Chapter 14422 Level

But then Xin Nuo's voice came: "Okay, great, hurry up, hunting dog, go to that monster and pull him to the boat." His voice instantly brought everyone back to their senses. Coming, everyone immediately became excited, and the spacecraft also approached the monster. Soon they arrived at the monster, but at this time, two mechanical arms stretched out from the spacecraft. The two robotic arms were very huge. In front of the robotic arms were two arm-like things. Then the two robotic arms stretched out directly, grabbed the giant fish, and then pulled the giant fish into the cabin. But the giant fish was too big and couldn't fit into the cabin. Xinnuo and the others were in a dilemma for a while. They wanted to put the giant fish directly on the deck of the spacecraft.

As soon as Zhao Hai saw this situation, he couldn't help but smile, and then flew directly to the side of the giant fish. Then he waved his hand and directly brought the giant fish into the space. When the giant fish entered the space, Lao Hai La and the others immediately scanned the giant fish, and then extracted some fish fluid and fish scales from the giant fish. Then they went to study, but Zhao Hai followed Revell and the others directly back. In the command room.

As soon as they returned to the command room, Xin Nuo immediately greeted them. Xin Nuo looked at Zhao Hai with a smile on his face. He immediately smiled and said: "Okay, great, Zhao Hai, you are standing up this time." Great job, this time when you divide the money, you will get 10% more than others."

Zhao Hai actually didn't care about this. He smiled and said, "Where is the fish? Can it be cut open?"

Xin Nuo said: "Let's put it with you first. When we are about to arrive at the trading location, you can take it out and put it on the deck. Then we will see if they want it." Zhao Hai heard what he said. , also nodded and said: "Okay."

Xinnuo laughed loudly and said: "Okay, great, hahaha, that is a third-level monster. This time our income will definitely increase a lot. This is a great thing, hahahaha." Xinnuo is now very happy He was really excited, because the third-level monster was worth a lot of money. Now if they wanted to kill a third-level monster in the past, they would definitely pay a big price. This time, they didn't pay anything. For a price, they got a level three monster, which was a great thing for them.

They are an adventure group, and there is no such thing as saying that whoever kills the monster will belong to them. In fact, any adventure group will not have such a rule. After they kill the monster, after the monster is sold, the money will be Distribute according to the proportion agreed before. At most, whoever contributes more will be given more, so that other people will not have any objections. If it is really who kills who gets it, it will not be good for the group. There will always be a situation where people are killed, which is too dangerous. If it is not done well, the adventure group may fall apart, and these contents are all written in the contract. Although Xinnuo does not have an identity because of Zhao Hai, there is no There was no way to sign the contract, but the contract had already been sent to Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai had known this for a long time, so of course he would not have any objections.

Others were also very happy, because this meant that they could get more money this time. At this time, Revell walked to Zhao Hai, he hugged Zhao Hai's shoulders, and then said: "Okay, boss, thank you this time. By the way, let's go, let me tell you about the levels of Warcraft." As soon as the others said this to Rewell, they all smiled slightly and followed him. No longer caring about him, Revell led Zhao Hai to the restaurant. Before, they only ate half of their meal. Now they have to start eating again. After Xinnuo and the others finished handling the matter, they also When we arrived at the restaurant, we all started eating.

While eating, Revell said to Zhao Hai: "We have divided the magical beasts into nine levels. From low to high, they are levels one to nine. There is no special name. Generally speaking, these magical beasts are The levels are divided according to the size of the body. Those at the level of ten meters to fifty meters are called first-level monsters, fifty meters to one hundred meters, second-level monsters, one hundred meters to one hundred and fifty meters, and third-level monsters. , one hundred and fifty meters, to two hundred meters, the fourth level magic beast, two hundred meters to three hundred meters, the fifth level magic beast, three hundred meters to five hundred meters, for his sixth level magic beast, and under normal circumstances, the sixth level magic beast Warcraft is the highest level of Warcraft we can encounter. If we encounter a level 6 Warcraft, a small spaceship like ours will only have a dead end. There will be no chance to escape, and there is no point in resisting, because Our attacks can't break through their defenses at all. We can only deal with level three monsters at best, and we won't be able to deal with them at higher levels.

