Chapter 14440 Understanding

After these days of understanding, he already knows some basic conditions here in Bona Star. Here in Bona Star, there are now a total of eight and twelve companies, controlled by the Thirty-Six Gang. The first super place is here in Bona Star. The super family is also the family of Arkhan, the powerful king of Bona Star. The Arkhan family’s real name is the Amir family. Arkhan Amir is the number one master of Bona Star and one of the most famous masters in the entire empire. First, their emperor was a commoner, but because his talent was very good, he was vigorously cultivated by the empire, and finally became a master and established his own family. Because Arkhan was powerful, so The Amir family is the first family of Bona Star and can be regarded as the super family of Bona Star.

The top eight are the eight major aristocratic families. These eight major aristocratic families all have experts in charge, and they have been developing here on Bona Star for many years. They are family friends with the Arkhan family, and they are married to the Arkhan family. They are also very powerful. It can be said that their nine major families control all aspects of Bona Star.

As for the twelve companies, these twelve companies are not local companies on Bona Star, but giant business giants whose business is spread throughout the entire empire. These business giants are also very powerful, no matter which planet they are on. Anyone who does business will be welcomed by that planet. Their business also covers all aspects of people's lives. The shopping mall that Zhao Hai and the others went to before was opened by one of the twelve major companies. These twelve major companies , there is competition and cooperation, and every time they go to a planet to do business, they will cooperate with the local forces of the planet, giving up part of their company shares on the planet, and turning the major forces of the planet into their own All partners, through this method, have extended their tentacles to this planet, so their business is very large, and people on all planets welcome them to do business. These twelve major companies are The influence of the empire is even greater than that of the Amir family. It is a being that no one in the entire empire wants to provoke.

As for the Thirty-Six Gang, they actually can’t be put on the table. Some people say that they are the black gloves of major families and major companies. They usually only operate below the 50th floor. There are no activities above the 50th floor. Their position, but sometimes, if the major families want to do some dirty work, they will leave the dirty work to them.

After learning about these situations, Zhao Hai was basically sure that if someone really took a fancy to his house, then the people who finally took action might be the Thirty-Six Gang, because the people here in Bona Star , if they don't want to break the rules here on Bona Star, they can't do anything to Zhao Hai openly, they can only deal with Zhao Hai secretly, and then the people who take action must be people from these gangs.

As long as these gangs take action, no matter whether they can succeed or not, all the major families will find excuses to deal with Zhao Hai, so Zhao Hai can be sure that if someone really comes to trouble him, it must be thirty Six gangs of people.

Zhao Hai thought for a while, and then he decided to open the curse circle in this house directly, and also impose some more, so that anyone who dares to approach the house will be cursed. He really wanted to see , what are those guys going to do.

Zhao Hai is now fully prepared. He wants to see what these people are going to do. If these people don't do anything to him, then that's it. If these people dare to do something to him, then he will definitely let these people do it. Regretful, he has the means to kill people.

Zhao Hai has been keeping in touch with Xin Nuo and the others these days. He also knows that Xin Nuo and the others are still going to May Star. The environment there is actually not that good, and the land output there is not that good. Not high, and one of the main reasons why Xinnuo chose to settle there is because the environment there is not very good. If the environment there is very good and enough food is produced, then it will become a The planets that are of concern to those big consortiums have no chance of buying properties there. It is precisely because the output there is very low that those big consortiums look down upon them, because if you want to have a planet there, To get a good harvest, you have to invest a lot of energy, but the output is very small. Although you will not lose money, you can't make much money. It can be said that you can only earn hard-earned money there, and you can't make much money. It is precisely because of this that those big companies will not pay attention to it at all. This is also a settlement that Xinnuo selected after a long period of examination. Over the years, Xinnuo has seen too much darkness outside. , of course he wanted to find a safe place for his family, so he chose May Star.

Zhao Hai knew that after Xinnuo and the others arrived at May Star, they still had to settle down and make some preliminary preparations, so it was impossible for them to come back in a short time, so Zhao Hai arranged this. Time, if this matter can be dealt with before they come back, that would be great. If not, then it must be done as much as possible so as not to inconvenience Xinnuo and the others.

