Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1084: It’s done

Chapter 14390 is done

"Elder, do you still need to pressurize? I'm worried that this soul fragment will be destroyed." An elder asked Zhang Hongliang. After listening to the elder's words, Zhang Hongliang shook his head and said: "We already know how to upgrade this kind of soul fragment. , we can still make it in the future, now we have to test the limit of this kind of soul fragment, which is good for us, and pressurize it." The elder responded, and immediately started to process the soul fragment. Apply pressure.

Just when they increased the pressure to a hundred times, they saw the light of the soul fragment suddenly shrinking inward. Everyone was frightened, thinking that the soul fragment was about to explode, but the next moment they saw the soul fragment The light of the fragments all converged, and the next moment the glowing white runes suddenly appeared in the magic circle. This change made everyone stunned.

Then they all stared blankly at the rune, not knowing what to say for a while. After a while, they suddenly cheered, and the elder laughed and said: "Okay, hahahaha, great , Hahahaha, we succeeded, we succeeded." Everyone looked at the rune with excitement. They really didn't expect that they succeeded like this. This really made them feel very happy. Surprise, because they just wanted to test the limit of this soul fragment this time, and did not expect to succeed, but they did not expect that they actually succeeded. This was beyond their expectations.

Zhang Hongliang also looked at the formation talisman, and then he immediately said: "Quickly, record this formation talisman and see if it is useful if we use other materials to draw this formation talisman." Everyone immediately responded. , and directly included this formation talisman.

After they recorded the formation talisman, Zhang Hongliang immediately said: "Let the pressure of the pressurized array be relieved and see if the formation talisman will disappear." The elders responded, and then they removed the pressure of the pressurized array. The pressure was slowly relieved, but their eyes were always staring at the formation talisman. They really wanted to see if the formation talisman would disappear.

Fortunately, the formation talisman did not disappear until the pressure in the pressurized array completely disappeared. The formation talisman also did not disappear. Only then did everyone let out a sigh of relief, and Zhang Hongliang also reached out to remove the formation talisman at this time. After he took out the formation talisman, he tried the hardness of the formation talisman and found that the formation talisman was very hard. At least it looked like it now, no worse than ordinary steel. Zhang Hongliang couldn't help but feel He took a long breath, and then said: "I'm taking a soul fragment and testing it to see if the produced array talisman is the same. If it is the same, it means that this array talisman is a soul array." If the talisman is not ordinary, then we will be very busy. It may mean that every soul has its own unique talisman. In that case, we will be so busy that we will go crazy. "When everyone heard what Zhang Hongliang said, they were all stunned, and then their faces all changed. They immediately brought another soul fragment. This soul fragment had already swallowed up other soul fragments, and now only The step of pressurizing was not done. They immediately put the soul fragment into the pressurizing circle, and also used ghost fire to provide energy for the soul fragment. Then they began to pressurize the soul fragment. They still He was very careful, not daring to mess around, and the pressure was added bit by bit. Soon, the pressure on the soul fragments was finally increased a hundred times at a time, and at this time, the soul fragments also turned into formations one by one. Talisman, they immediately compared the two array talismans, and found that they were exactly the same, with no difference at all. They couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then they all cheered.

Zhang Hongliang also had a smile on his face, and then he continued: "Experiment with other materials to see what effect the created talisman will have." Everyone responded, and they immediately started doing this. Through experiments, they got blood gold, law crystals, Babel vines, spiritual threads, wood, and stones, and made runes one by one. Soon all the runes were made, and then they They began to conduct experiments. They input spiritual energy into the runes, but there was no response. They input spiritual power, but there was no response. They even took out other soul fragments and input them into these runes, but there was no response. These runes seemed useless. This made them very puzzled and didn't know what was going on. At this moment, Zhang Hongliang said once: "Input energy into those two formation talismans and see what reaction there will be."

Everyone responded, and they immediately began to input energy and spiritual energy into the runes formed by the two soul fragments, but there was no response. They input spiritual power, but there was no response. They got another soul fragment and approached a rune, but that one The soul fragments were directly input into the rune. Zhang Hongliang and the others couldn't help but cheer up when they saw the reaction to this situation. Anyway, as long as there was a reaction, they immediately started to conduct experiments again. As a result, they found that the two The runes seemed to only react to soul fragments and not to anything else. They also tried attacking those two runes, and found that the strength of those two runes, without inputting the law crystal, might even Even stronger, this is something no one expected.