As for the Warcraft before the sixth level, they are divided according to their body shape. Those Warcraft all have momentum on them. If we encounter those Warcraft, they can completely crush us to death with their momentum alone. It is impossible to be their opponent. Of course, those monsters are only in legends. We have never seen them at all. I heard that there were those monsters before. Attacks on the Imperial Administration Star happened, and the last planet was completely destroyed. , so when you encounter those monsters, you'd better pray that they are in a good mood and give you a good time, otherwise, you may die miserably, so those monsters are almost not something we can see, so of course there is no need to worry Well, the most important things we face are actually the three levels of Warcraft: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. "

Zhao Hai asked curiously: "Can't we encounter other levels of Warcraft?" He was really curious. Could it be that high-level Warcraft can still choose people? Once you see that their strength is low, why don't you attack them? Warcraft, Warcraft, they are actually beasts in nature, and if beasts want to hunt, of course they will choose those with low strength and low threat. Do they have to fight with strong beasts? Those pure ones are sick, so even if the beasts have to choose an opponent to hunt, they will also choose those with poor strength. They are the right ones for the monsters to attack. Why won't they encounter them instead? What about high-level monsters?

Revell shook his head and said: "Actually, it's not that we can't meet, but that the people from the empire don't let us meet. People from the empire and the wizarding academy, although on the surface, it seems that they don't care what happens here in the buffer zone. things, but this does not mean that they do not know what happens in the buffer zone. In fact, they know what happens in the buffer zone, but they will not care about it, but the high The level of Warcraft is different. Each high-level Warcraft represents huge benefits. I heard that the Imperial Academy of Sciences can use things extracted from high-level Warcraft to prepare superior potions. These potions have various There are all kinds of magical abilities, some can greatly increase people's strength, and some can make people live longer, so as long as these monsters appear, people will immediately go to hunt them, and we will never get to see them. Yeah, of course, this is just hearsay, but one thing we know anyway is that we have never seen a monster above level three in all the years we have been outside."

As soon as Revell said this, Zhao Hai understood what was going on. He didn't say anything, just nodded and said: "So that's it, people in the witch academy world don't care?" They are now. Here in the buffer zone, if people from the Star Empire are really hunting high-level monsters here in the buffer zone, will the people from the Witch Academy not care about it? Don't they want those monsters?

Revell said: "I heard that it is because the empire and the people in the wizarding academy have reached a tacit understanding. We kill a high-level monster. The next time a high-level monster appears, they will hunt it. The two sides alternate in this way, and no one can kill more. As for whether the monster you hunt is level 4 or level 6, it depends on your luck. No one can blame you for this, so after so many years, both sides have still been fighting. Everything is fine, but this is just a rumor and we don’t know if it is true or not.”

Zhao Hai nodded. This is a very simple matter. If both parties can really respect it, it will be a good thing.

Revell said to Zhao Hai at this time: "Don't talk about high-level monsters, just like the third-level monsters we encountered this time, it is very difficult for us to encounter them. As long as we encounter them, even if we fight our lives, we will still be able to survive." We need to hunt him down. If we kill this monster, we can make a lot more money. Maybe we can get a better ship. Even if we die in battle, we will get a good sum of money. The pension is enough for our family to live a good life. Speaking of which, if we couldn't find a better job, no one would want to do this. Even Boss Xinnuo, if we didn't have a good job, , He doesn’t want to do this either, it’s too dangerous.”

Zhao Hai nodded without saying anything. Revell and the others looked very young. Revell was already in his thirties and had been working outside for many years. People of their age, Of course, it is different from what young people think. Young people may think, I want to make a career out of the world, but for people like them, what they think about is their wife and children. Unfortunately, the more they think about something, the more they often think about it. , the less they get anything, they have to take the risk, and there is no way around it.

Revell looked at Zhao Hai, then he stretched out his hand, patted Zhao Hai's shoulder gently and said: "Don't think so much, wait until you go back this time and get your identity certificate. Then you can make a decision." What are you going to do? If you really don’t want to hang out with a group of people like us who have no ambitions, you can also try other adventure groups. As long as you have identification and add that you are a body escaper, Many adventure groups are willing to accept you. We people don’t have much motivation anymore. We just want to stick to what we have and live a good life. We can’t compare with other adventure groups. Of course, if we If we can really earn more, we are also willing to change to a bigger boat, which means greater income, which is also a good thing for us.”

When Zhao Hai heard what he said, he laughed loudly and said: "This is exactly what I want. I don't want to take risks every day. To be honest, when I was in the lower world, I often took risks. It was enough for a long time. Now it's like this It's good. I quite like my life like this." When Revell heard what Zhao Hai said, he couldn't help but feel relieved. Zhao Hai's answer really made him feel relieved. He really did. They were reluctant to let Zhao Hai leave them.

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