Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1115: Warcraft

Chapter 14421 Warcraft

Revell began to explain to Zhao Hai the work of a mechanic, and also introduced him to the tools, and also taught him how to use those tools. In fact, most of those tools were automatic. What needs to be done is to find the problem on the spacecraft, and then find a solution through the optical brain, and then let those machines solve the problem.

A civilization has developed to the level of an interstellar civilization. If it cannot realize this kind of automation, it would be too weird. In fact, it is precisely because most of the functions on the spacecraft have been automated, so the entire There are only so many people in the spaceship. Otherwise, a spaceship of this size would require at least several hundred people to operate.

Of course, the number of real battleships cannot be so small. Those battleships have real combat armor, and those armors need to be controlled by humans. However, small spaceships like the Hound do not have combat armor at all. , they only have auxiliary combat uniforms, which are the clothes they wore when they first met Zhao Hai. This kind of combat uniform can help them fight and improve their combat effectiveness. Of course, this kind of combat uniform is better than straight combat uniforms. The armored ones are so different.

After understanding the situation on the spaceship, the two of them were on duty. Then Zhao Hai returned to his room. He was almost finished reading the historical materials, and he had to read them as soon as possible.

The next day they finally left the territory of the Star Empire. As soon as they left the territory of the Star Empire, Zhao Hai noticed that Xin Nuo and the others were all cautious. Everyone seemed a little nervous, but Zhao Hai was now working on a special He was learning about machine repair from Revell. He had read all the historical materials and now had a lot of free time every day.

After seven days of walking, nothing happened, but Xinnuo and the others still did not dare to relax. However, it could be seen that it was obviously not their first time sailing, so although they were more nervous than before, they still did not dare to relax. It was enough to be able to eat and sleep. At least it would not have any impact on their combat effectiveness, so Zhao Hai felt relieved.

On the eighth day, Zhao Hai and the others were having lunch when suddenly a piercing alarm sounded. Xin Nuo and the others suddenly stood up, not caring about the plates in their hands, and went directly to the command room. They ran there, and soon they arrived at the command room. As soon as they arrived at the command room, Xinnuo immediately shouted: "Hound Dog, what's going on?"

Their ship is called the Hound Dog, and the name of the control computer on the ship is the Hound Dog. Just after Xinnuo asked, the Hound Dog's voice came: "What happened, according to the video, is the Void Warcraft, and now he is It is rushing towards us at a speed of five hundred meters per second and is expected to enter our attack range in ten minutes."

Xinnuo immediately said loudly: "All weapons on the ship will automatically lock on the target. Once the void beast enters the attack range, it will attack immediately." The hunting dog responded, and then there was no sound, and Revell was also Zhao Zhao at this time. Hai whispered in his ear: "When we are sailing outside, there are usually five biggest enemies. First, other adventure groups. As long as they leave the empire's territory, other adventure groups are the most dangerous enemies. They will be there at any time. They may all become space pirates. Second, if we meet people from other six realms in the buffer zone, it will also be very dangerous. They may regard us as enemies, and if they really Those who enter the buffer zone alone are generally not in a good situation. We must be cautious. Third, space pirates. Space pirates have specialized people who do this. They have no other profession. They are space pirates. Such people are very cruel and very dangerous when they encounter them. Fourth, void monsters are the ones we encountered this time. They are a kind of monsters born in the void. No one knows how they came into being. But there will be their shadows in the seven realms. Some of these void monsters will not attack people, but some will actively attack people, which is very dangerous. Five, void demons, they are just like the void monsters. In the void, no one knows how they came into being. They are different from the void monsters. Some of the void monsters will not attack people, but they will attack people. As long as they see people, they will definitely Attack, and they come in all kinds. I heard that there are some powerful void demons. They can even kill an entire planet of people. It is very scary. These are the easiest things to do when we are sailing outside. The enemies we encountered, of course, would be better if we were on the empire's territory. On the empire's territory, there will be people who clean up regularly. Space pirates generally don't have them. The number of void monsters and void demons There are very few, so we are relatively safe on the empire's territory, but once we leave the empire's territory, we may encounter anything. This time we encountered the Void Warcraft, which is relatively safe. It is easy to deal with, but it also depends on his body shape. If the body is too big, it will be very troublesome. But if we can kill the Void Warcraft, then this Void Warcraft is still worth a lot of money, whether it is People from the empire and other realms are very interested in void monsters and will spend a lot of money to buy them.”

In the eyes of Revell and others, these things are the most basic things that everyone knows, but to Zhao Hai, these things are all very strange. After all, there are no records of these dangers in the historical materials. Not many, and with Revell's words, maybe Zhao Hai knew where some of the dangers in Qiyu Realm came from.