Seeing this situation, Zhang Hongliang pondered for a moment, and then said: "It seems that this kind of formation talisman can only be made by compressing the soul fragments, and as of now, it can only be used in Regarding matters related to the soul, we must conduct more experiments to succeed. Let's scan this array talisman to see if it can be placed in a real illusion. If it can be placed in a real illusion, then It's great. When we conduct experiments in the future, we don't have to worry about not having this kind of talisman to use. If it doesn't work, then we can only think of no other way. This kind of talisman is called the soul talisman. . " Someone responded immediately, and then they immediately started to get a scanning array and started scanning the array talisman.

This scanning array is used in conjunction with the real illusion. As long as it is scanned, generally this thing can be added to the real illusion. However, this soul array talisman is somewhat different from the ordinary array talisman, and they don't know it. Can it be successful?

What surprised them was that such a scan was successful, and such a talisman actually appeared in the real illusion. Zhang Hongliang immediately asked someone to redeem one. After the talisman was redeemed, he conducted an experiment. After confirming that this formation talisman was no different from the formation talisman they made with soul fragments, they were relieved. Then they began to conduct various experiments on this formation talisman, and they were all related to the soul. Experiment, they even found a disciple who volunteered for the experiment, and they directly tested these formation talismans with their own souls. There was nothing they could do about it, because this formation talisman was related to the soul, and using the soul When testing the fragments, they really couldn't get anything out of it. They could only use their own souls to test it themselves.

In the Blood Killing Sect, there are many disciples who are willing to conduct such an experiment. These disciples are from all races. The reason why they agree to conduct such an experiment is for the sake of the sect, and as long as they conduct such an experiment, You will get a lot of benefits afterwards.

Zhang Hongliang looked at the disciples who agreed to participate in the experiment, and he said solemnly: "Is everyone ready?"

Everyone responded and said: "Ready." Zhang Hongliang nodded and said: "Okay, then I will tell you again that this test may have certain dangers, so you must be mentally prepared. , and when you are doing the experiment, you must remember all your feelings clearly, do you understand?" Everyone responded, and their faces were a little solemn.

Zhang Hongliang nodded, and then said in a deep voice: "Okay, let's begin." Everyone responded, and then they all closed their eyes, and then they slowly mobilized their soul marks and slowly Slowly moving towards the soul rune, they wanted to try it and see what effect it would have. Isn't this rune related to the soul? They used their souls to get closer to see what would happen, while Zhang Hongliang and the others watched all this nervously.

Soon, the soul marks of those people slowly approached the runes. The next moment, something that surprised Zhang Hongliang and the others happened. When the soul marks of those people approached the runes, they merged directly into them. After reaching the rune, a white light appeared on the rune, and then returned to normal without any reaction.

When Zhang Hongliang and the others saw this situation, they were all stunned. They didn't know what was going on. Then they all looked at the disciples blankly. At this time, the disciples all opened their eyes. Zhang Hongliang Seeing those disciples open their eyes, he immediately said: "How is it? How do you feel?" Zhang Hongliang was a little nervous when he asked this question.

A disciple of the Blood Killing Sect said: "I don't feel anything, I just feel very comfortable, as if I feel more secure. How can I put it? It's like I was walking naked in the wild, but now I'm not only wearing clothes , and it feels like I’m wearing armor and staying in a house. This feeling is not a physical feeling, but a feeling in the soul.”

Everyone else nodded and said, "Yes, that's how it feels." "Yes, we feel the same way."

When Zhang Hongliang heard what they said, he couldn't help but nodded, and then said: "It seems really interesting. This may be because your souls feel a sense of security after entering this formation." , so I feel like this. Now, we are conducting an experiment. We will take out some soul fragments, and then you will see if these runes with your soul marks can absorb these soul fragments. "Everyone said. He responded, and then everyone looked at Zhang Hongliang and the others. Zhang Hongliang immediately nodded to the disciple next to him. The disciple immediately got some soul fragments, and then put these soul fragments close to those people's soul talismans. Wen, Zhang Hongliang and the others looked at them nervously.

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