"Old woman, you are drooling." Ace laughed and mocked Dadan and the others.


Ryan's hand fell on Ace's little head the next moment.

"What's wrong?" Ace covered his head and looked at Ryan. He felt wronged. Why did he hit me so soon after meeting!

"Speak properly, old woman, who taught you to call me sister or auntie!"

Ryan's words made Dadan happy. Ace, this little kid, has been calling her an old woman since she was a child. No matter what he said, she would not listen, but he was reluctant to hit her.

Now, Ryan, as his brother, came to educate him. How could Dadan not be happy? Especially Ryan's words of calling her sister almost made Dadan mistakenly think that her appearance had returned to the peak.

Looking at Ryan's unquestionable look, Ace called out very reluctantly: "Ah...Auntie."

Comfortable, this is the most real feeling of Dadan at this time.

Dadan and his subordinates saw Ace reluctantly calling her auntie, and they all laughed while holding their stomachs.

Ace's face turned red, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Although he was laughed at by everyone, this was the first time that Ace felt cared for and disciplined by his family, and he felt great!

"Let's start, the party!"

As Ryan's voice fell, everyone started to get busy, and Kuina's little face looked very excited.

Have a party! I've always heard people say it, and now it's really happening to her.

After a busy time, the sumptuous food was served on the table.

There are fine wines, delicious food, and companions, and there is no party anywhere.

Ace was also very happy today. He was only seven years old and patted his chest and said he wanted to drink, but he was taught a lesson by Ryan again.

"Brother Ryan, what is your adventure on the sea like?"

After getting familiar with each other, Ace also asked the question he wanted to ask most.

Ace had long dreamed of the adventure of pirates. His and Sabo's dream was to have their own boat and go out to sea for adventure.

"Adventure at sea!"

Ryan's thoughts were aroused by Ace.

He began to recall the places he had been to, the people he had met, and the things he had experienced along the way.

From the first slave ship he encountered at sea, to the rescue of slaves, it was here that Ryan truly realized the darkness of the world.

Lori boarded the ship.

Then he went to the Gothic Kingdom and learned about the existence of the Slave Association through interrogation.

So there was the massacre at the South Sea Navy Branch that night, which made Ryan know that there were also termites in the navy.

And this kind of termite with power and status in the skin of justice may be more hateful than those pirates and criminals.

Kidd and Killer boarded the ship.

In the duel with Hawkeye, Ryan realized his own path to the sword.

In Alabasta, Ryan met legendary figures such as Garp, Aokiji, and Beetus, and also discovered the abnormality of Alabasta there.

In the swordsman's carnival, Ryan took the supreme sword "Night", which made Ryan understand that with his own strength and efforts, he could change his fate and history.

Robin and Fujitora boarded the ship.

On the small sky island, in the battle with the Golden Lion, he saw the Golden Lion's determination, which made Ryan know what a real hero is like.

In the process of talking with the Golden Lion, he learned that it was not every big pirate who wanted to be a pirate and wanted to be an ambitious person from the beginning. Many of them were forced by reality.

When he and everyone made a big fuss in Marijoa, Ryan and everyone rescued the slaves enslaved by the Celestial Dragons. He found out the gender of Im and confronted the Five Elders. The experience of Marijoa was the most exciting for Ryan.

After this incident, Ryan had a group of admirers and a group of people who were willing to die for him. At the same time, he also established his own organization.

In the conversation with Tesoro, Ryan felt the powerlessness and unwillingness of the common people when facing the aristocracy. They could only be slaughtered and had no ability or idea to resist.

Tesoro boarded the ship.

In the defeat of the battle with Sengoku in Water City, Ryan truly saw the strength of the top strongmen and strengthened his determination to become stronger. Ryan also met Whitebeard and others.

He also owned a ship that truly belonged to him here, the Wanli Longteng.

In the Happy Country in the Magic Triangle, Ryan learned the truth about Pluto and saw that there was such a pure land in the pirate world.

When he met Brook, he heard the grand concert of the Rumbabu Pirates before their death. Ryan swore that his pirate group would not be as tragic as Brook.

