In the following days, Zhao Hai found that his status in this small group had obviously become much higher, and everyone was more polite to him than before. Zhao Hai didn't care too much, he knew that people like People like Xinnuo and others have special respect for those who have strength, so after Zhao Hai showed his strength, Xinnuo and others behaved like this. Zhao Hai was not surprised by this. In fact, This was also his purpose. He knew very well that he had to show his value in order to survive in this group. He had deliberately shown his strength before.

After walking forward for about ten days, Xinnuo turned the spacecraft directly, and then flew forward for nearly twenty days before arriving at a planet without people. This is not so much a planet without people. It is better to say it is a large meteorite. It floats quietly in the void. There is nothing on it. Only a bare stone can be seen. After the Hound got there, it went directly to the stone and then shot out from the spacecraft. They picked up an anchor, and the anchor fell on the meteorite, and then the spacecraft slowly stopped. Then they slowly tightened the anchor, and the spacecraft slowly fell on the meteorite. At this time, Zhao Haiye had already put the giant fish on the ship's plate according to Xinnuo's instructions, and then Xinnuo and the others waited there quietly for three days.

Three days later, a figure suddenly appeared on the radar of the spacecraft. Xinnuo and the others all put on their combat uniforms, then walked out of the cabin and onto the deck outside. After a while, they saw a man flying. Zhao Hai came over, but when Zhao Hai saw that person, he was stunned because that person looked very weird. Do you think he is a human? There are some organs on his body that don’t look like humans. You can say that he is not a human. He really looks like a human. This makes it really difficult for you to tell what he is. The person who came here is wearing A set of battle armor. This battle armor is black and shiny, like the carapace of an insect. On his back, there is also a carapace, just like a carapace in carabology. Now that the carapace is open, the inside is transparent. The wings, the wings kept shaking, making a rustling sound, and the speed was very fast. ,

After a while, the man arrived at the meteorite. As soon as he folded his wings, he fell directly from the sky and landed directly on the Hound. When he landed on the Hound, Xinnuo greeted him. He looked at the meteorite. Humanity said: "Ren, you're late."

The man named Ren didn't care at all. He didn't even pay too much attention to Xinnuo. Instead, he focused his current light on the big fish, and then focused his eyes on the head of the big fish. , he walked over quickly and took a closer look at the wound on the fish head. Then he turned to look at Xin Nuo and the others, and finally his eyes fell on Zhao Hai, because among Xin Nuo and the others, only Zhao Hai Hai did not wear a combat uniform, but stood on the deck wearing ordinary clothes.

Ren looked at Zhao Hai, and then said in a deep voice: "Are you from the Xuanbing world?" When he said this, he kept staring at Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "That's right, but now I am a member of the Hound Dog Group." Zhao Hai did not say what kind of body escaper he was. The identity of a body escaper is nothing special in front of the other six realms. Yes, it might attract Ren's attention, so he tricked him by saying that he was from the Xuanbing world. He knew the Xuanbing world, which was a civilization similar to the cultivation world. Zhao Hai even suspected that the person who was affected The person killed by the God of Clan, that is, the person in the inner space where Zhao Hai is, is a person from the Xuanbing Realm. However, he has no evidence, so he simply admits it now. He really wants to see, this Ren En What means.

Renn didn't say anything, but glanced at Xinnuo, and then said: "I want this fish too. I will add your goods and take me to see the fish." Xinnuo also knew that Renn Although Renn's temper was bad, he was very fair in doing business. He was still happy to do business with Renn, so he agreed and took Renn directly to see the goods.

After Ren saw the goods, he also nodded. Then he waved his hand and directly received all the goods into his space equipment. Then he waved his hand, and some specialties in the witch academy world appeared. In the cabin, he then walked out of the cabin, and then collected the giant fish. Then he said to Xinnuo: "The goods I left in the cabin are even the goods you sent. I’ll calculate the price of this giant fish separately. I didn’t bring so many goods this time, so I’ll give you this as the price of the giant fish.” After saying this, Ren moved his hand, and he had more in his hand. Something appeared. This thing looked very weird. It looked like an ordinary beetle, but it was obvious that it was made by man. I don’t know what it was used for. Xinnuo After taking the beetle, he looked at Ren with some confusion. It was obvious that he didn't know what the beetle was.

