Chapter 14389 Test

For Zhang Hongliang and the others, it was not difficult to fuse two kinds of divine fire, so they quickly completed the fusion of the two kinds of divine fire. This time they got a kind of divine fire that was red and black. Zhang Hongliang immediately said : "Test the properties of this divine fire." A disciple immediately responded, and then placed the ball of divine fire in a magic circle. The properties of the divine fire were quickly measured, and the disciple immediately reported : "Elder, among the attributes of this divine fire, the attributes of Nirvana Divine Fire account for about 51%, and the attributes of Netherworld Ghost Fire account for about 49%."

Zhang Hongliang frowned and said: "No, increase the investment in Netherworld Will-o' Fire." The disciple responded, and he immediately increased the investment in Netherworld Will-o' Fire, and then conducted another test. This time, the proportion of Netherworld's Will-o'-Wisp's attributes , reached 52%, and the attribute of Nirvana Fire accounted for 48%. As soon as Zhang Hongliang heard what he said, he said: "Keep this fire, on the basis of this fire , conduct experiments when the time comes, and at the same time start using this fire to test to see if the soul fragments can be strengthened, and then starting from this fire, every percentage change must be saved and tested. "

Immediately, a disciple responded, and then they separated a small group from this group of ghostly ghost fire, and then poured the fire of Nirvana and the ghostly ghost fire into this small group of ghostly ghost fire, so that this new group of fire would It became bigger, and then took out a ball of soul fragments and prepared to strengthen it. At this moment, Yin Jiuling said: "When using divine fire to strengthen the soul fragments, you must be careful and pay attention to the distance. Although it is said that the ghost fire The soul fragments can be strengthened, but if they are too close, the soul fragments may absorb too much energy from the ghost fire and explode. The maximum distance is about one foot away from the ghost fire. "

As soon as Zhang Hongliang heard what Yin Jiuling said, he immediately said: "Did you hear it? Start testing immediately." The disciple responded and immediately started testing in this area. The new fire was about a foot away, and then I carefully observed the changes in the soul fragment. I saw that immediately after the soul fragment was placed there, a trace of black energy flew out from the ghost fire and entered the soul fragment. Inside, the soul fragments became larger and even brighter. When he saw this situation, Zhang Hongliang couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and the one who was happier than him was Yin Jiuling. Ling immediately said: "It works, it's great, and it's much faster than when we originally tested it. When we strengthened it before, we had to strengthen it for several days to have such an effect. I didn't expect it now." This effect can be achieved in an instant, which is great. ”

When Zhang Hongliang heard what he said, he was immediately stunned, and then said to the disciple: "Try it to see the best distance for using this kind of flame to strengthen the soul fragments. You must measure it." The disciple responded, Then they immediately began to conduct experiments. They slowly moved the soul fragments towards this new flame, one minute at a time. Finally, when they were still eight inches away from the flame, black color began to appear on the soul fragments. There was smoke, and the color was a little darker, as if it was injured.

As soon as they saw this situation, they immediately began to slowly move the soul fragment away, and finally calculated that if the soul fragment was placed eight inches and three minutes away from the flame, the energy absorbed by the flame would be The fastest, the speed of strengthening is of course the fastest, and at this time all other flames have been produced, that is, the ghost fire accounted for 53%, 54%, and up to 100%. Ninety-nine out of ten new flames were produced, and then they began to conduct separate experiments on these flames.

This process is very boring. They are constantly comparing and recording data. The whole process is carried out in an orderly manner, which makes Yin Jiuling and the others stunned. They really did not expect that Zhang Hongliang Their experiment was carried out so quickly, and Zhang Hongliang glanced at Yin Jiuling and the others, and then said with a smile: "Jiuling, let's go to rest first. If anything happens, I'm looking for you. If Our experiment here has been completed. I will tell you the ratio of this flame. Then you can go back and make it yourself. But you can just bring a fire back from us. After you go back, you will strengthen the soul fragments in your hands. "Okay, how about it?" Zhang Hongliang was still very grateful to Yin Jiuling. After all, Yin Jiuling told them this method in the first place. Of course, Yin Jiuling would not object. He immediately agreed and then took it. Along with several elders who came with him, he followed a disciple, and they lived directly in the guest room of Shenji Hall. Here in Shenji Hall, because we often need to borrow people from other places to help, the guest room is There were many, and they were quickly arranged, but Zhang Hongliang and the others were still conducting experiments at a very fast pace. By the evening of that day, they had already measured the optimal ratio and distance.