He did not want to and did not dare to experience the loneliness and loneliness of Brook who lived alone for decades after his partner died.

In the Navy Headquarters-Marinford, Ryan saw the strength of Kaido's immortal physique and endedThe life of the enemy.

And saw with his own eyes the disappearance of another Ryan, where Ryan was liberated psychologically and spiritually.

On Angel Island, Ryan met Philme and his three grandchildren, which made Ryan see the joys and sorrows of a family, and understand that a person's strength does not depend entirely on her strength, but more on her heart.

In Ryan's view, Philme is a strong person, dragging his old body to take good care of the two little guys.

On the Island of Gods, Gan.Fro told him the true meaning of God, and he was also taught a good lesson by Gan.Fro. Here, in order to prevent Robin from crying, he chose to fight for the throne of the Pirate.

In Bica, Ryan knew part of the truth of history, which shocked him and made him want to find out the truth.

On the ship on the road to Enni.

When the twins Lab and Brook reunited, Ryan saw how deep the bond between the partners was.

In Rogue Town, Ryan saw the development of the Free Alliance in the East China Sea. He felt a little proud, but he also felt that he was not worthy.

In Cocosia Village, Ryan saw a completely different Aaron and understood that the goodness or badness of people is not fixed, but can be affected by the acquired environment.

In West Rob Village, Ryan saw the deformed worldview in the pirate world from Banchina and Usopp, and he felt deeply helpless for this.

There are also Gaya Island, Rogue Town, Shimotsuki Village, and finally Windmill Village.

These are the scenery on Ryan's road.

Everyone, everything, and every place along the way constantly appear in front of Ryan. Ryan has experienced many things that many people can't imagine in their lifetime.

Among them are the dangers when encountering strong enemies, the unwillingness after defeat, the helplessness when facing reality, the excitement when taking risks, the happiness when playing with partners, the anger when seeing injustice, the joy when fighting with opponents, and the ignorant feelings, but more of them are still confused.

Ace asked me what the adventure on the sea was like? How should I answer, because I don't know myself.

"Brother Ryan?" Ace looked at Ryan who was lost in thought and looked confused and whispered.

"I don't know, I really don't know!"

Ryan covered his head and looked painful. The more he delved into this problem, the more he found that he couldn't figure it out.




"Brother Ryan!"

"Ace's brother!"

These different names all expressed the same meaning.

Seeing Ryan's painful expression, everyone ran to Ryan and looked at him eagerly. They wanted to do something, but they didn't know where to start.

This was the first time Ryan was like this. Although he was sometimes absent-minded and confused before, they had never seen Ryan in this state before, and they were a little at a loss.

At this time, Bailey supported Ryan and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Perhaps in the hearts of Kidd and Killer, their captain is omnipotent and omniscient.

Fujitora sees him as the hope of changing the world, and Tezulo sees him as the ray of light in the darkness.

Ryan has some aura in their hearts.

But in Bailey's heart, Ryan has always been the one who grew up with him, the gay friend who slept in the same bed with him, and the brother he protected with his life.

But Bailey's cry did not work. Ryan is now thinking about why he is so confused and when it started.

The life experience of the past few years passed through Ryan's mind like a movie.

Ryan found that the time when he was most carefree and had the least worries was in the South China Sea, on the small island called Bartila.

Because there were only Jabba, Carter, Rayleigh and Bailey there, and there were not many people he contacted and knew.

At that time, he was the happiest, without any confusion. Every day he thought about how to become stronger and then go out to sea for adventure.

But later he went out to sea, met more and more people, and gathered a group of friends around him. He also experienced a lot of things, understood a lot of truths, and his ties with this world became deeper and deeper, and he also had responsibilities.

This led to some of his own ideas and concepts conflicting with the pirate world when he integrated into the pirate world. His views on many things were incompatible with this world, and as his experience increased, this conflict became greater and greater.

So this is why I am confused!

The first time I fell into confusion was probably when I saw the group of slaves. The worldview of my previous life made me unable to accept such a thing, so I took action, but at that time I chose to escape and only save the people in front of me, and I also recognizedThere is nothing wrong with this behavior.