At this moment, suddenly the voice of a hunting dog came: "Warning, confirm that the void monster coming to attack is a level three monster. It is recommended to avoid it as soon as possible. It is recommended to avoid it as soon as possible." This voice was very loud, and as soon as I heard it, With this voice, Xin Nuo's face changed instantly, and Revell's face also changed. However, Revell still said to Zhao Hai: "Level 3 monsters are large monsters that are over 100 meters tall. Such monster defense It’s very powerful, and its attack power is also very powerful, and it’s very difficult to deal with.”

Xinnuo immediately said loudly: "Everyone, be prepared to fight, we can't avoid it now." Xinnuo was very clear about the situation of their spaceship. The performance of their spaceship was good, but they wanted to avoid such a monster. , is absolutely impossible. Such a monster is very fast, and now they can only fight to the death.

Everyone's expressions also changed. Revell immediately said to Zhao Hai: "I'm going to put on the combat uniform. You should be more careful." After saying that, he turned around and ran away. The same was true for everyone else. Only Xin Nuo did not wear the combat uniform. , and at this time the voice of the hunting dog came: "The monster has entered the attack range and the attack has begun." Following this voice, Zhao Hai felt the spacecraft shake slightly, and then he suddenly discovered that there was a bright light flashing in front of them. However, Zhao Hai took a closer look and noticed that in front of their cabin, what he thought was a metal wall had turned into glass at some point, and those bright lights were when the energy cannon on the ship attacked. The bright light left behind was an energy bomb. The energy bomb dragged a long light tail and flew straight forward, just like a meteor flying past. Although it exploded in the distance, Zhao Hai could It was clear that there was indeed a huge black shadow there, quickly approaching the spacecraft. Although Xinnuo's face was solemn, he still calmly ordered: "Continuous attacks, don't stop."

The hunting dog responded, and then a series of energy bombs hit the black shadow, and Zhao Hai slowly saw it clearly. The black shadow looked like a fish and a **** fish. This big fish was very huge, definitely over a hundred meters long. It was covered in black scales and had a horn on its head. It looked very scary.

Zhao Hai saw that the energy bomb hit the giant fish. Although it could break the scales of the giant fish, it didn't seem to hurt his body. And the giant fish was still approaching quickly. If he really let If he crashes into the spacecraft, it will be very troublesome.

When he thought of this, Zhao Hai moved and disappeared into the command room. The next moment he appeared on the deck of the spacecraft. At this time, he announced that Revell and the others were already standing on the deck. On the top, each of them had a long metal rod in their hands. There was a lightsaber on the metal rod, but the lightsaber was very long, about five meters long. The huge lightsabers were pointed at Sky, it was obvious that they were ready to fight.

As soon as Zhao Hai saw this situation, he couldn't help but smile. Then he moved and flew forward. As he flew forward, he said to Revell: "Fat man, tell the boss, this monster is mine." Come and deal with it." After saying that, Zhao Hai waved his hand, and the next moment a flying sword appeared in his hand. Zhao Hai pointed his hand forward, and the flying sword struck straight at the monster.

And his voice also made Revell and the others stunned, and then Revell immediately said: "Boss, the boss said that the monster should be handed over to him." As soon as his voice fell, Xin Nuo's voice was heard. The voice came: "Why did he get out? Forget it, let him attack. Let's also see his combat effectiveness. Everyone, get ready for battle. Hound, charge the energy cannon and prepare for a full blow."

At this moment, Zhao Hai's flying sword was already flying straight towards the giant fish. Compared with the giant fish, the flying sword was really too small, but when the flying sword was close to the giant sword, it was fierce. It suddenly grew bigger and turned into a giant sword nearly ten meters long. Then the giant sword pierced directly into the open mouth of the giant fish, and then rushed directly from the head of the giant sword. out.

The body of the giant fish was still rushing forward, but soon there was no movement, and finally slowly stopped. When he stopped, he was already less than a kilometer away from the Hound, and Zhao Hai at this time But with a wave of his hand, the flying sword flew back to him. He looked at the giant fish and let out a sigh of relief. Then he turned to Revell and the others and said, "It's solved."

Revell and the others all looked at Zhao Hai dumbfounded. The level 3 monsters that gave them such a headache were actually fighting like this. This was so surprising to them. They must know that level 3 monsters are too powerful for a small spaceship like theirs. , is definitely a powerful weapon. They must deal with it with all their strength. Maybe a few people will die before they can deal with it. But now they are killed by Zhao Hai with just one sword. This is too powerful.

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