Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Vol 11 Chapter 1133: move place

Chapter 14439 Moving

In fact, Zhao Hai is really curious about Bona Star. He feels that a planet like Bona Star is really suitable for infiltration. If there is a chance in the future, he can use infiltration to slowly infiltrate it. Bona Star became his planet, and some of the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect were transferred to Bona Star. This would also be beneficial to their future actions.

But now that he has just arrived here, he cannot start this plan. He will have to wait until later, after he has a complete understanding of Bona Star, and slowly penetrates Bona Star. Zhao Hai has now reached the Qiyu Realm. Here, of course it is impossible for him to let the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect stay in the virtual world. He still needs help here, but here on Bona Star, it is so easy to get a legal Identity, this is definitely good news for him. In the future, the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect will have legal identities after arriving here, which will be of great help to their future actions.

After resting in the house for a day, Zhao Hai started wandering around Bona Star alone the next day. He only understood Bona Star from the optical brain, which was far inferior to seeing it with his own eyes, so Zhao Hai wanted to He went to see Bona Star with his own eyes. He first walked around above the 50th floor. It was really nice here. People’s lives were very good. Everyone had their own things to do. Although they were busy, they lived a good life. But it was still very good. After ten days of wandering around the fiftieth floor, he arrived below the fiftieth floor.

As soon as he entered the fiftieth floor, Zhao Hai immediately felt a completely different atmosphere from the one above the fiftieth floor. There was less peace, more tension, and a touch of violence here. You can see a lot of people wandering around with nothing to do, and when these people look at people, they always look them up and down with a hint of ill-intention in their eyes.

Of course, it’s fine during the day. Even below the 50th floor, you can’t see much difference. Apart from more people hanging out, there’s nothing special about it. But at night, the 50th floor The situation below is completely different. It seems to have suddenly become more lively than the one above the 50th floor. However, this liveliness is divided into two parts. One part is the main streets, which are the busiest. , there are many people above the 50th floor who come there to play, but they are very safe there. Under normal circumstances, no one will do any harm to them, because they are very safe there. They are here to spend money, and people who come here to spend money, people below the fiftieth floor, show the greatest kindness.

But the other part is in those small alleys, where all kinds of shady businesses are going on. You can even see dead people anytime and anywhere, and when people die, there will also be some people carrying the corpses. If they show up, these people will dispose of the corpses. Don't think they mean well. You must know that corpses are money. Even in the interstellar age, organ trading is a big business.

It can be said that only in the alleys at night can you truly know what the dark side of Bona Star is like, and these are all seen by Zhao Hai with his own eyes. Of course, he will not cause trouble for himself. He went there invisibly. Although he was not afraid of those people, there was no need for him to expose himself and cause trouble for himself. He did not believe that the people on Bona Star did not know these things. They were just too lazy to care about it, because below the fifty floor, With such rules, it doesn't matter if some people die here.

Only by looking at the area below the 50th floor at night can you understand why Bona Star is called the Star of Sin. This name is really not wrong at all, but this really makes Zhao Hai think about it. Here, I am even more curious.

During this period of time, Xinnuo was not idle. After drinking with Zhao Hai, he immediately contacted the people at May Star and began to choose a farm. He was dealing with Zhao Hai's method before. When the formation was in progress, he asked someone to estimate the price of the formation. He knew how much the formation was worth. The answer given by the other party was that the price of the formation should be around 10 million, not less than 1,000. million, but it should not exceed 12 million, so the farm he chose was also in this price range.

The intermediary he chose was a formal intermediary company registered in the empire. He was not worried that the other party would lie to him. After choosing for a few days, he finally selected a farm. The area of ​​​​the farm was about It is about two thousand acres, and there is a river flowing through the farm. The most important thing is that there is a big house on this farm, which can accommodate all of them.

There are enough robots on the farm, as well as various transportation vehicles. These are all packaged for sale, and the price is 11 million. Xinnuo felt that this place was very suitable, so he ordered it directly, and then contacted After looking at Zhao Hai and Revell, they asked them to take a look at the farm. They could use stereoscopic imaging technology to see the farm as if they were on site. After seeing it, they all felt very satisfied. , so they finally decided to buy the farm. Xinnuo paid a part of the money first, which was regarded as a deposit. After the magic circle was sold, he would pay the balance directly. In this way, the transaction for the farm was completed.