As for Xinnuo and the others, what should they do if they don't come back? That would be even simpler. Zhao Hai has been on the new Hound Dog, and the Hound Dog will naturally have his coordinates. He can go to the Hound Dog at any time. If Xinnuo and the others really betray him, he There must be a way to deal with Xin Nuo and the others. Of course, Zhao Hai may not take action against them because there is no need. He just paid some money to settle the cause and effect between him and Xin Nuo. Zhao Hai is still very willing.

Some people may think that you are adding too much drama to yourself. You just bought a house at a low price. So far, no one has done anything to you. Are those big families still short of a house? You are here ready to fight and kill. You have even thought about your companion's escape route. Are you not adding drama to yourself? Has anyone made a move against you so far?

In fact, Zhao Hai has gone through too many things. He already has some understanding of human nature. He is very clear that human nature is greedy and cannot stand the test. How much did he buy this yard? Fifty thousand yuan, what is the real value of this yard? At least tens of millions, which is more valuable than the spaceship Xinnuo bought. How big is the price difference? Those big families can get tens of millions for nothing by using some tricks. Do you think they would do such a thing? Who do you think the laws and crimes suitable for committing crimes here in Bona Star are formulated for? To ordinary people? How is that possible? You are a common man. Even if you are making trouble, how much noise can you make? As I said, those laws are made by others. When people say you are guilty, then you are guilty. If it doesn’t work, you can be found guilty by changing the law. So those laws are not made for you at all, but It is set for those big forces so that they can make better use of those laws to take advantage of others. Don't think so well of others. Otherwise, you will always suffer the loss. If nothing else, even if it is the Blood Killing Sect. In that case, they have already achieved that level of respect for their disciples, wouldn’t there have been disciples who betrayed them before? How do you still dare to believe that others will not deal with you for their own benefit?

In this way, a month passed in the blink of an eye. Zhao Hai was also learning about the situation of Xinnuo and the others. Xinnuo and the others were arranging things on the farm. There were many things there. Xinnuo and the others had to stay there for a while. Time, all the things there were dealt with before they could return to Bona Star. They also told Zhao Hai about this situation. Zhao Hai had no objection to this, but just reassured them that now Bona Star It is still very safe here, and nothing happened. Let them stay at May Star with peace of mind. This actually leaves him a way out, in case what happens here in Bo Naixing is really irreversible. To the extent that he could teleport directly to the new Hound to ensure his own safety, so he let Xinnuo and the others stay at May Star with peace of mind. As for the matters here on Bona Star, he could solve them by himself. of.

Zhao Hai has been staying in the house these days and rarely goes out. He just wants to see if anyone is really interested in this house. If no one is interested in this house, then Of course it is the best. If there is, then he will take care of the other party. So Zhao Hai has been waiting here in the house these days, just to see if anyone comes.

What Zhao Hai didn't know was that just after a month had passed, someone was paying attention to the situation of the house. The first person to pay attention was the real estate agent who sold the house to Zhao Hai. He originally sold the house to Zhao Hai. After the house was sold to Zhao Hai, he had been paying attention to Zhao Hai's situation. Zhao Hai actually didn't know that the real estate agent had a backdoor to the central computer in the yard. Although this backdoor did not allow him to do anything, it could It allows him to have certain rights to check the situation in the house. At least he will know if there are any living people in the house. That person just wants to see if Zhao Hai died in the house. If Zhao Hai If he dies in the house, then the house will be taken back by Bona Star, and then re-sold, and he can earn another intermediary fee. Of course, it is estimated that no one who knows the situation of this house will. He really may not be able to make money by buying this house, but no matter what, he wants to know if Zhao Hai is dead. If Zhao Hai is dead, it is normal. If Zhao Hai is alive, then It's abnormal and something that needs his attention. Because Zhao Hai is alive, it means that the curse of this house has been broken. Then this house will be valuable. Don't say 50,000 yuan by then. Even a thousand times of fifty thousand yuan may not be able to stop it.

The man checked the central computer of the house and found that Zhao Hai was still alive. There were biological characteristics in the house and he was still alive and well. This surprised the man. Then he immediately knew that this matter was interesting. Now, the curse of that house has disappeared. You must know that no one who bought that house before, or even entered that house, can live for more than a month, and now Zhao Hai has lived in it for a whole month. But nothing happened. Isn't this enough to prove that the house is safe? When he thought of this, the man immediately jumped up. He was thinking about how to maximize the benefits of this matter.

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