Despite Ryan's disturbance, the banquet still had to go on.

Ryan, who had recovered, also told Ace about their adventures on the sea, which made Ace excited and he wanted to go out to sea right now to adventure.

Dadan and his subordinates were like listening to a book of heaven. They looked not much older than Ace, but this experience was indeed a bit scary.

"Is Ace's brother so powerful? Have you seen it in the newspaper?" Dadan asked her subordinates in a low voice, because she never read newspapers or paid attention to the news.

She didn't believe Ryan's experience just now, thinking that Ryan was bragging. After all, it was normal to talk exaggeratedly when you were out there these days.

"I don't read newspapers either, boss!" The subordinates looked bitter. They were bandits. Who would read newspapers for serious bandits?

"Go down the mountain to investigate tomorrow when you have time!"

In Dadan's opinion, Ace's brother was a good person. He couldn't develop the habit of bragging, which would easily get him chopped off outside.

Kidd, who was standing by, heard the whispers of Dadan and others, so he said indignantly: "We have fought with Admiral Sengoku and Navy hero Garp!"

"And Whitebeard." Kira added.

"Old man?"

"Vice Admiral Ka Kap!"

Ace and Dadan were surprised to hear the familiar name, especially Dadan.

She was not unfamiliar with Garp at all. No one in Windmill Village did not know about Garp's deeds. He had chased Pirate King Roger and killed Rocks.

And she had a close relationship with Garp. When she was young and was a bandit, she was once caught by Garp who returned to Windmill Village to visit his relatives.

But for some reason, Garp finally let her go and used her identity as a bounty criminal as a handle in his hand.

At that time, Dadan thought that Garp was coveting her beauty, and letting her go was just to play hard to get. In the end, Dadan was unwilling to be played by Garp. Because she was worried that she would be arrested by Garp again, Dadan followed his subordinates and lived in Mount Gorpo.

It was not until Garp brought Ace here that Dadan's previous peaceful life was broken. This time, Garp did not treat her gently as before, but beat Dadan until Dadan agreed to raise Ace before leaving.

After Garp left, Dadan came to the mirror, touched her fat belly, looked at her beautiful face that had long disappeared, and shed tears of unwillingness.

In his opinion, Garp was just coveting her beauty, not her as a person.

From then on, she was also afraid of being beaten by Garp, and every time Garp came to see Ace, he would beat her.

The above are all Dadan's inner monologues.

Seeing the other party's shocked expression, Kidd raised his head proudly, showing off like a victorious rooster.

In his opinion, the adventures of himself and others cannot be questioned by others.

"By the way, this is your father's friend Koshiro." Ryan introduced.

Because Koshiro has been smiling and not talking, his presence is a bit low, which caused Ryan to forget that Koshiro came to see Ace.

"His friend?"

Ace was shocked at first, and then his face soon sank and he said lightly: "Oh, I know."

But who on the scene has better experience and experience than Ace? Such a poor demonstration can't fool the people on the scene at all.

Ryan smiled and said: "Ace, before you hate someone, you need to understand him first."

"Ask yourself, do you really understand your father?"

"Isn't he the devil in people's mouths?" Ace said subconsciously.

"People, do they know your father? You know, I am also a devil in people's mouths."

"Then do you think I am also a devil?"

Faced with Ryan's soul-searching questioning, Ace didn't know how to refute. He had heard the impression of his father Roger from childhood to adulthood from others.

Just like Ryan said, he is actually the devil in people's mouth, but Ace can't say that the brother who came from afar to see him is a devil, which forms a paradox.

"In fact, you can try to understand your father." Ryan advised.

Ace remained silent.

"Koshiro, you can tell Ace the story of you and Roger!" Ryan winked at Koshiro after he finished speaking. Koshiro also understood immediately.

He could also see that Ace seemed to have some misunderstandings and resentment towards Roger.

Koshiro showed a look of reminiscence, and a magnetic voice sounded. Slowly told Ace the story of his and Roger in the past.

In Koshiro's story, Roger was a very broad-minded person. After he failed in the challenge, Roger did not kill him, but encouraged him to continue next time..

In his description, Roger is a man who values ​​his partner very much and is willing to go against a country for his partner. In his description, Roger is not a devil, but a great hero on the sea.

Ace has been listening silently without saying a word. The Roger in Koshiro's mouth is completely different from the Roger he knows. He needs to digest it.

And Dadan also woke up from her surprise, but it was just shock. She didn't have any other thoughts.

Maybe Dadan was still interested in Ace's life experience at the beginning, but with these years of getting along, she has long been uninterested in Ace's life experience.

It doesn't matter what Ace's identity is to her, because she has no children and has long regarded Ace as her own child.

And Ryan didn't continue to persuade Ace, because seven years of hatred cannot be eliminated with a few words. For a stubborn child like Ace, it is necessary to use a relatively gentle way to enlighten him.

Let him figure it out, so Ryan is not in a hurry. He will stay here for a while, not only to complete the task, but also to educate Ace. If he is still the way Ryan remembers him, he will die in the sea sooner or later.

After the banquet, everyone prepared to go back to rest, and there were limited rooms here in Dadan, so Ryan and everyone lived on the Wanli Longteng.

Ace also went to bed with a happy mood. He decided to share the good news from his brother Ryan with his only good friend Sabo.

Just when Ryan and others fell asleep, Garp, standing on the deck of the warship, was looking at the direction of the East China Sea in a trance, thinking: "Will Ace, that kid, be harmed by Ryan!"

Another man named Monkey.D came to Shimotsuki Village with his men, but when he arrived at Isshin Dojo, he found that his friend Koshiro was not at home.

After asking, he found out that it was the bloody swordsman-Ryan who came here. After a competition with Koshiro, he took Koshiro and his daughter to Windmill Village.

When he learned that the winner was Ryan, Dragon was slightly surprised. He knew the strength of Koshiro. Although his friend was not well-known, his strength was quite strong.

"Windmill Village!"

The sea breeze blew up Dragon's hood, and he thought of his arrogant son Monkey D. Luffy who had been neglected since birth.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I suddenly thought of a question. Do you think the Warring States will be entangled with the domineering color? Everyone, tell me your opinion, and I'll see if I want to add it.

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