"It's almost time for Goya Elementary School to enroll students!" Ryan asked.

"The day after tomorrow, I really don't know how many people there will be this time!" Tiger said excitedly. As the principal this year, he seemed to have found the meaning of his life.

He really liked the feeling of conveying his thoughts to others.

Because he saw here the vision that countless ancestors of Fishman Island expected, the world where the fishmen and mermaids lived happily in the sun, lived in peace with humans, without discrimination and harm.

That was also the greatest ideal of him and Princess Otohime. He saw hope in these children, not the kind of hope that could not be seen or touched before, but the hope that could be touched with his own hands. Those children were poured with his hard work.

One of the most difficult things in the world is to put your own thoughts into other people's minds! Tiger did it.

"Yes, there should be more people today!" Ryan said firmly.

To be honest, there is not much soil for revolution in the world. Civilians have been accustomed to accepting the fate and dare not resist the exploitation from the nobles. These ideas are deeply rooted and formed by the 800-year rule of the Celestial Dragon Dynasty.

Just like the navy, they have great power but have never thought of trying to change anything, because their thoughts have long been imprisoned.

Garp is a model of disobedience and independence in the navy. Even Garp has never shown any resistance or resistance to the World Government.

Maybe Garp has this idea in his heart, so he did not stop Dragon from engaging in the cause of the Revolutionary Army.

The navy is like this, let alone the civilians. Whether it is Alabasta or Dressrosa, these countries will have civil unrest and wars, but they have never thought of rebelling against the World Government. They blame the source of everything on the rulers of the kingdom. But they have never thought about whether there is a problem with the World Government.

What the Revolutionary Army does is to cause civil unrest in those countries that are not members of the World Government, overthrow the regime, and select new people in power to govern the country, but the fundamental reason has not changed.

They only target those people who are not well fed, those people at the lowest level of society, to make them want to resist. What impressed Ryan deeply was that there was a cadre of the Revolutionary Army, Belo Betty, who was a superhuman inspiration fruit ability user.

She can awaken the power hidden in people's hearts by waving flags and shouting. It can make people who are oppressed but have no courage to resist muster the courage to resist, and even make the inspired people have a constant flow of power.

At that time, those people did not have the courage to resist, but Belo Betty used the power of the inspiration fruit to inspire the power in their hearts, so that they took up arms to fight.

But the fruit ability is only temporary, what about later? Most of those people will still be like before, muddling along, as long as their lives are not involved, they will not resist.

It is true that the Revolutionary Army did some of that work, but in Ryan's view, it was too superficial, and the effect was only temporary, treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

If the Revolutionary Army is peeling the skin of the World Government, then what the Freedom Alliance is doing in the South China Sea is digging the roots of the World Government. When everyone has been learning and accepting the ideas of democracy, freedom, equality, and justice since childhood, they are natural protesters.

And when the whole world is like the Kingdom of Goa, the world will change completely!

Just like if slavery appeared in the 21st century, it would be suppressed and eliminated by countries all over the world.

If democratic ideas appeared in a society with a slave system, the result would be the same. They would become heretics and be eliminated.

This is the reality. When you are incompatible with the world, the world will think that you are the wrong person, even if you are right!

The development of society is constantly progressing, but it needs blood and pain to be watered, and it takes time to advance and get used to it.

The current pirate world has obviously not reached that level, but there are some budding ideas, although they are still very weak, but there are always some.

What Ryan does is to accelerate this process and make it quickly approach the world of his ideal.

When most people in this world accept Ryan's ideas, the world will be completely changed.

Ryan is looking forward to that day!

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