Although other places cannot promote their own ideas as blatantly as the Kingdom of Goa, they are also practicing in another way.

The current Freedom Alliance has become a red thought disseminator in the guise of liberating slaves, but liberating slaves is also a part of it. Ryan did not discard it, but just added other things.

At this time, Ryan suddenly thought of the historical text he saw in Bica: "The revolution failed, and the glory of communism will not illuminate the world after all! Although we are all losers, the fire of freedom will not die!"

"Isn't what I am doing now promoting communism in the pirate world?"

"The fire of freedom will not die, does it mean me?" Ryan fell into deep thought, but soon he figured it out. That should be the expectation of the predecessors for future generations.

As for the communism 800 years ago that he couldn't figure out, Ryan didn't bother about it, because he had thought about it countless times and still had no answer.

Maybe he will know all this when he reaches the final island-Raftel, where the secret that disappeared for 100 years 800 years ago is hidden.

"Jinbei, do you want to take a few people with you?" Ryan asked. It was useless to think too much at the moment, so he should solve the problem of the North Sea first.

"I want to take Xiao Ba and Kroobi with me." Jinbei replied.

"There is a man named Ajin in Rogue Town. You can take him with you and teach him how to be domineering. He will be helpful to you in the North Sea!"

"Ajin? Okay!" Jinbei did not question Ryan's words.

Ryan nodded with satisfaction. Ajin's strength is very good now, and he can abuse Sanji. His talent is unquestionable. He is indeed a person worth cultivating. In addition, the North Sea is a very chaotic place with various forces intertwined.

If you are not ruthless enough, it is difficult to gain a foothold in that place, and Ajin is ruthless and cruel incomparable to ordinary people. Sometimes Jinbei's methods are still too gentle, a bit like Tiger.

After the explanation, Ryan and Shanks left the base. The day after tomorrow, he will go to Goa Elementary School to test the results of this year. And Jinbei is about to set off for the North Sea to start his journey of standing alone.

"Ryan, you have really changed a lot!" Shanks couldn't help but sigh again as he looked at Ryan's still young face.

Just now, Ryan was pointing out the Jiangshan at the base of the Free Alliance. He was really imposing, not because of his strength, but because of the natural power that he had developed as a superior for a long time.

"People always have to grow up!" Ryan smiled and said, "My strength is also stronger than three years ago!"

Ryan looked at Shanks, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit. Three years ago, he was repeatedly ravaged by Shanks, and now that he is stronger, he wants to get back at him.

Looking at Ryan who showed his fighting spirit to him, Shanks thought of the promise made three years ago.

"Don't lose to others before I defeat you, otherwise I will lose face. Wait for me to defeat you in the New World." Shanks vaguely remembered the confidence on Ryan's face at that time.

At that time, Ryan was only nine years old, and now Ryan is 13 years old. His height of 1.88 meters is no different from many adults.

"Is this to fulfill the promise?" Shanks laughed.

"No, this is just me personally. As for the promise, when we get to the New World, I will defeat you with my partners!" Ryan said seriously.

Ryan is different now. He has a group of trustworthy partners around him, and the duel between pirates, of course, depends on the strength of the two pirate groups.

Except for Fujitora who can fight Ben Beckman, Bailey and Enel are not opponents of Jesus Bu and others, and Kidd and Killer are even more weak.

Ryan doesn't think that the current strength of the Blood Sword Pirates can beat the Red Hair Pirates, so this time it's just a duel between him and Shanks.

"Okay, let's go to the place where you fought last time!" Shanks agreed immediately. He also wanted to see how strong Ryan, who now has the title of Bloody Swordsman, is.

"I hope Ryan can give me a little surprise!" Shanks didn't know that what was waiting for him next was not a surprise, but a shock!

Ryan didn't try Shanks at all, and went all out directly. Originally, Shanks lost his left hand in the East China Sea, and defeated many competitors in the New World to become the top Four Emperors in a few years.

Maybe Shanks now has the strength of the Four Emperors. After all, Shanks lost his left hand. He is a swordsman who holds a sword with his left hand. If he changes to his unaccustomed right hand, he can still become a Four Emperor in a few years. It is really hard to judge Shanks' current strength, but he is very strong!

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