Then they began to use flames to strengthen the soul fragments, and Zhang Hongliang and the others also went to rest, leaving only a few people to look at the soul fragments. Early the next morning, Zhang Hongliang invited Yin Jiuling and the others to have breakfast while eating breakfast , Zhang Hongliang said: "Last night, we have tried out the best ratio and best distance of ghost flames. You can take a look." After saying that, Zhang Hongliang took out a jade slip and gave it directly to Yin Jiuling, Yin Jiuling didn't expect it to be so fast. He immediately took the jade slip and started to read it.


Zhang Hongliang said with a smile: "It's not too late to watch after dinner. When you go back, bring back a ball of ghost fire so that you can strengthen the soul fragments yourself." Yin Jiuling nodded and He put the jade slips away and concentrated on eating.

After eating, Zhang Hongliang gave a ball of ghost fire to Yin Jiuling, and Yin Jiuling took the people away. When Yin Jiuling and the others left, Zhang Hongliang came to their laboratory. At this time, a The elder came over and said to Zhang Hongliang: "Elder, after a night of testing, I can confirm that those soul fragments will no longer absorb ghost flames after absorbing them for two hours. It seems that There is no way to absorb it anymore. We have collected those soul fragments and replaced them with new soul fragments." As he spoke, he led Zhang Hongliang inside until he reached the place where the ghost fire was placed. Surrounding each ball of ghostly fire, there are several soul fragments. These soul fragments are absorbing the return energy of the ghostly fire. These soul fragments seem to be only as big as two fists. As soon as Zhang Hongliang saw this He was very satisfied with this situation, and then he said: "How big are the soul fragments of ghosts and gods that cannot be absorbed?" Zhang Hongliang was very curious.

The elder said: "Elder Zhang, please take a look." After saying that, he took out a soul fragment. When he saw this soul fragment, Zhang Hongliang couldn't help but was stunned, because he found that this soul fragment was as big as a basketball. Zhang Hongliang was really surprised.

Zhang Hongliang looked at the soul fragment and then said: "It's so big? Have you ever tried the strength of this soul fragment?"

The elder nodded and said: "After a simple test, it is more than ten times stronger than the original soul fragment."

As soon as Zhang Hongliang heard what he said, he nodded and said: "Okay, great, then we can make the next attempt. Let's do this. This kind of soul fragment is too big. We must let them Become smaller, want to be smaller, it is nothing more than compression, or tempering, you can experiment now, you try it and see what effect it will have." Several people responded and immediately started to do it. The test was carried out, and Zhang Hongliang was watching from the side. However, the results of their test were not very good, because after the test, they found that all the soul fragments had dissipated, which meant that their test failed. Although the strength of the soul fragments was still It was very strong, but it still failed to complete the test. It seemed that the strength was still not enough. Zhang Hongliang couldn't help but frowned when he saw this situation.

Then Zhang Hongliang thought for a while, and then said: "Well, let's not be afraid of wasting this experiment. Let these soul fragments devour each other and see if they can be strengthened again. If they can, it will of course be the best." It's better, if not, we will think of another way." Several people responded, and they immediately got the soul fragments, and then saw if they could devour each other, and the soul fragments interacted with each other. Devouring is almost an instinct. They don't need to do anything. As long as the two soul fragments touch each other, they can devour each other. And after they touch the soul fragments together, the two soul fragments will directly devour each other. Up, the last two soul fragments turned into one soul fragment, which was a little stronger than before. However, Zhang Hongliang and the others tried it, and the strength was stronger than before, but they let this soul fragment go. Devouring other soul fragments, the last soul fragment swallowed ten soul fragments, and then it stopped and stopped swallowing other soul fragments. The size of this soul fragment is only the size of a football, but its strength is Much stronger than before, Zhang Hongliang was very satisfied with the new soul fragment. He immediately arranged for people to start testing the soul fragment.

They used the compression method to see what would happen in the end if they kept compressing the soul fragment. With the activation of the pressure circle, the soul fragment began to shrink slowly, and a trace of black mist floated from the soul fragment. After coming out, the height of the soul fragments began to slowly change. As soon as Zhang Hongliang saw this situation, he immediately said: "Bring a ball of ghost fire over here and see if the soul fragment can absorb some ghost fire. Energy." Someone immediately responded, and immediately got a ball of ghost fire and placed it next to the soul fragment. Unexpectedly, the soul fragment actually began to absorb it. Although the soul fragment absorbed the ghost fire, But his size is still getting smaller, and at the same time, more and more black mist is coming out of it, but the soul fragment has not been broken, which makes Zhang Hongliang and the others excited.

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