Later, when the Freedom Alliance was established, I had my own organization. They were willing to die for me, but in fact, everything I said at that time was just to fool them, just to prevent them from making trouble.

At that time, I didn't dare to face their burning eyes, because I knew that I didn't want to change the world at all. Those who liberated all slaves were lies and deceptions. I just wanted to be free and enjoy my life happily.

But as I experienced more and more things later, I became more and more conflicted.

I can't stand this deformed and morbid world, but I don't want to change it and become a hero, because it will be very tiring, and I won't be free.

People are selfish, and I am no exception.

It is very dangerous to change the world. There are the navy, the unfathomable five elders, and the Im on the void throne!

But I have to face myself and solve this problem.

Either I go with the flow and adapt to this world, or let this world adapt to myself!

Ideals and reality, you have to choose one of the two.

Is it to enjoy your life in this deformed world, or to make this world what you want it to be.

Which one should you choose? Ryan fell into deep thought.

Tangled, contradictory, this is the portrayal of Ryan's heart at this time.

"What's wrong?"

At this time, Bailey's voice sounded again, and this time Ryan woke up.

Ryan looked up and saw the concern and anxiety in everyone's eyes.

Ryan found that he had gained a lot along the way. Not only did his own strength increase, but he also saw the world more clearly, and he had a group of partners who cared and loved him.

"I am struggling with a problem, a very important choice." Ryan told them about his current situation.

"Don't rush to make a choice. You can take another look. It will be clear after seeing more. I have also seen the darkness of the world, so I blinded myself." Fujitora said the most cruel words in the most plain tone.

However, as the oldest and most experienced person on the ship, Fujitora's suggestion made Ryan's eyes light up.

Yes, I can see the world more clearly. I have only been to a few places now.

No investigation, no right to speak, this is the wise saying of great people.

Maybe when I see the world more clearly, I will naturally make a choice in my heart.

"Didn't you say that only children make choices? Do you want them all?" Bailey's voice was like a thunder in the dark night, dispelling all the entanglements and contradictions in Ryan's heart.

Yes, as long as you have the ability, why can't ideals and reality coexist? After changing this world, I can still be free and enjoy my life happily.

Sure enough, it is not okay to think silently. There are obstacles to knowledge and understanding. The two sentences of Fujitora and Bailey made me suddenly enlightened. It seems that the principles I taught Bailey before were not in vain!

Thinking of this, Ryan smiled.

Seeing Ryan return to normal and showing his previous smile again, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This person is afraid that he will set a trap for himself and fall into it and can't get out.

Ace patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. In his opinion, Ryan became like this because of his words. Ace, who was still young, felt a little guilty.

In fact, Ace completely misunderstood. Ryan's situation was not caused by his words. His words were just a trigger.

He was a person who kept everything in his heart. Because of his own particularity, he could not share many things with others. He could only think about and comprehend them by himself.

Ryan kept telling himself that he was just a passer-by, so why should he take those things to heart, but in the end he found that he couldn't do it.

In a sense, he was lonely because he had always been incompatible with this world. Just like a piece of ice that fell into the water, it still wanted to maintain its ice nature in the process of melting.

This is just the confusion and contradiction in the heart of a teenager who sticks to his heart.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This chapter is difficult to write. I can only write to this extent due to my limited writing skills. Sorry!

Ryan in the first stage is contradictory. He is not used to the world, but he doesn't want to change it because of selfishness. Although he is selfish, he can't help but take action when he sees injustice. Although he wants to be free, looking back, he is no longer alone.

I don't know if you have noticed that Ryan in my writing is a perfect protagonist.A righteous man, no matter where he is, he will try his best to do things well and not leave a mess.

Because he wants to pursue perfection in everything, he will be entangled.

This is why, although the protagonist is a growth-oriented person, I set him to be basically invincible at the beginning, because only when there is no pressure to survive will people have wild thoughts, hahahaha.

Finally, there is only one chapter today!

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