang Hongliang into his laboratory, and then arrived In the conference room of the laboratory, after everyone sat down, Zhang Hongliang said: "I won't be polite to you. You should know the current situation. The task we received this time is to study a method. Formation, now I have a new idea, that is, I want to give the soul fragments to Fu Wenhua, but the soul fragments are too fragile. You are experts in this field, so we want to ask you if there is any way to strengthen the soul fragments. Method? We want to study the soul fragments, but the soul fragments are too fragile and we have no way to study them, so we have invited you to come and tell us if there is any way." After Zhang Hongliang said this, he looked at Yin Jiuling. .

When Yin Jiuling heard what Zhang Hongliang said, he couldn't help but be stunned, and then he immediately said: "So it's because of this, what do I think it is? When it comes to strengthening soul fragments, there is really a way to do this, then It is to let the soul fragments devour each other, so that they can become stronger. This is the simplest method. "Yin Jiuling and the others really knew the method, so they just said it. The simplest method, and the other people who came with him all nodded.

Zhang Hongliang frowned and said: "This method is indeed simple, but you also know that if we want to test, we may need a lot of soul fragments. If these soul fragments are to devour each other, how many soul fragments will be needed? In addition to this Is there any other method besides this method?" Zhang Hongliang looked at Yin Jiuling after he finished speaking. He didn't know how many soul fragments they needed for their experiment. In short, they might need a lot of soul fragments. He was worried about the number of soul fragments in the sect. Soul fragments will not be enough.

Hearing what Zhang Hongliang said, Yin Jiuling couldn't help but be startled, then he frowned and said: "The sect has a lot of soul fragments, so there is no need to save them, but there is no need to use this method of swallowing to strengthen the soul fragments. There is still a way, that is not to use ghostly will-o'-the-wisps, slowly refining the soul fragments, and let the soul fragments slowly absorb the power in the ghostly will-o'-the-wisps, so that the soul fragments will slowly become stronger, but this method It will be slow and take a long time.”

Zhang Hongliang nodded, and then he said: "There is such a way to use ghost fire? This is the first time I have heard of it, but this method sounds good. Is there any other method?" Zhang Hongliang was confused about this. He was very interested in this method, but he couldn't accept that it was too slow. He wanted to find a faster method.

Yin Jiuling shook his head and said: "No, to be honest, we only know these two methods now, because the soul fragments are too fragile. We have also conducted experiments, but other methods have not been successful." Yin Jiuling also felt very impatient. They had also tried to increase the strength of the soul fragments before, but in the end they were the only ones that succeeded.

Zhang Hongliang nodded thoughtfully, and then he said: "Then it seems that we can only think of a way by ourselves. Is there any way to increase the strength of those soul fragments at a fast speed without the need for What about swallowing other soul fragments?”

Yin Jiuling and the others couldn't help but smile bitterly. They felt that Zhang Hongliang was too whimsical. How could such a method be possible? At this time, I heard an elder who was following Zhang Hongliang say: "Elder, we can try to combine the divine fire. The ghost fire can strengthen the soul fragments. What if we add another kind of divine fire to the ghost fire? For example Speaking of Nirvana Fire, what kind of divine fire will be produced when these two kinds of divine fire are combined? Maybe it can make the soul fragments stronger faster."

Zhang Hongliang couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard what he said, and then he immediately nodded and said: "That makes sense. You can give it a try. Let's go and try it now. Jiuling, you guys also come with us. This If our experiment is successful, it will be good for you. Let's go." After saying that, he stood up and walked out of the conference room, but Yin Jiuling and the others looked at Zhang Hongliang in shock. He really didn't expect it. , Zhang Hongliang and the others were able to think of a solution so quickly. This was indeed beyond their expectation. At the same time, they also deeply felt that their own thinking was far inferior to that of Zhang Hongliang and the others. They could actually do it in such a short time. Within a short period of time, they came up with such a method. This was indeed something they had never thought of, but they also became curious. They really wanted to see whether the method Zhang Hongliang and the others came up with could succeed. , if it really succeeds, it will really be a great thing for them.

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