Revell and his family have also discussed it with their families, and their families have agreed to move to May Star. In fact, Revell and his family are also scared to live here in Bona Star. Yes, although they live above the fiftieth floor, they are still worried that if something happens to Revell and the others, then they will have to live below the fiftieth floor, and no one is better than Bona Star. People know more about the situation below the fifty floor, and even exaggerate. In their opinion, below the fifty floor is hell, so they are worried that one day they will live below the fifty floor. Now there are Of course they are willing to have the opportunity to live on other planets. You must know that they have many family members. Although some of them have jobs here on Bona Star, to be honest, the wages and income here on Bona Star are really... The price was not high. If they could have their own farm, it would be too late for them to be happy, so they all agreed, and the matter was basically settled.

Seven days later, Xin Nuo sent a letter to Zhao Hai, saying that the magic circle was successfully bought for a total of 11.5 million. Zhao Hai just agreed without saying much, and directly asked Xin Nuo to buy it. I paid the final payment from May Star.

And the treasure hunter bug was also bought. The price of the treasure hunter bug was not as high as the magic circle. He only bought 8.7 million. This price is really not high, but Xinnuo is already very satisfied. In addition to looking at the farm these days, he has also done two things. One is to list the Hound for sale, and the other is to contact him to see if there are any better or larger second-hand boats for sale.

And this matter went very smoothly for him. He used his friends' relationship to successfully sell the Hound. The Hound had good performance and was very easy to sell. However, it changed hands a lot, so In the end, he only bought five million, and he had also seen the new spaceship. His friend helped him buy it. That spaceship was a supply ship that was eliminated from a prison here on Bona Star. This ship It is much larger than the Hound, and the internal space is mainly used for cargo transportation and can hold more things. If such a spacecraft is new, the price will be at least 20 million or more, but because it is eliminated, so The final price was 10 million, and Xinnuo bought it directly. Generally, the performance of a spaceship like this is very good. If it doesn't matter, you can't buy it. Of course, Xinnuo will not let go of this opportunity. , and bought the boat directly.

And Revell and the others have not been idle these days. They have directly put their house on the market for sale. However, because the transaction of the house takes time, they have not sold the house to him for a while. Bought out.

On the fifteenth day after Zhao Hai and the others entered Bona Star, Xinnuo's affairs were all dealt with. They disposed of the original Hunting Dog and then took over the new spaceship. This spaceship was larger than the original Hunting Dog. The ship is half as big and more than twice as big, and there are weapons on the ship. Xinnuo and the others have seen it and are very satisfied. The new spaceship is still called the Hound, and the farm in Maystar is also trading. After that, they started to prepare for the move. Of course, no one in Bona Star would care about such movements as theirs. Here in Bona Star, people would move out every day, and people would move out every day. When we came in, no one cared about the relocation of more than a dozen families.

When Zhao Hai entered the 20th day of Bona Star, Revell and his family immediately started moving. Xinnuo and the others all followed, but Zhao Hai did not go. He wanted to stay in Bona Star here for a while.

From Bona Star to May Star, if you use a spaceship to fly, it will take about ten days at the fastest. This is already very close, and Zhao Hai still wants to see it. When a month has passed, he Still alive, how would the people here on Bona Star react? So when he entered the twentieth day of Bona Sex, Xinnuo and the others left Bona Star, although Revell and his house were still there. It has not been sold, but two houses have been sold. Although the price is a little lower than the market price, it is not too low.

Moreover, such a transaction does not require the presence of Revell and the others, so they do not have to worry about the house, so they leave without any scruples, and Zhao Hai stayed here alone on Bona Star, and he still Wandering around in Bona Star, he was also waiting. He wanted to see how the people here in Bona Star would react to the fact that he was still alive.

A few days later, Zhao Hai has also been doing research. He wants to know where the big forces are in Bona Star, and who is the real person who controls Bona Star. He must understand these things clearly. Only after clarifying all these things, he knew who his enemy was. At the same time, he also wanted to know the origin and strength of the person who controlled Bona Star.

Only when you know yourself and your enemy can you win every battle. Zhao Hai must know who the enemy he may face is so that he can deal with them better. If he doesn't even understand that he is afraid of the enemy, then he will suffer a loss in the future. Yes, Zhao Hai would not do such a thing.

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