Ren looked at him and said directly: "This is a treasure hunter beetle I made. It is very sensitive to various metal mineral deposits and can be found from a long distance. With this beetle, you can It is very easy to find any mine, and the method of using it is also very simple. Just put a drop of blood on it. Of course, it can only claim its owner once. If you don't want to use it yourself, you can sell it. If so, it's okay, but you can't drip blood on it. He should be worth the money of that big fish. "

Upon hearing what Ren said, Xin Nuo couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy on his face. He nodded and said, "Okay, deal done."

Renn nodded, and then said: "In half a year, I will have another batch of goods. This is the list." After speaking, Renn took out a piece of paper and gave it to Xinnuo, and Xinnuo took the piece of paper. After that, he took a look at the goods above, then nodded and said: "No problem, I will send the goods over in half a year and still conduct transactions here. This is the list of goods I want." After speaking, Xinnuo also He took out a piece of paper and gave it to Renn. After Renn took the paper, he glanced at the content on it, then nodded, and then put the paper away without saying anything. He turned around and left. After he left, Xingui and the others immediately returned to the cabin, and then put away the anchor. Then the spacecraft turned a corner and left directly. At this time, Xinnuo and the others were considered He breathed out a sigh of relief.

Xinnuo then took out the treasure hunter beetle and took a closer look. He found that the beetle seemed to be a machine product, and some small parts could even be seen inside. He then put the treasure hunter beetle on the table and then looked at it. Everyone said: "Everyone, let's take a look. This thing is worth a lot of money. Some big mining groups like this thing very much. Some big adventure groups also want to find this thing. After returning this time, If we sell this beetle, we might be able to get another boat.”

Everyone also looked at the beetle. This beetle was only about the size of a fist and was made up of countless parts. Each part looked so delicate and beautiful, just like a work of art. Everyone looked at it clearly. Amazing.

Zhao Hai also took a look. He had actually carried out a comprehensive scan of the deck. Even its internal structure had been scanned, so he didn't look at it more. Xin Nuo, after everyone had seen it, he then The Lubao Chong put it away, and then went directly to the cabin and carefully looked at the goods that Ren gave him. Then he nodded and said: "The goods are not wrong. This time we made another profit." Well, after we go back this time, we will see if we can use the money we have to exchange for a larger boat. If we can, we will exchange for a larger boat. By then, this boat will belong to all of us. How about buying it as a joint venture? "

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads. All of them were counting on the survival of the spacecraft. Of course there was no problem. Xinnuo was actually mainly paying attention to Zhao Hai. Of course Revell and the others would not object, but Zhao Hai The sea was different. Zhao Hai didn't have to point at the spaceship to eat. If he objected, it would be very troublesome. When he saw that Zhao Hai had no objection, he was relieved.

Zhao Hai does not expect to eat from the spaceship, but he will not object. If he objects, it will be equivalent to separating himself from other people. Zhao Hai does not want to do this yet, so of course he will not object. .

Xin Nuo then said: "Okay, then this matter is settled. Let's go back and rest. By the way, don't forget to take turns to be on guard. If we don't return to the empire's territory, we must be careful." Everyone In response, those who were fine went to rest, but those who were on guard stayed. Today it was Zhao Hai and Revell's turn to be on guard, so they stayed.

Zhao Hai looked at Revell and said: "The next transaction will be in half a year. So, do we only have two transactions at most a year? Is this too little?" Zhao Hai really felt that once Only two transactions per year are too few.

Revell shook his head and said: "Two transactions a year is already a lot. Every time we trade, we make a lot of money, which is enough for us to live on. If we change to a larger ship, our trading will make even more money." Of course, now that we have the space equipment you gave us, we can earn more. We, the people, earn just a hard-earned money, which is pretty good as it is now. And we are within the empire. In fact, There are also some other jobs, that is, helping people transport goods, which makes less money, but the total of all kinds of jobs is not too small. Although the empire now also has space jumping technology, it is not It is very mature. If you want to rely on space jumping technology to transport cargo, the cost is too high, so a ship like ours is still very useful, and if a ship like ours is sold, it can be sold at a good price. , this way we have made another profit, which is already very good.”

Zhao Hai nodded. Revell and the others did earn a lot of hard-earned money, but this is normal. In fact, to put it bluntly, Revell and the others are ordinary people here in the Star Empire. What kind of money can they earn? This is already very good. Of course, this is still very different from Zhao Hai's idea. Zhao Hai plans to stay in the Star Empire for a while first, and then go to other realms to see what his goals are. It's not as simple as surviving. ()

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